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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Well you never print $contents....
  2. you're not telling it to display anything...
  3. Your buttons should have each their own name and value. Check which was set using isset(). Then take the appropriate action
  4. Do you have cookies blocked in Safari? I'm not sure if it's related to the iframe, but it probably is.
  5. Then it was false, meaning it didn't set it.
  6. you need to check if those $_POST variables are set, what the strlen of each is, etc. If they are all what you want, send the mail otherwise go back. What is the question?
  7. print ini_set('blah', 0);
  8. ini_set returns the old value if it was changed, or false if not. Try printing the results of ini_set.
  9. Okay, here is how it works If magic quotes gpc was on when you did mysql_real_escape_string it will have added extra slashes. So instead of "My name is O'Malley" being stored, it stored "My name is O\'Malley" which is not what you want. So on the entries that have extra slashes the only way to remove them is to edit the entries or use strip_slashes
  10. Are you sure those slashes aren't IN the database entries? I had that problem once.
  11. try 0 instead of off?
  12. See above...there is some code that should help you with it.
  13. A specific three, or just if any three but only three match? Also, if it's a lottery they shouldn't have to get the numbers in order - they should just have to get all of them right, right? Does this help: <?php $numbers = array("04","13","18","21","30","46"); $bonus = "(05)"; foreach ($data as $key => $value){ $numMatched = 0; foreach($value AS $n){ if(in_array($n, $numbers)){ $numMatched++; } } print 'Matched '.$numMatched.' numbers<br> The bonus was: '.$bonus; } ?>
  14. To remove one value from the array use unset(). To assign an action to each "case", ie each value, use a switch statement <?php unset($items[3]); foreach($items AS $k=>$i){ switch($k){ case 1: //do this case 2: //do this default: //do this. } } ?>
  15. No problem lol
  16. If you don't want to use magic quotes at all (which I recommend not using it) You can turn magic quotes gpc and runtime off using http://php.net/ini_set or if you have access to your php.ini file, in there. I don't quite see where you're even writing that variable, so it's hard to see where to use it. Your code doesn't make sense to me. I guess use it on your fwrite part? edit: you have to assign it to a new string. $header = stripslashes($header). See in the manual that it returns a string?
  17. Looking at the phpinfo page, your new server has register_globals off. Did the old one have it enabled? That could cause a lot of problems. I would print the info() on both servers and look through for any settings that are different, then look them up in the manual to see what they do. This might lead you to a solution.
  18. I am not that familiar with the mysqli functions. Does it work when you use the regular mysql functions? Does your PHP have mysql support? Like, if you do phpinfo() does it show the mysqli stuff?
  19. poco, that is required by XHTML standards, it's the closing tag for an image. matthew those slashes can be removed with http://php.net/stripslashes
  20. Of course, IE6 does not support PNG, the only image file format which can make that sort of transparency. However, IE6 does support CSS transparency, IIRC. Google "lightbox" and you will see tons of pre made scripts to do what you want.
  21. If you need to resize it try using imagecopyresized
  22. google and read about sql injection and email header injection
  23. You have to use meta refresh to do this. Why not just redirect them right away?
  24. Uhm...make a table in html.
  25. There is probably a syntax error but you can't see it because you don't have error reporting turned on. add: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); to the top.
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