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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You can probably use the LIMIT clause. (Is this MySQL?)
  2. It probably appears under all three fields because you're using the same variable for all three errors. No way to tell though since you didn't post that part. HINT: I'd use an array of errors with field names as keys.
  3. What doesn't show at all? Be specific, and show us examples.
  4. You can use sessions to make variables pass from one file to another. If you're including the html file (that is actually a php file, it ends it .php), AFAIK the scope should allow you to access it anyway. PS: Look at Smarty, it's really good for doing php+html.
  5. Jessica

    HTML Forms

    I love it
  6. I suspect the OP is using a framework, if he doesn't know where the code for "AddRecipe" is.
  7. Jesi was actually one of the first members of PHPFreak Recommended group when PFR was first created, before there was even a Guru group. Hey you! I was wondering when I would see your name pop up!
  8. Where is your HTML document? This is a very vague question.
  9. That's how I would do it, and order by quest_id and answer_id. Then a foreach or while depending on how you've written it. You'd print the question once, and keep looping through printing answers, until you get to a new question id.
  10. AFAIK that shouldn't cause any problems. In MySQL maybe, I am pretty sure it could cause problems in MSSQL. *shrug*
  11. sanitize your user input. You could use str_replace or a regular expression.
  12. $row is an array of the one result. You'd need to use array_keys() to get all of the keys, then foreach() through them.
  13. Echo $query and copy and paste it here. you mean my dog's blog? Thanks, it's a wordpress template. Credit is ...somewhere on there.
  14. You're not actually running the code to query the DB you know, right? print the query and show what it says.
  15. Which is what my first few posts told you...
  16. That will put them all in a horizontal row. You need to do x+1000, x+2000, etc, to get the vertical rows.
  17. it's still third-party code.
  18. So count is 1000 right? So that means 1-1000 go in one column. The next column would then start with result number.... what?
  19. You need to get the count() of the array, and then divide by how many columns you want. That gives you how many per column. If you're still stuck after this part, post code and we'll go from there.
  20. Fix your code so it doesn't generate errors. When it's all fixed, you can move to production, and turn off error reporting.
  21. :thumb-up: :thumb-up: Yes. I did that on purpose :-P
  22. Have you tried?
  23. That's why I like lmgtfy.com
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