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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Yes. otherwise how would it work if you have files with the same name, in different directories?
  2. Don't - put the function in a separate place. Functions should be kept together and organized.
  3. Mark it solved, bottom left corner.
  4. Do a comma instead of the AND.
  5. You never set $marketPrice
  6. At the top, do print_r($_POST) and see if it shows what you expect. Hint: It won't.
  7. I would still do the password too, just to make sure.
  8. Great answer
  9. don't just use isset(), also use strlen(), as I originally posted. You need to check if isset and that it's more than 0 characters.
  10. You're trying to change the current email to a new email? If you want to do what you described at the end, make a field for new_email along with the key field. That would solve the problem.
  11. What are you trying to accomplish?
  12. Jessica


    The $this error is OCCURING in your third party code, yes? As for your second statement...Here's a fishing pole. | | V
  13. *headdesk* STOP FOCUSING ON THE PHP_SELF FOR A MINUTE. I'm answering THE OTHER QUESTION YOU ASKED. Also, trying to get the page to submit to itself usually causes the programmer to come back later and ask "when I refresh the page it submits the form again!". So I would rethink making the form submit to itself anyway. BUT IGNORE THAT FOR A MINUTE AND READ THE TUTORIALS. You don't read fast enough to have read many pages on that search.,
  14. str_replace
  15. Yes, but to make it make sense you need to do this if (!isset($_FILES['thumbNail']['name'])) { $thumbNail="thumbNail/noimage.gif"; }else{ $thumbNail=$_FILES['thumbNail']['name']; } So you keep using the same variable. (I'd switch the order of the if/else and use isset() instead of !isset() personally)
  16. I have on my user table a field called "key". I use it for any random string I want to assign a user for something like this. When they request a password reset, they get a 20 character "key" in the DB, and in the email. When they click the email, I confirm the username (in your case, email) AND key match the record in the DB. if the key does not match, they can't change it. Hope that helps.
  17. Jessica


    This is a third party code question then, wrong forum. If you want to be able to edit this third party code, you will probably need to learn about OOP.
  18. Are you using a plain textbox, or a WYSIWYG editor like TinyMCE?
  19. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=PHP+POST 4th one down is good.
  20. There is no PHP in this post so either it's not a PHP problem and you posted in the wrong forum, or you didn't post the relevant code. I suspect this is a CSS or possibly JS question. Which you ALSO didn't post any of.
  21. remove the global $data1 from each function, it's a part of the object, not a global var.
  22. That has nothing to do with what I said. $submit is not defined because you don't define it. You need to check the $_POST array for submit. Again, see my post above.
  23. My first though is it probably has to do with $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] What do you get in the problematic situation if you do var_dump($_SERVER) and look for that key? (HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING)
  24. That is the same as asking, 'how long is a piece of string?' This is my new favorite quote. Great answers above.
  25. Jessica


    Where did you get the code? Do you know what OOP is?
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