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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I wish we had a thumbs up, what great debugging
  2. Where do you set dbCon in your errors class?
  3. The only way that would work is if hello() returns an object that has the method world(); Just because you like the way it looks doesn't mean it's better :-P The first example is correct. $test->hello(); $test->world();
  4. If you're using wordpress, that's a plugin. You need to post in third-party code.
  5. For even smaller stuff time difference between two timestamps / js date picker. Unix timestamp to english. configurable random string generator
  6. I understand, but I do not think it's possible.
  7. THROW. What error does YOUR class print out?
  8. Or instead, put each value into an array, and when you're ready to echo it, use implode.
  9. You still haven't posted the error, have you? Php doesn't through any errors. I have my own error handling but if I remove it and just use mysql_error() nothing happens. 1. Throw 2. You said it gives you an error. Then you said it doesn't, but it does. How do you know it's not working. | V
  10. Does it display the logo at all?
  11. You still haven't posted the error, have you?
  12. I come and go. Thanks!
  13. Post your AddRecipe code
  14. Why are you cuting and pasting code, instead of creating a framework then? I love being a programmer, and it's never boring.
  15. Jessica

    HTML Forms

    I know, those pesky wheels everyone else uses... right?
  16. You're going to need to loop through the rows and echo that info. On the php documention for mysql functions it shows several examples.
  17. You're trying to set a variable that doesn't exist inside a string. Set your variables, then include all the files. Don't try to put your code in a string and echo it....
  18. You probably have the echo in the wrong spot.
  19. I just notice my avatar is gone. I updated my signature yesterday, and it seems to be fine, so I don't think I did something break any rules... Does it default to removing your avatar when you change your signature? I probably messed something up but I wanted to make sure there wasn't something else wrong. I added it back, so I hope it's okay... :-P
  20. I guess taking advice and trying what people suggest, so they can help you, isn't a good way to solve it?
  21. Does your table have an id or anything to indicate where it was sent? I'd select the most recent entry, based on the ID or timestamp, that matches your inputs. If it's within a few minutes (or seconds), you know to ignore it. If it's older than that, it's a valid new form.
  22. No. Extensions only go one way. bar can see foo's methods, not the other way around. What are you trying to accomplish? You could have one parent class, and two subclasses, then both subclasses can have the parent's methods. But they can't see each other's content at all.
  23. Are the 5 always the same, or are they different? If different, how so? There is a LIMIT clause in MySQL. I assume you are using that. If not, in MSSQL it's TOP.
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