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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Just a hint, I found that by googling cron PHP - there were plenty of others
  2. http://www.modwest.com/help/kb5-125.html
  3. in a hidden input. Now, before you ask how to do that just think - if you're not willing to do some research and try to read tutorials and documentation, you're never going to learn anything.
  4. It's just selected, not selected="selected". What are you trying to do that isn't working? You never increment the year. This could be accomplished with a slightly shorter for loop. for($i=2001; $i<=date("Y"); $i++){ print '<option value="'.$i.'"'; if($yearText == $i){ print ' selected'; } print '>'.$i.'</option>'; }
  5. But you're not telling it to do that, so... You'll need to change your queries to be more like this: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contactinfo WHERE id='$id' ORDER BY id"); and in your form store the $id. Then when you hit next, it processes it by adding one to that, so you can get the next one.
  6. No, but I will show you tutorials on what you're trying to do: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/142/0.php http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial_cat/25/Page-Number--Pagination.php
  7. But you're not selecting based off ID, you select *, no WHERE id= $id. You need to add that sort of thing to your queries to get a single record.
  8. You're selecting all of them, not selecting based on anything.
  9. Don't put quotes around $profile_id if it's a number. That makes it into a string.
  10. You never store $errors into the session. Don't use session_register, just do $_SESSION['errors'] = $errors; after you have assigned values to errors.
  11. If you want to edit it this way, you're going to have to write code and work with the database. Read the tutorials on here, or if you don't want to do that you can always just hire someone. the PHP-Nuke forums/support might be able to help more.
  12. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.predefined.php $_SESSION['error_location'] = "Page: " . $page . " - Line: ".__LINE__;
  13. Can we see the structure of the table? Try $sql = "SELECT sum(av_weight) as av_w FROM tbl_cart WHERE ct_session_id = '$sid'"; Maybe you can't use the same name if it already exists?
  14. You're not printing the variable. <img src="image/<?=$num?>.jpg"> or <img src="image/<?php print $num; ?>.jpg">
  15. Is there a field called that in the table?
  16. Uhm, when you do the edit, does it still have the variable in the url?
  17. Create the random code, store it in the database, and add it to the link. When they visit the link, check the code... If you write some code, we can help with any errors you run into...
  18. If you're using something that has "Modules", then you need to look at the documentation for it - we won't have it because you never even said what third party program you're using.
  19. .. it's your about.php. not his. Use mod_rewrite, this is what it's for. Anything can be done, you just have to try. The reason why you'd WANT to is it looks a lot nicer, mostly. It's called clean urls. It's better for things like SEO.
  20. you speak english good ok.
  21. That's not quite how it works. What you're trying to do still doesn't make any sense. You set $id to $_POST['id'], then immediately overwrite it with the result of $_SESSION['id'] = $b['id'] which will return true. So $id will be true.
  22. $id=$_SESSION['id']=$b['id']; This doesn't even make sense. wtf are you trying to do?
  23. You actually need to leave that in and then fix where it's originally set. What you're doing now is a poor coding practice. Read this: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php Scroll down to : Array do's and don'ts Why is $foo[bar] wrong?
  24. If you want the page to refresh, then yes you can do that. Have the link contain something like http://mysite.com/page.php?show=1 and then on the page do: <?php $show = $_GET['show']; if($show == 1){ print 'The other text here'; } ?>
  25. You can't, that's javascript. PHP is serverside, everything runs before the user sees the page. Anything that happens after the page is loaded is client-side : javascript.
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