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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Add this to the top of your pages: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); This one and the db one
  2. We would have to see more of the code. Can you actually connect to the database using that user in SSH?
  3. Jessica


    You don't use the nouns differently, but different grammar rules apply to them. In english, if you want to say "My something", it's always My. If you say The something, it's always The, same with A, Yours, etc. In German, My could be mein or meine. (Now it's been a long time so don't assume I have the exact rules right.) Mein is for masculine and feminine nouns. Meine is feminine. The is either die das or der. A is ein or eine. Yours is dien or dienen (I think?) If you read that Mark Twain story I posted it actually goes over a lot of the rules. You pretty much have to memorize what gender a noun is.
  4. Jessica


    I'm sorry for offending you. I didn't mean to. And I still don't get what you meant. How exactly is the German "der" different from the English "man" or German "die" different from English "Woman"?? *confused* Gender means whether something has male or female sexual organs, so how could it apply to anything besides men and women (and animals)? No, sex has to do with male and female organs. Gender is something different. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_(grammar) It's just that it scares the politicians when we say sex, so people started using gender to mean sex. Asking for a person's gender is silly. It's their sex. With all other mammals, they are sexed, they are either male or female. Americans are just scared of the word sex. And no, I wasn't offended, I just figured you were trying to be funny. I guess because English doesn't have this concept, you wouldn't know about gendered nouns unless you'd studied a language that does. Spanish, French, German, etc. The most common ones taught in schools.
  5. Jessica


    Latin sucked, that's why I switched
  6. You need quotes around the value, like you have for id, type, name, etc. All of those attributes need to be quoted.
  7. Here is a list of the file types. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mime_type In this case though why don't you base it off the file extension?
  8. That's not what I wrote...you need $_POST['game']. Before the if statement, add an echo or print to display the value of $game.
  9. Jessica


    That is not what I meant. Those are just nouns which refer to a certain sex. The nouns themselves are not gendered, since we don't have seperate articles for different gendered nouns. We don't call a desk a she, like other languages. We call it an "it". Was it Mark Twain who wrote the fishwife story? If you've ever studied German this is a great read: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/texts/twain.german.html
  10. First, you need to use $_POST['game']; Secondly, what happens if you print $game before going into the loop. Why is it never == 'game'?
  11. Jessica


    Either you're being a smart ass, or you really have no idea what I mean. In case of the latter, nouns in other languages are often masculine, feminine or neuter. They will often have different grammar rules based on the gender, or specific articles. For example, in German the masculine is der, feminine is die, and neuter is das.
  12. You have to be connected to the database to use that function. Post your connection code.
  13. WHY on earth are you trying to change the perfectly good code? Post what you have.
  14. Great idea Dragen.
  15. That's how I'd do it.
  16. And you'll add that for every possible domain? BEEEEP. Wrong answer. You could use a regex but that would be even MORE complicated and ugly.
  17. Add this to the top of the page: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  18. That doesn't make any sense. Do you know what register globals means?
  19. http://php.net/strrpos and http://php.net/str_replace
  20. You need to rewrite the code so it doesn't rely on it. You can't turn it off in your code, it will require a lot of work to rewrite depending on how big the site is.
  21. Your banner code is messed up: "<a href=\"http://www.oncycles.com\" target=\"_top\"> <img src=\"http://www.triumph675.net/phpBB2/templates/subSilver/images/oncycles-2.gif\" width=\"468\" height=\"60\" alt=\"Click to Visit OnCycles Mall\" border=\"0\">[/url]"; Why does it start with an HTML link and end with a bbcode link?
  22. Ah. Well if you know it will always be the british date, you could use substr() to take the day and month numbers and switch them. If you can't figure out how to do that post again and I'll post it for you.
  23. Uhm, arrays are a very useful thing. You didn't know any PHP when you started but obviously you learned some. Why avoid using something just because you don't know how. Arrays are important and you'll need them eventually. Go read a PHP book.
  24. You only used one of the functions I said.
  25. Put them in an array where the key is the $TOTAL_REDUCED, and sort them.
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