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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. If you've tried things, you have to post them, and the actual errors. There's a PHP function called array_count_values. That's what you need.
  2. I'm not going to write the code for you because you need to learn how to solve the problem When you access $_REQUEST['width'], you're accessing the values at the key of 'width' in the array $_REQUEST. Using that statement, how would you access the values at the key of '25' in the array of $_REQUEST['width']?
  3. Did you read the link I posted?
  4. You need to try, and then we can help. We won't do it for you.
  5. php.net/array You're already doing it, with the $_REQUEST array. $_REQUEST is now a multidimensional array.
  6. Oh okay, so since you need them to be arrays, you need to access the key of the array when you want to multiply it. Right now you're trying to multiply the entire array, not one value in it.
  7. Stop making your inputs arrays....
  8. I hate to write code for people, but this one is a toughy. Try this (I've been doing MSSQL for months so this may not work the way I expect) SELECT video.id FROM video WHERE video.id NOT IN (SELECT quiz.id FROM quiz)
  9. $_REQUEST['width'] along with the others is an array, because you have made the name of the input width[]. You can't use math on an array that way.
  10. What errors?
  11. oooo. That makes a lot more sense.
  12. Which is better, dogs or cats? Or to be more relevant, Mac or PC? I would hire the one that could spell hiring correctly.
  13. Why does your blog name have the word "hacker" in it? Also, if it's on blogspot, doesn't that mean it's THEIR software?
  14. That doesn't really answer the question... I'd have to agree, it's probably for the wrong reasons.
  15. I never realize this, since I never had a chance to take PHP in a class. I forget that some places will actually teach it
  16. *sigh* $_ENV is an array. So you can process it like any other array. Write some code and we can help, but I won't do it for you. If you can't get started, either this is too complex a task for you, or you're not stating the problem clearly.
  17. You need to show us what you have now, and then attempt something. Then we can help.
  18. Are you thinking like var_dump($_ENV)?
  19. Every time? I'm calling the function 50 times or more on the same page. Then you're not designing your code efficiently.
  20. Read about variable scope. The problem is the array does not exist within that function.
  21. Kicked me out this am - I was logged in, clicked on my unread stuff, and it logged me off.
  22. Is it always a .com? If the url is always the same, I'd remove everything after the .com (but I hate regex. )
  23. First of all, I'd turn on errors, and start capturing the boolean returned from mail()
  24. 1. Java != Javascript 2. I'd start by specifying what time zone the events occur in, and let them select a different one to view if they want to . 3. Or, look at using AJAX to send javascript information to PHP.
  25. 1. Not a single bit of that is CSS. 2. See below.
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