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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Did you read the links I posted?
  2. Yeah good luck with that
  3. If you're trying to learn, and we do it for you, what will you learn? If you get stuck we can help but you haven't shown any code yet. And this sounds like homework.
  4. $_POST["subid"] - There is no input in your form with the name subid. There is item. You can make an array of input values by doing name="subid[]" and then access it as $_POST['subid'] (an array)
  5. Did you even attempt to look this up? Further more, if you ran that code, you would see what the difference is. Those are not normal short tags. http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.short-open-tag http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.echo.php
  6. Storing the "picture" or the name as a hash would be pretty useless, since a hash is one way. So...
  7. Are you using Code Igniter? You posted this in the Application Frameworks forum but didn't say what framework you're using. Did you look in the framework's documentation? Also, you should post what you tried, not just post "not triggering the error message". There IS no error message in any of your code. The closest thing is an empty div. "'<div class="error">', '</div>'" is not an error message. Finally, things like echo form_label('', 'Email', 'email_login'); Don't look quite right. Why do you have a blank first param?
  8. Maybe you should put some stuff in your else blocks.
  9. I think OP may be doing many left/inner joins to the same table, to get his final result with column1, column2, column3 type columns.
  10. Moving this to HTML. You need to have text within the two < a > tags, for the visitor to click on. <a href="http://google.com">This is a link to google.</a>
  11. This has nothing to do with "clearing cache". This code only prevents people from posting more than once every 2 seconds. They can still post every 3 seconds if they want. What do you WANT to happen?
  12. If your class hasn't even taught you these basics, you should either demand your money back, or accept the fact that you didn't pay attention in class and go read some basic tutorials. Or ask your teacher/TA for help. We don't do homework here. PHP goes in .php files. If you haven't even started on any php files there's not much we can do for help. If this wasn't a school assignment, anyway.
  13. There's no $row in your latest code.
  14. Post your table structure and sample data, and the query you used.
  15. You shouldn't be selecting 4 million rows to process them with PHP. You would need to create a better query.
  16. I think you missed the point of the rhetorical question.
  17. And you've been doing this how long? There's a difference between code that just barely works, and code that is built correctly from the ground up. When you have professionals giving you advice on how to do things the right way, and you choose to ignore it, you look like a child.
  18. No, no we can't. Are you seeing a theme yet with your questions? Cause I sure am. Read my signature before the next one please.
  19. You may have a problem with your mail server's configuration.
  20. No, it's not. It's not possible to do something that practically every website with any kind of social aspect does. Nope.
  21. If you just want to change it just set it to the new value. No replace.
  22. Use a JOIN. SELECT columns FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.primary_key = table2.foreign_key WHERE table1.column = $val
  23. I'm gonna guess that user now exists MORE than one time. Check your DB. The else you're getting the error from lines up with: $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$getuser'"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($numrows == 1){ If $numrows happens to == 2, you're going to get the same error.
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