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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Just like rules, standards are made to be broken. ;) I've only heard of one browser that claimed to be even close to W3C compliant, but I can't remember what it was for the life of me... [quote author=ober link=topic=110909.msg449235#msg449235 date=1160400369] HAHA... I love how Opera is the only one that can render that even close to correct.  :) [/quote] Rub it in, rub it in... :P
  2. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=109478.msg449094#msg449094 date=1160372450] Yeah you can, well Gnome can at least run KDE's applications, I don't know about xfce. [/quote] Right, that's why I said [quote author=neylitalo link=topic=109478.msg449058#msg449058 date=1160357254] ... Technically, I could, but it would be more headaches than its worth, so we'll pretend that it's not possible. [/quote] ;) I don't want to use the KDE libraries, or use any KDE services. It just seems kind of messy, and I'm not sure what the overhead of running a KDE program outside of KDE would be. I prefer to not have a mix-and-match environment, if I can avoid it. However, upon suggestion from a user in #gentoo, I've started to use sylpheed-claws, and it's exactly what I'm looking for. It's completely desktop-manager independent, and has all the features that I love from Thunderbird with none of the quirks. It's also very lightweight and has a multitude of plugins, although nowhere near the amount built for Thunderbird. If anybody's interested in giving it a shot, you can go to www.sylpheed-claws.net, or if you're using Gentoo, emerge sylpheed-claws. I'm sure it's in the Debian/Ubuntu repositories, as well, but can't vouch for it. Side note: They have a Win32 build, so Windows users can give it a try if they're feeling particularly adventurous.
  3. Well, since you're creating your own, you have complete and full control over the groups you create. I would suggest that you not create a fixed number of groups. Instead create a table `groups` and then you can create as many groups as you want to. And the specific groups you create will depend on the needs of your system - not everybody's needs are the same.
  4. Being the fickle guy I am, I decided I didn't want to put up with the long KDE compile times and switched to xfce4, a desktop manager that's lightweight, powerful, and actually looks really good. However, one of the nasty side-effects is that I can't run Kmail without KDE. Technically, I could, but it would be more headaches than its worth, so we'll pretend that it's not possible. So, in the interim, I'm using Thunderbird, but as I said before, it's a bit heavy and it has one particular quirk that's really detrimental - it doesn't show you that you have new mail in folders outside of the inbox until you navigate to that folder. I really like Thunderbird, but it's that one "feature" that I really can't live with. Hopefully it's fixed in 2.0, but for now, I need a replacement. Now, what I'm looking for is as follows: An email client that supports IMAP and cached (disconnected) IMAP, SSL and TLS, and preferably has an address book built into it. If you've got a favorite email client that you'd like to share, please do - I'm starting to get really fed up with Thunderbird.
  5. No, it's not illegal... there are already several pages out there dedicated to just this purpose. www.stopie.com is one of the big ones, and there are many more.
  6. It took me a solid amount of time to figure out what you were asking - when you ask a question, you generally use a question mark. It'll make it that much easier on the readers and they'll be considerably less upset if they got to read a well-worded question. :) As to how to include that sort of functionality, I suggest you create classes, and if a class is requested in the script, include the class's file. So, for example, your file class: file.php [code] <?php class file {     public function __construct()     {     } } ?>[/code] To use that class, you would then call [code]require_once("file.php";)[/code] and then you could use any of the functions embedded in that class. For automatic inclusion of a class's PHP file, you may want to check out PHP's magic function __autoload.
  7. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=110606.msg447772#msg447772 date=1160112687] [quote author=redbullmarky link=topic=110606.msg447441#msg447441 date=1160075623] daniel, scripting languages do not work the same way as compiled programming languages [/quote] Depends on how you run it. If you run it using a webserver, then it don't, but if you run it from command-line it will work sort of the same way. [/quote] Huh. Is that how it works?
  8. [quote author=redbullmarky link=topic=107919.msg447522#msg447522 date=1160081618] i think it was mentioned before but it's always funny to see people say "yeah, i have several hundred friends...". really? and remind me again, how many tens of thousands of miles away do they live and how many times you've met them? ;D [/quote] Exactly. :D And how many of them [b]don't[/b] have you as a friend just so their friend count is one greater? I'd be willing to bet that 80% of the "friendships" on myspace are just to boost the friend count.
  9. If that doesn't spark a controversy, I don't know what will... let's leave that one in the personal category. And if you're interested in developing something for physics or biometrics, PHP isn't the language for you. You may want to take a look at C or C++, they're much more powerful for that type of thing.
  10. I don't know the brand, but when I get to work, I'll look and get the brand and model. I didn't set it up, but I use it regularly, so I know it works. :)
  11. what specifically are you looking for? We might be able to help more if we know the particular feature(s) that you require.
  12. check to see if your webcams have an ethernet port on them - if so, you can plug them directly into your network and they'll act as a regular network device. The one we have at work has a little httpd server that you can access to see the stream - I'm not sure as to the capabilities of yours, but it might be worth looking into.
  13. It's always good to hear compliments, particularly when someone says we're superior to a paid site. :) Thanks, and I'm also glad to hear that we were able to help you out.
  14. [quote author=oldmanice link=topic=110502.msg447367#msg447367 date=1160071364] Nice Layout [/quote] erm... care to elaborate? Two word posts are really quite useless.
  15. I suggest you don't use infinite loops for anything, just because they're infinite loops. You should be able to easily stream the video feed without any PHP at all. As to exactly how you would do that, you should refer to your webcams' manuals or manufacturers.
  16. I would think you could use Outlook for your time management, and Microsoft Project sounds like it might cover your "project management system". Although, I've never used Project, so I can't vouch for it - I'm only going on the name. :)
  17. I, personally, think that in 10-20 years, the web will be such a different medium than we're used to now, that there will be a completely different definition of "web design" and "website". And remember, someone has to write the software for the ATM, just like someone has to write the software and design the hardware for these new and improved web design tools. I don't believe it will ever get to the point where humans are completely excluded from the world of technology. I have a saying I like to use when someone expects the computer to do something it hasn't been told to do, but it applies here: The computer is only as smart as the dummy sitting at the keyboard. You're always going to need a human to give it the initial button push or write the instructions for it.
  18. [quote author=hackerkts link=topic=110125.msg446551#msg446551 date=1159954872] Oh on guys... I think he trying to mean how other people view his site.. It would be http://YourGlobalIP:PORT/ [/quote] Erm... nope. [quote author=jana link=topic=110125.msg444561#msg444561 date=1159682165] i want view that page in other system over intranet. [/quote] "Intranet" means "local network", while "internet" means the world-wide network we know and love. And then it was specified that the user wanted to use IP addresses of 10.x.x.x, which are reserved for internal use only. [quote author=jana link=topic=110125.msg445002#msg445002 date=1159759572] No, i hav designed in system( and i want to view that in ( how to view that? i hav tried by http://localhost/tst.php in ( [/quote]
  19. neylitalo


    This is a list of some resources you can use for your CSS adventures. www.twinhelix.com - the creators of some really cool CSS (and JS) menus, tooltips, and others. Free to use, except you have to make a donation or place a visible creding link to twinhelix.com somewhere in your page. Highly recommended. Feel free to add your favorite tutorials, tools, or references to this thread. Please include a description of whatever it is, and make sure it's not already in the list.
  20. If you're looking for CSS alternatives for your menus, you can try www.twinhelix.com. They've got some really powerful and visually pleasing menu systems there, and for completely free. The only stipulation for your purpose would be that you have to a) donate, or b)  put a link to them in the footer.
  21. [quote author=fenway link=topic=110489.msg446860#msg446860 date=1159991688] There's no reason that you can't do this with JS and dump the contents into the clipboard... at least for IE. [/quote] I know that Firefox doesn't allow JS to cut/copy/paste anything. I'm not sure if it's a setting that you can disable, or if it's built in, but the fact that most PHP Freaks users do not use IE is reason enough to not bother with it.
  22. Well, I'm a bit disappointed. I followed the link, saw this beautiful website appear, and then I looked at the source. Here I was, hopes up that somebody actually designed something that looked excellent on the first try, and it's a template. That aside, though, I think you should change the darker bars in the navigation to horizontal rather than vertical. The entirety of the rest of the site uses horizontal bars, and it doesn't look very good to have them mixed around.
  23. ah, ok - it all makes sense now.
  24. unfortunately, it's not such an easy task, even if we were to try and implement it. It would require javascript, and I'm not even sure that Javascript supports such an action. However, there is something you can do - if you click the "Quote" button next to somebody's post, it'll copy their post content down to the Quick Reply box, and you can Ctrl + A from within the Quick Reply. Of course, you'll get the BBCode as well, but you can always clean that up.
  25. CV, that's why we pay you the big bucks. :) For those of you who said "That's too much to read", read it. He brings up some excellent points. I really like the idea, but I have a question/comment. If we're going to have the contestants actually include functionality (where functionality implies PHP), then how are we going to put them up as templates for download? I think it should just be the visual/usability aspect of the website, and don't worry about business logic at all. If someone wants to put a bit of purely graphical PHP in, then I guess that would be ok - such as using a for loop to create a list of menus or avoid having to copy-paste lorem ipsum 10 times, or build in a little thing at the bottom saying "This page last modified on such-and-such date", and have it use filemtime to figure it out. But I don't think we should allow database interaction, file manipulation, etc. - try to keep it as portable as possible, you know? But keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion on this - I won't shun the people who disagree with me. ;) However, I like the idea of picking a theme and saying "go to work."
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