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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Why are you storing arrays in the mysql field?
  2. well, you aliased the table,and then you're not using the alias....
  3. I don't get it... how many IP addresses will you ever be showing to the user?
  4. what's in the links table? how is the related to the categories?
  5. The code you have couldn't possibly be more inefficient -- you're getting back ALL rows just to query the field names! At the very least, use SHOW COLUMNS and parse the output, if you don't/can't use the I_S tables. Once you have this output, it should be trivial to push onto an array and build the query for your very strange table.
  6. oh, i never even knew you could do it that way....
  7. Anything is possible... you'll have to roll your own scoring.
  8. Yes, you'd need IN, not =.
  9. where are the commas
  10. There is a sticky on this board that talks about this....
  11. Great question... have you read this?
  12. Since you know the current DAYOFWEEK() and the DAYOFWEEK() value for sunday, it's pretty easy use modulus to substract the correct number of days.
  13. This is getting very far away from mysql...
  14. Post a few lines from the .csv file.
  15. Ugh... use code blocks next time. This seems like a php issue... please confirm, and I'll move it.
  16. Did you read up on the correct syntax?
  17. Wait a minute... why project_types? Plural? What are you storing in there? Tell me it's not an array....
  18. Stop right now... echo $sql. We're going in circles.
  19. Why store both? Just use INET_NTOA() to get the "printable" version... don't store IPv4 as VARCHAR.
  20. You've getting funny results because you're including non-group by columns in your select list..that's a no-no.
  21. Not sure what you mean... but it sounds lke you want a trigger.
  22. Huh? Give an example... and the table structure.
  23. No idea what you mean... but you can use ROUND() in mysql too.
  24. Interesting... COALESCE() simply returns the first NON-NULL value... but IFNULL() should have always given you a NON-NULL value... werid.
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