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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You need to tell us what the problem is. What doesn't happen that you want it to, and what have you tried besides copying this big chunk of code.
  2. What I usually do in this sort of thing is print out each time it inserts one, so I can see if it's working while it loads. IE, add this: print $import.'<br />'; above this line mysql_query($import) or die(mysql_error());
  3. It looks fine to me. Which is line 47?
  4. What is the problem?
  5. well obviously the constants need to have the same name...
  6. So use date and add six hours, or use gmdate and add one hour. date("H:i:s", time()+DIFFERENCE);
  7. No, you should have that. Perhaps it's magic_quotes_runtime that is adding the slashes? You don't have any escape functions on the strings anywhere else? Also if you're trying to send html in the email I think you don't want to use htmlspecialchars.
  8. You seriously cannot figure that out from what I said? I told you how to add six hours, and you're asking how to add one?
  9. use strip_slashes
  10. Jessica


    Well we're talking about English here, so what language do you THINK I am speaking of. http://esl.about.com/library/grammar/blgr_adjectives.htm Adjectives don't have a singular and plural form OR a masculine, femine and neuter form. I mistyped when I said they can have a plural form. That is not what I meant, but I can't figure out how to word what I meant. In English, adjectives are NEVER plural or singular. They DESCRIBE words which can be plural or singular, which are NOUNS.
  11. You'll want to have a config file which contains all of your important site wide data, such as the time difference constant. Include it on all your pages. Then when you need to use a timstamp, just add that constant to it. (Or it might be subtract, I get time zones confused which is ahead and which is behind, but you'll figure it out. If it goes more off use subtract).
  12. http://www.imagemagick.org/script/install-source.php Also, I think it shows up with php_info();
  13. Either change the timezone setting on the server, or add the difference in hours. Set a constant like define('HOURS_DIFFERENCE', 6*3600); and always add HOURS_DIFFERENCE to the time.
  14. You don't need to store a database connection in the session. Have a config file in which you connect using mysql_pconnect, and include that file on all of your pages.
  15. Jessica


    The adjective isn't plural, it just has a different form when referring to a plural noun. Only nouns are singular or plural. At least English doesn't have gendered nouns!
  16. Yes, trans sid is configured and enabled.
  17. Seems like you're making the problem hard than it is.
  18. Whenever you get an error like that check the reserved words list: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/reserved-words.html They're backticks, next to the 1.
  19. OH. Terminated is a keyword. You need to either rename it or use backticks `Terminated`
  20. Use a foreach(), or use a regular for loop. If you know how to echo/print, and you know how to use a for loop, what is the problem?
  21. Do those columns actually exist, btw? What happens if you just do: $q1= "SELECT * FROM roster WHERE Terminated=0 ORDER BY Position DESC";
  22. That would require having every header(), every link, etc have a variable on the end of it for in case the cookie doesn't set. I thought that was the point of trans_sid, so it does it FOR you.
  23. You also never select a database.
  24. Did you try: $q1= "SELECT * FROM roster WHERE Position<=4 AND Terminated=0 ORDER BY Position DESC";
  25. And you also need to read the forum guidelines, and NOT PM someone with a question just because they posted on your thread. Your PM did not contain ANY of the things I said were missing from your post.
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