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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. 1. You're not going to GIVE the certification, you're going to TAKE or RECEIVE it. 2. You will not pass it the first time. 3. It's useless. A good third of the stuff on the exam is not something you'll ever use in PHP. If you want to get into actually working with PHP, the best way is to do it. As for the blithering moron who says "programmers" don't use frameworks...just... *sigh*. Ignore it. It's best to start out without a framework so you don't become dependent on them, but once you understand how to write PHP, you'll want to get familiar with some of the popular frameworks if you want to get a job. Most companies use one of the big ones. If they're not, you're probably going to have a hard time working with their existing code.
  2. Who is terry, and why is he writing on your stuff? non-visual user agents means screen readers and other applications people with disabilities (and some without) use. Did you go to the link?
  3. It would give you the sum of the current date plus that many seconds.
  4. Not really, no.
  5. You should put a primary key on the tavle.
  6. Barand, see his second screenshot.
  7. ChartDirector http://www.advsofteng.com/
  8. Why are you doing it in all caps when your own print_r shows it clearly in lowercase?
  9. $row is an associative array. If you want to echo docid, you'll echo $row['docid']. etc, etc.
  10. I would either put a little button they can click to report that their city was not found, or create a report you run that selects all users who's zip/city/state doesn't match what you have. Then you can correct or adjust your information over time.
  11. And PHP can easily be used to generate Javascript. You were talking about PHP in the first post. I was simply trying to figure out what you were asking.
  12. That's what I told you in my first post, that array IS the second parameter.
  13. You're trying to make a function that generates that bit of Javascript...in PHP or JS?
  14. Use an array, that's all that is in Javascript, an array: JS: { param1: someVariableValue, param2: 'someHardCodedString' } php: array( 'param1'=>someVariableValue, 'param2'=>'someHardCodedString' ),
  15. I have used one in the past that was simple, had great documentation...and it was a year ago and the name is escaping me. My google-fu failed. I emailed an old colleague to see if they can clue me in
  16. I give up.
  17. You don't even have any rows that have a title with blue in it, let alone also being 11. in price.
  18. STOP SEARCHING WHERE 1!!! If you want help, you have to actually try. You've been asked twice for samples of your data. You're not making any effort to debug this yourself. Do you HAVE any rows that have CDTitle like blue and price like 11.? You keep using code you've been told is wrong.
  19. What is the query that gets generated? What values are in your database?
  20. You have a WHERE without anything after it. Basic syntax. Look. You are either going to do: SELECT fields FROM tbl SELECT fields FROM tbl WHERE field1 = 'value1' SELECT fields FROM tbl WHERE field1 = 'value1' AND field2 = 'value2' (etc, etc) Think about how you can build your SQL statement to handle ALL of these cases.
  21. You need a where clause for your search. You DON'T need the "1 AND" part.
  22. Saying WHERE 1 will always return every row. You need to only add the WHERE part if you have a WHERE clause. Think about it.
  23. Post your updated code. If you're still using "WHERE 1 AND" You'll always get every row.
  24. jQuery UI has a good tabs implementation.
  25. How is it easier? You can't figure out how to do the thing you're trying to do? What is "easy" at the moment will not always be easy. And that's pretty obvious from the fact that it's not easy right now.
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