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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Oh my god dude. You select CID from the database. You are using the selected fields to display the image. Are you REALLY confused about how to echo the id when you know how to echo the image filename????
  2. Don't bump your posts. You haven't provided any PHP code. If you want this done, make an attempt, or post in freelance.
  3. First off, You need to be specific about what you want. Every time you ask we've given the code then you come back and say you want something different. the code I wrote for you does EXACTLY what you asked for. Ask for EXACTLY what you need, provide the code you have, and we can help. Otherwise, this is a waste of everyone's time and it's pissing me off.
  4. $test_ar = array('a','b','c','d','e'); $output = array(); foreach($test_ar AS $k=>$v){ $output[] = $k.$v; } echo implode(" - ", $output);
  5. The \ is trying to escape the $ You want the other slash, regardless. See all your other slashes go that way??
  6. You probably want / Regardless we need to see your code.
  7. // test value for $c_id $c_id = 12; Did you just ADD that now? Your links should all be linking to # 12. FYI: You should add quotes around your links' HREF attribute.
  8. I believe you'd have to make them LEFT joins, then use an IF in your selected columns list to get the right info.
  9. Jessica


    You should not be creating a new table every day. What are you trying to do?
  10. Try clicking the spoiler button. It's all there.
  11. Jessica


    If you're going to have a bunch of tables for a bunch of dates, that is a bad idea.
  12. Jessica


    Do you need to create the new table right then, or does it already exist? You could use INSERT INTO tlb [your join here] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/insert-select.html
  13. Christian's code does work with commas, he has one "reluctance,"
  14. <?php $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $img_folder = '/img/banner'; $directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$img_folder. $uri . '/'; $images = glob($directory . "*.jpg"); foreach($images as $image) { $img_path = str_replace($img_folder, '', $image); echo '<img class="slide" src="' . $img_path. '" alt="">'; } ?> Try that?
  15. If you were to post your code we could help you.
  16. The word "We" has only one e. We still can't read your post. Can YOU read it? There is a preview button. You'll probably need a DOM parser.
  17. You should not open and close the connection every time.
  18. Try again in the plain text editor. (The toggle switch in the top left.)
  19. SELECT IF( (DATEDIFF(logoffDateTime, CURDATE()) > 60), 1, 0 ) AS columnalias, membertracking.* -- You should list specific fields, not * FROM membertracking ORDER BY name ASC Not tested. Run that query and do a print_r on the resulting row. (I may have the 1 and 0 backward, not sure exactly what you're going for.)
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