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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Does depend on how much you want to store. Personally when I think of an application like a quiz, I immediately think of all the functionality you could include and assume you'll want to You could definitely use just a flat file. I'd use something like YAML or XML then.
  2. It's definitely not the most popular
  3. As long as you're ready to learn
  4. The database is where you store your data. PHP is how you access the data (one of many ways). The fact that your php script is within an iframe in HTML is completely irrelevant.
  5. Uhm, how exactly? There's no need to encode the data, simply don't show it to the user. The OP can accomplish this by using arrays in his PHP code, but really he needs to learn to use a database.
  6. Well, time to learn about databases.
  7. Move your styles into a css file instead of doing them inline, and use a tool like Firebug to debug. I don't see anything in there about centering a button.
  8. Plus the query is failing.
  9. You're using "uName" in some spots and "username" in others. Pick one and stick with it.
  10. Try using heredoc syntax, not sure if it works for constants.
  11. One of the other two I listed. Although really, git is worth it. I was really hesitant to start using it at first, the job I was at used all 3 and after a while I would find when I switched back to a project using cvs or svn I was annoyed and just wanted to convert them all to git.
  12. The username is typically "root". We don't know what your username and password is though. But I doubt it's blank.
  13. Your question is...?
  14. Version control. I like git. Other ones are cvs and svn.
  15. Do a select * on the user id. What is returned?
  16. He WAS asking the OP, not you. The OP is claiming that the query is returning results he feels are impossible. The question is how do you know it's returning results? The point being, the problem may be with your code that is making you think it returned something. How about you don't tell other people what to post, and let the moderators deal with it if there's an actual problem. Our rules state this. And since you're so keen on helping the OP, maybe you should re-read the post. Your query is even further from what he wants. You have not provided anything of value to this thread.
  17. I guess I'd also have to add in how long the event lasts, rather than using an end time I think just storing the length is better.
  18. I like it - that never occurred to me but it makes it a lot clearer. I see a similar thing suggested on stack overflow. I think that would work nicely, especially by making the events be able to have more than one entry on the date/Cron table, I can have a lot more flexibility on the rules too.
  19. In javascript you concatenate strings with + If you have the string you want to add the code to, just do "http://"+url+""
  20. That is what you're doing.
  21. What debugging have you done? It's fairly obvious that either the constant is defined with a blank value, or it's not defined. The code appears fine, and it sounds like its working.
  22. And the problem is?
  23. Considering you're still using that approach, then clearly you didn't figure out that its wrong. You should not read the contents of a file then rewrite the file to do something that PHP is entirely designed to do - print a variable inside HTML. Did you bother to google for templating systems? Did you try anything besides the code you've posted, such as using echo? It's as simple as removing your file processing code, changing the HTML to include PHP echo statements, and including the file.
  24. yeah, text is not PDF output.
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