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Everything posted by fenway

  1. No, not really... but I see 3 selects than can be done with a single join.
  2. Did you in fact solve it? If so, post the solution, or I'll look into it.
  3. I believe it's a .err file in the mysql directory.
  4. How about here? http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials
  5. Why not just use the REPLACE option?
  6. You can format the string on your own.
  7. Is the table UTF8?
  8. Then you haven't dug deep enough -- there are plenty of resources and tutorials around; some of this site, too.
  9. DECIMAL CAST-ing is only from 5+.
  10. Understood -- well, first you need to determine which fields have been filled out, and then build your query -- not the other way 'round.
  11. It's not for me to be "happy" -- the purpose of these forums is to SHARE problems & solutions. Give & take. Capiche?
  12. If you're talking about getting values from an html form, you're asking in the wrong place.
  13. Shouldn't you ask your host?
  14. Now i'm confused... what are you trying to order by?
  15. Don't mark "solved" unless you post the solution!!!
  16. This doesn't do anything to the actual column type -- you know that, right?
  17. Check mysql_error(), and the number of rows returned.
  18. fenway

    LIMIT Join

    Yes, but NEVER use comma.
  19. Last warning.
  20. COUNT() return a single value, not a single row -- try this: SELECT c.pcatid,c.pcatname, p.cnt FROM parent_cats AS c INNER JOIN ( SELECT parents_id, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM product GROUP BY parents_id ) AS p ON ( p.parents_id = c.pcatid )
  21. If you actually read the posting guidelines for this forum, you'd see that we request your table structure AND the EXPLAIN output, which would have told us right away what the problem was.
  22. Sphinx is much better.
  23. Definitely not a numeric column type, that's for certain.
  24. I thought I asked for that...
  25. Yes, timestamps are evil.
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