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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Go change the password for that account now.
  2. You don't NEED to use post. You could use GET even. but Sessions is what you SHOULD use.
  3. You should be assigning the unique value as an ID, not a class. That said, what is the problem?
  4. Why don't you just do the query to select that username from the table, rather than selecting all and processing them? You're making this way harder than it is.
  5. You'll have to either check the current color before changing it, or store the current color in a variable and check that before changing it.
  6. With print? My signature is simply my first and last initial. I've only had someone challenge me on it once, and I showed them that's how it is on my driver's licence, which is what they compare it to for every other document. That person insisted I write my whole name, so I wrote it in print. I can't "SIGN" my name any other way than the way I do now, not if you want to use it to prove *I* signed it. That defeats the purpose. Any decent handwriting expert could compare my signature to someone trying to fake it, and still tell the difference, even though it's not my entire name.
  7. Are you seriously confused about how to do that? What are you stuck on? And how is this different from the last time you asked and were given the answer? http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/269484-turning-field-display-into-hyperlinks/ I seriously don't understand how you can do MySQL queries, write enough PHP to process the data from those queries (which you've done in other posts), yet you are confused about how to echo text and make a hyperlink, when you've already been given the answer?
  8. Your response doesn't make any sense. What columns does your table have? What is your end goal? What should the output LOOK like? Are you saying to want to format the price, or get a specific column?
  9. Yes, sessions.
  10. So you showed us code that isn't actually what you're using, and you expect us to help you fix the problem.
  11. I was going to comment earlier that the way I do it is select every ID into an array, use array_rand or shuffle, then do another query using only those IDs. However I wasn't sure if there was a more elegant approach. If PFM is recommending that approach I feel okay about it too.
  12. And you clearly already know how to do that. Why you would attempt to alter the key string instead of the value in the array is the question. You also overwrote your array. Dan also GAVE you the answer already. What is the problem?
  13. Dan warned you about this already. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/268988-have-any-api-for-pull-out-list-of-tracking-number-in-fedex-website/#entry1382257
  14. In addition to your code being nonsensical, the string 'text_skill_one' already IS lowercase with no spaces. I'm not sure what you expect it to look like, it's already meeting the criteria.
  15. The part that bothers me is when she says she's not allowed to do "stacking" in school. So how is she expected to do the problem? If you look on youtube, you can see a lot of videos about this TERC Investigations thing. Like the math tutor who has a 3rd grader she tutors in another district who did 18 long division problems for homework, and the tutor's own daughter had 3 word problems - addition. The next year's curriculum had no division either. Schools do the same thing with writing. They talk about how kids will somehow pick up grammar, spelling and punctuation, so they don't teach it - it's like if you tried to teach someone OOP programming, how to create an MVC framework, and told them not to worry about basic syntax or spelling functions correctly. *headdesk* I have a friend who is a middle school teacher and she's not allowed to correct the kids' spelling and grammar on their history papers, because they'll get upset and throw tantrums.
  16. It's a way broader problem than that. http://m.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/10/its-not-just-writing-math-needs-a-revolution-too/263545/ Watch the video and try not to scream. This stuff just affirms my decision to homeschool.
  17. Wherever you want the number. You can't just copy and paste that, you need to change your code. Did you read the manual on foreach yet?
  18. There's nothing to do with 6 hours in this code, it says 2 seconds.
  19. I think it was pretty clear what I meant... Of course I've been asked to do programming tests. I've taken programming tests from those staffing agencies, and I've done plenty of interviews which included actual technical questions. As a consultant, I've been given problematic code and asked to fix it, or to outline how I would design an application. But I've never been asked to create an entire application and hand it over, and if I were I'd reject that "opportunity". Giving someone an assignment, sending them off to do it, then accepting the work days or weeks later and not providing adequate feedback is not a test. It's a scam or someone who doesn't know what they're looking for. What you're describing at your current job, I can only assume happened in person, or at least in a structured setting. OP is describing something entirely different. What OP is describing is someone asking my husband to come diagnose their broken air conditioning, fix it with his own parts, use his tools he's paid for himself, and then if they think he did a good job they might hire him a few weeks later to install a new furnace. If he came home and said that was his job interview, you bet I would be sending an invoice to those people. Programming is the same thing, it's just harder to see tangible value because there are no parts that cost money upfront, it's all your time and skill. I could be wrong. My husband did actually once offer to do work for someone and said "pay me what you think it's worth when I'm done." We made a bet, I thought she'd pay him under $50. He got $90 for it. He still came out just barely even. Too often I seen people undervalue their own time, effort, and education, and let other people undervalue them as well. Spending any more than an hour on a "test" for the prospect of maybe getting a job isn't worth it to me, and in the setting the OP is describing, it's letting someone take advantage of you.
  20. I think shitty teachers should be called out on their shittyness. Not because I think the caller-outer js so great, but because a shitty teacher just breeds more shitty programmers. Down with unions!!! Rabble rabble!!
  21. What is a "real company email"?
  22. What, sarcasm is against the rules now?
  23. Is echo safe to use? I think it's kind of mandatory for your script to echo something. echo has no "safe" or "unsafe" quality.
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