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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I suggest hiring or making really good friends with someone who can do graphic design.
  2. Wow I am so exhausted right now I didn't even see that. Good job :-P
  3. It's probably in a file that's being included then. Are any files included before that section of code?
  4. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/php-coding-help/header-errors-read-here-before-posting-them/
  5. You'll need to work with the twitter API. If you have something but it doesn't work, we can try to debug it. In 3rd party code, not here.
  6. You're not showing us the right code then. There is not a single * in your code.
  7. You'll have to use a regular expression.
  8. I could have. But now you learned a few things. Good job!
  9. The site doesn't prove it. You need to either show working examples of your skill, or get certifications proving your skill. And if you still think cheap has good connotations, go read this: http://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=define%3A+cheap Freelancers charge a lot because either they're worth it, or they've fooled someone into thinking they're worth it. Not to mention, freelancing is expensive to the programmer. You have to pay your own health insurance, taxes aren't included in that price (so it ends up being good to hire an accountant, which costs money up front but if you're making enough $ saves you in the end [mine saved me 7k in taxes in 2010, cost me $950 to hire per year.]), you have to have speedy internet, a cell phone preferably a smartphone. You have to have your own office which for your health and sanity means a good chair and desk, good lighting, not to mention a separate ROOM you have to pay rent on. You usually work crappy hours unless you get a good contract (like I did this year). It's not steady so you have to learn how to save & budget for the dry times. You have to continue your education and fund it yourself. Until you learn how to weed out bad clients and take on the right jobs, you'll get screwed a few times and lose money. If you can't design, you need to find and make contacts with good designers. And from your site - you're not a designer. Being your own boss is more responsibility and stress than fun. When I started freelancing, my first few years I made so little money, and I was charging more than you are. After a few years my skills were enough that I could charge more. MOST of my contracts end up being clean-ups - fixing what "cheap" programmers have done poorly. Being cheap is not a good thing. If you're simply not worth the money yet, don't advertise it.
  10. When I see someone advertise themselves as cheap, I am always reminded you get what you pay for.
  11. Why would he think you want to meet him? Is this kid in 4th grade and has a crush on CV? :-P
  12. I answered your problem you stated. "I tried using sessions to save your code but a user can just open the page several times and it'll create multiple sessions and he can therefore register multiple accounts when only one is meant to be registered or something, I'm kind of confused on this stage." So...my solution to that is what I explained above. Before you let anyone register with a code, check if it's valid. It doesn't matter what's in the session, what matters is what's in your database.
  13. I don't get why you're obsessed with warmth.
  14. Add a column to your invite codes table that is an int (for a timestamp) and called it invite_used. When you register someone, update that invite code with the current timestamp. When you're selecting timestamps that are still valid, you would only select ones with invite_used = 0.
  15. Agreed
  16. If $_POST['id']['other'] = 'val1'; is setting the value, how do you retrieve it? check out print_r() and var_dump() as well. Use <pre> first.
  17. That makes sense - thanks!
  18. You need to actually change the field in the database to a TEXT. Not cast it, but go in and change it.
  19. One thing I have noticed is that when I first hit the page, I'm logged in. I can see all my stuff. The first link I click on, I am logged out and have to log back in.
  20. If you haven't tossed the code, can you try it the way I suggested second? If not, I'll probably run a test myself sometime, I'm curious also. This is a neat question.
  21. Imagine if you had spent some time and read the link I posted. It's not even halfway down the page. (but it is the last example they give on how to use arrays) You got close, but just by reading the link I posted, you could have learned. I personally don't coddle people. If someone gives you the exact answer, it's cheating you out of learning. Here's the link again: http://us.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php Googling "PHP Arrays" also provides at least 3 pages right off the bat that explain the way to access values in multi-dimensional arrays. And by the deadline you set, I'm sure now you mean your professor set right? One of the members here has a great signature, about how programming is just problem solving in a different language. You have to learn the language. You also need to learn problem solving skills. I showed this page to someone who doesn't program or do anything with computers, and they figured out the solution. By reading the page. I'm not insulting you here, I'm explaining that the tools to solve the problem were given to you. If you wasted your time, it's because you didn't use the tools.
  22. In that case, I'd perform one query to get all the Ids in quiz table, put them in an array, and explode that into your SQL string in the NOT IN ().
  23. What it should get is every record from the video table and match that with the matching records from the quiz table. If there were 2 matching records on the quiz table then it would bring back the record from the video table twice, once for each quiz record ; if no matching records then it would bring back the record from the video table with the column from the quiz table being NULL. The WHERE clause will then only return records where the field from the quiz table is NULL, hence only brings back records where there is no matching record on the quiz table. Can you post some sample data? The other suggestion using NOT IN will work but will be far less efficient. All the best Keith How is it less efficient? your way sounds like a lot of PHP processing to count how many times each is returned...
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