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Everything posted by gizmola

  1. I would expect that there is more information in your error logs, particularly your php error log.
  2. In practicality, the only way the host name is going to contain "localhost" is if you are running the browser you are testing with, on the same machine that apache is running on. This is a common thing that people do with WAMP/XAMP/MAMP etc., or sometimes as a security feature, where the assumption is that the server will have a working browser, to facilitate setup/installation. In summary, that's not a common RewriteCond, and not appropriate for a production server.
  3. At the risk of stating the obvious, php is a servserside language. It generates HTML. So the answer is probably that it is both a php and an html problem, but if we are to assume that code works fine until you attempt to add to the menu, it's probably more of a design issue, in that the code is either not designed to allow for additional menus, or there is style sheet positioning issues that cause things to go pear shaped when you attempt to add elements that force things beyond the constraints of the positioning. With that said, you have provide no code for anyone to look at, so it's impossible to do anything but guess.
  4. It's nice. I can see this being an excellent educational tool. It took me a bit to figure out that you had to click the + key to add molecules, so some simple help docs would be good. The bottom group of the table seems to have some elements where the mouseover doesn't work. You're onto something really good here. Keep adding to it, and I can see this being a site that could develope a significant amount of traffic over time. Cosmetically, I think a background image would spruce it up. This is a similar site, which might provide you some ideas, although your editor is a wrinkle they do not have, and differentiates your idea. http://www.ptable.com/
  5. Thorpe, Like the site design: simple, elegant, clean. It would be good to work out the cross browser issues. I find myself using Chrome more and more lately, and from what I've seen on some of my sites, it's gotten significant buyin in the developer community, which of course is your target market.
  6. I think you misunderstood the manual. "transport" in this case, is meant to be a placeholder for an actual transport method. It is not a parameter in and of itself. If you did want to effect outbound smtp connections then you'd want to set smtp_destination_concurrency_limit. Even if that were not the case, 1000 is far too high of a value, since it is a "per domain" setting. Just to give you an idea, the default for one of these settings is "20", based on the mapping driven via the In the main.cf look for #local_destination_concurrency_limit = 2 #default_destination_concurrency_limit = 20 Uncomment default_destination_concurrency_limit and increase it to something like 40-50 and see how that goes.
  7. Most of the popup blocking rules don't apply to intranets so you can probably go that way. Jquery is a cross browser javascript framework. It is by far the most heavily used framework of its kind, and I can't advise strongly enough that you will benefit from learning it and employing it in your project -- intranet or not. At the end of the day, having multiple browser windows open is problematic and just not the general trend. This is why all the browsers implemented tabbed browsing. If what you are after is this: Main Results Table -> search dialog to refine results -> intermediary result to choose refinement criteria -> Update Main results That requires coordination and passing of results, as well as inter window communication. Having 1 or 2 popups is bound to confuse someone as those windows stay open and can get backgrounded or hidden behind another window very easily.
  8. In general, popups and popupblockers have made this type of approach difficult for developers who are not in a controlled environment (ie. an intranet). The alternative is to use javascript and simulate modal dialogs which can be done very easily using jquery and related code. Google jquery dialog and look at articles like this one: http://www.jquery4u.com/windows/14-jquery-modal-dialog-boxes/
  9. Can you please please give the source code. i know very little about php. or can you give the souce to find that code... Thanks in advance... Sorry, but that is not what we do here. We help people who are trying to code with specific problems that they have, or advice on better approaches. We are not a free coding service.
  10. Growing up in Pennsylvania, neither Rolling Rock or Yuengling are particularly appealing to me. I vary from Asahi Super dry, to Guiness Stout, to Sam Adams Lager, to Fat Tire. I have lived in PA my entire life. Yuengling seems to be very popular where I'm at in PA (south east). Sam Adams is another popular one around here. Particularly the Octoberfest (my personal favorite). I'm not saying that they are not popular. They are popular beers, and relatively cheap in PA. I just found it amusing when I was in other places and people were buying those beers as their first preference. When I was growing up people bought em because they were cheap but ok. When they started to garner a "beer connoisseur" following that I found it amusing.
  11. Seems fairly clear to me, that you simply need to pass one parameter: http://torrentz.0fees.net/index.php?api=1&return_url_text=1&longUrl= What you get in response is their shortened url in the body of an html document. You could use fopen() or the curl extension to do this in a script and get the response.
  12. Growing up in Pennsylvania, neither Rolling Rock or Yuengling are particularly appealing to me. I vary from Asahi Super dry, to Guiness Stout, to Sam Adams Lager, to Fat Tire.
  13. Those are features of the "profiling" mode of XDebug. I think I did a fairly decent job covering the profiler in this article: http://www.flingbits.com/tutorial/view/xdebug-for-developing-debugging-and-profiling-php In summary you need a cachegrind application to interpret and display the profiling data. Webgrind is one option (a web application) but I found that to be slow and lowest common denominator when compared to a lot of the client applications. There's a pretty good discussion of some of the mac port options for getting the better *nix based apps running on the Mac: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4473185/do-you-have-kcachegrind-like-profiling-tools-for-mac
  14. While I agree with thorpe, that "Cloud" is simply "internet based remote resources" there has been a paradigm shift. Lead by Amazon, there are a number of companies who are offering programatic access to on-demand computing resources. Increasingly these resources don't have to be virtual computers you have to boot up, but can be computation nodes. For example amazon offers this service: http://aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce/ which lets you use their web interface to launch jobs into a Hadoop cluster they maintain. AWS has a number of services like this, with seemingly more being launched each day. Of course you could also launch your own server cluster in EC2, which is really easy these days now that they have EBS based AMI's, and a feature that lets you create an AMI from an existing instance. You can setup an EC2 server with your software stack, save it to an AMI, and use that AMI to launch any number of cloned servers that already have your stack installed. Without a doubt Amazon is ahead of the pack, but there are "Cloud" offerings from Linode, Joyent, Rackspace and Media Temple, to name a few of the major players I'm familiar with. So in summary, yes you most certainly can develop an application in any language you would like.
  15. A link to the API document would be a lot more helpful.
  16. Bravissimo. Also nice repair work on the borked site.
  17. Databases have rich functionality in most cases that allow you to take date/time functions and do those sorts of conversions. PHP has similar capabilities. So you typically have the option of getting this type of information from the query itself, or to have the serverside code do it. There is also the possibility of having the front end build in javascript, and use ajax calls to get the reservations from the database as you navigate through your ui. In essence each language has functions that allow you to work with dates, and to for example, extract the week/month or year from a date.
  18. Without more context it's hard to provide you an answer. Regex is designed for pattern matching, and the pattern you presented will not match spaces. More than that it will also not match any digits. You could make an allowance for spaces and digits, but in order to use one of the "search + replace" functions, you really need to be matching all your spaces, and I'm guessing the point of the regex is not to try and break things down to the individual character which would be essentially useless. You can do search and replace with specific regex functions, but this involves capturing portions of the match, and telling the regex function what to substitute for those captured sections in a second parameter that is seperate from the regex that does the matching/capturing. Regex is powerful, but not fast, so you shouldn't use regex for problems that can be solved without it. In your example, I'd suggest you use str_replace to change your spaces to dashes.
  19. I'd suggest you start with a database design. The general idea is that you will want to store a reservation. What entities are involved in this reservation? Mostly likely your entites are: -Persons (the people who can reserve the rooms) -The Rooms themselves -A Reservation by a person for a room An individual reservation could be simplifed to look something like this: Assuming your system was able to create records, you'd be able read these out of the database, overlay them on a calender, and display the time that was reserved. Clicking on an empty block would spawn a form that would allow the person making the reservation to add a new reservation record. Without getting into a longer discussion on database design, the typical way to break this apart is to have a table for each of the "entities" described above. So you'd have a user table: user ------- user_id integer firstname varchar lastname varchar room ------------ room_id integer name varchar roomNbr varchar reservation -------------- reservation_id integer user_id integer room_id integer fromDate dateTime toDate dateTime createdDate timestamp Just off the top of my head, fleshing this out in the database of your choice would be the way you would start to attack this problem and would provide a blueprint for the rest of your development.
  20. Candidly, we are really not the best place to ask for VB help. I'm sure there are some VB developers who read these forums, but I think you'll have a lot more luck finding a microsoft centric forum, that covers .NET and similar microsoft technologies.
  21. First of all you do not want a LEFT JOIN. A LEFT JOIN is really shorthand for an "outer" join, where you will get a row for every row in the "LEFT" table. In this case the left table is going to be the table named in the FROM clause. What you actually want is an inner join, which in terms of shorthand, is simply a "JOIN". It's always useful in these problems to break things down into individual queries. Start with how you would get the most recent "dateupdated' for each username? SELECT username, MAX(dateupdated) as dateUpdated FROM USER GROUP BY username So it's clear in this case, that to pull a single row out, you need to match both the username and the MAX(dateupdated) result from the GROUP BY. You can do this by aliasing the query and then joining to it. SELECT id, u.username, status, u.dateupdated FROM USER u JOIN (SELECT username, MAX(dateupdated) as dateupdated FROM USER GROUP BY username) ul ON u.username = ul.username AND u.dateupdated = ul.dateupdated;
  22. A div is by default a block element. There are ways to override that but in this case, using a span instead of a div is the best solution.
  23. Yes, I have to agree. I think it's fine if you're trying to do something more with base sessions, for example adding namespacing as the zend_session does, but caching is highly misleading, because there is arguably no caching going on in your class. If it was clearer what problems you were trying to solve, and what benefit this approach has over the use of basic sessions, I think the article would be a lot more valuable. As it is now, it's hard to provide much positive feedback.
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