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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You never close your first if. EDIT: Actually you did, you just did it instead of closing the while. Check all your brackets. Also, see link in my signature Re: errors.
  2. Make each line a <p> and add margin after it. Change the line height to 100%.
  3. Don't make a page for each one, make one page. You'll need to put the ID in the URL. Look at the URL of this site, see how there's a ? and stuff after it.... Also...go read the tutorials
  4. The key doesn't have to have the same name, if that's what you're asking. If there is NO way for you to tell what a tutor's preferred X is by any keys then you need to redesign your db.
  5. Yes, the way I suggested...
  6. You'll need to store a list of the seats, and what user if any has reserved it, in your database.
  7. You mean searching the database for a specific part, right? Not searching through a string that you've returned for a specific part.
  8. I could be more specific, but if you had looked up the documentation for a join you would see what ON is. IMO http://www.gotapi.com/ is a great source for docs. Add the MySQL version and look up JOIN. Read it and look for the word ON. then read the examples. Then try it and post your new code. If your new code doesn't work, we can go from there.
  9. 1. I'd do $_SESSION['formname']['myvalue'] because you'll probably have other stuff in your session. 2. When you choose to destroy them http://us2.php.net/manual/en/book.session.php
  10. When I do this, I check my URL in my base file (which is your play.php) and check the first part. If it's css, js, or any other of a list I define, I then include the file I want (the .css file), instead of doing my normal base output. So this goes near the top of your base file.
  11. Apache ain't no ho! http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mod_rewrite http://lmgtfy.com/?q=pretty+urls I like #5.
  12. Is that the exact code? (obviously change/remove your passwords as you have done, but is that the exact code you're running?
  13. You got the first part, now you need "ON"
  14. Don't make a new post for the same question. For the second time, that's not an HTML file if it ends in .php. It's still a php file. I told you once to look at using Sessions, and also to look at Smarty, but that might be too complicated.
  15. This question has been asked several times the past few days. Was it you?
  16. echo $message, what does it say? And post any new code.
  17. You don't have any joins in that query. You have two "froms". Instead of the second "from" you need a "inner join" and after than an "on".
  18. Is message being sent in the url? Then there are no new lines to convert to br. This function doesn't ADD lines where they don't exist. You'll need to replace every comma with a br or new line.
  19. If you don't yet know the difference between an input and a link, I'd suggest some HTML tutorials.
  20. I won't. So you think MAYBE that might be the part that is relevant? You need to read the last link in Thorpe's siggy, it's a good read. Specifically http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#not_losing
  21. Start trying, and then ask for help when it doesn't work.
  22. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/forms/input.html
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