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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. echo '<option value="'. $key . '"' ; // Check for stickyness: if ( isset( $_POST['search_option']) && $_POST['search_option'] == $value ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo " >$value</option>\n"; I would assume that $_POST['search_option'] would match $key, not $value.
  2. Before you try to use that variable.
  3. Once again - you haven't said what the problem is. You want to unstyle a border? What does that mean? Remove it? Then you say the border is removed in IE? So what is the problem? My solution: use jQuery. It's cross-browser compliant and much easier to use that this stuff.
  4. That's a lot of code and a little "doesn't work". What is the goal? What is the outcome? What "doesn't work" and how? What have you done so far to debug it?
  5. Stop suppressing errors, see the link in my signature about SQL. The big problem is your last line. $_get is nothing. $_GET is the superglobal array holding the query string keys and values. It has nothing to do with your MySQL stuff. Look at the examples in my link and in the php manual.
  6. When the element with the ID of myform triggers the submit event, capture the event and pass it to this anonymous function defined here.
  7. I can only assume you're not being sarcastic, and say you're welcome :-P (on behalf of PFMaBiSmAd of course)
  8. Did you see this response?
  9. Do you know what explode does?
  10. Regular Expressions.
  11. The "open with" is where the user can select what video player to open it with. You're already there.
  12. It's not possible.
  13. You just change the number in the id parameter, in your URL.
  14. That will only give two total results.
  15. Use code tags dammit. In your other code that doesn't have this stuff you just posted, you have another problem. $result = mysql_query($sql,$dblink); $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); This is basic debugging, and you should be getting undefined variable errors.
  16. Your code doesn't have anything that even attempts to create a radio set.
  17. $sql = 'SELECT $fields FROM $table $CONDITIONS'; if (!$res = mysql_query ($SQL)) { // Query errored out, show error. trigger_error (mysql_error ()."\nQuery: $SQL", E_USER_ERROR); Did you look at the lines? PHP is case sensitive.
  18. You will want to use the having clause with a group by and probably order too, and left join the table to itself.
  19. Oh crap did I get stuck on the American Internet again? How do I get off, I want the New Zealand Internet so I can read it in a sexy kiwi accent.
  20. Especially when that person is a newbie coming in and trying to tell people who've been here for years that we're using our forum wrong. You get paid to put up with shitty annoying questions. We don't. We're going to do whatever the hell we want with our time, and for me, it's tell someone they're being a moron when they can do echo stripslashes($imgrow[blocks])." <br/>"; echo "<div class='blocks'></div>"; But it takes them a full day to figure out how to put the div around the function, and they still do it wrong. Are you seriously telling me that you have a professional career as an educator, and you can't extrapolate that if you can do echo stripslashes($imgrow[blocks])." <br/>"; You can do echo '<div class="blocks">'.stripslashes($imgrow[blocks])."</div>"; Furthermore, you need to turn on error reporting to E_ALL because your current code should produce some warnings. If your plan is to hire someone to finish the project, why not hire them now to do it right from the start? Anyone worth their salt will look at your existing code and scrap it anyway.
  21. Seriously? You know how you put the br after the stripslashes? Why didn't you do the same with the rest of the HTML?
  22. Wrap it In a span, div, p etc with the class of blocks.
  23. Boolean (int 1)
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