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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Is this your actual code? Your second block uses $confirm then you replace it with $message. I'm not asking what your code does because I don't understand, I'm asking because I think *you* don't understand. That's why you get the same email rather than two different emails. If this is your actual code, I don't see why it would go to your email instead of the user, unless you entered your email in the form.
  2. If you paid for code, and not for support, that was money down the drain.
  3. $confirm = wordwrap($message, 70);
  4. What's in $_POST['email']?
  5. Okay, so?
  6. Yes, you are wrong. Kevin explained to you the standard protocol. But there is no kind of "standard script" that you can just plug into your site, and expect it to work. If you want that sort of functionality, a framework might be useful but you need to learn how to write your own code first. You are trying to go too fast and do too much without understanding how it all works. Writing your own code is how a programmer LEARNS.
  7. If you refuse to listen to the advice you've been given, don't be surprised when no one wants to help you anymore.
  8. Read the errors. What are they saying? What data are you expecting in $_POST? Find the disconnect.
  9. Then use the code premiso linked to, It's not that complicated.
  10. You are doing this only one time, right? As premiso said, you shouldn't allow the invalid ones into the DB anymore.
  11. Where you put all the files. Also, see below.
  12. Files should be stored in the filesystem
  13. Good - I didn't even look at the code yet, I just wrote the generic reply. Sorry it wasn't helpful
  14. How's this? At least a starting point hopefully. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=365029.msg1730174#msg1730174
  15. You define $TEMPLATEDIR but then you never use it?
  16. I said I'd write a good reply on this topic for the stickies, so here it is. mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given If you look at the manual for the mysqli_fetch_array function, you will see it expects to recieve a mysqli_result object, just like the error specifies. Instead, you have given it a boolean value. Looking at the code, you can see that you are trying to use the returned value from a mysqli_query call. The manual page for mysqli_query it tells you very clearly what it returns. So, mysqli_query returned false because your query failed. The error you're getting is caused by not checking to see if your query was successful and returned a valid mysqli_result object before trying to use that object. The manual shows examples of how to check for this, but the easiest way for debugging is: $sql = "Your SQL statement here"; $result = mysqli_query($sql) or trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sql - Error: ".mysqli_error(), E_USER_ERROR); This will display the error message along with your entire query. You should put your queries into strings so you can easily echo them for debugging. In the long term, you should come up with more sophisticated error handling but this is a quick fix for debugging. Once you have the error and the SQL statement, you can start to debug your code. Edit: Updated to use trigger_error per premiso's advice, thanks!
  17. If you don't understand basic debugging, I can assure you that your other scripts are not "Really good". If you want to become a good programmer, you need to learn to debug your code. Which includes paying attention when people try to help, and thinking about what you're doing, not just randomly typing things and calling it good when it doesn't blow up.
  18. In the future, you should tell people what framework you're using, so that you can get help faster. We aren't psychics. Moved to Third party.
  19. This topic has been moved to Application Frameworks. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=364997.0
  20. Yes, there is. Either using your code, or a different library. Please, abandon dreamweaver.
  21. It does fix it, I downloaded your files and made that change. You may need to add !important; to it, but that is the fix.
  22. So when I said to echo the query, why did you try to echo the $_POST array?
  23. Spans are inline instead of block, you'd need to either add display:block to your #content, or use a div or p.
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