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Everything posted by fenway

  1. First... use code blocks (I've fixed it for you this time)... second, that's a PHP error... find it first, there may not be anything wrong from the mysql-side.
  2. effigy is right -- your comment says you're going to print a header, but you don't... the following should work. #!d:/xampp/perl/bin/perl.exe # ^^^ this must be the first line of the script! ^^^ # start code # print header and start the markup output print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print 'hello'; # end code
  3. How will it help you?
  4. Lots of rows examined for very few rows returned... run EXPLAIN on each one of thsose.
  5. Then you need usernames & passwords.
  6. Sounds like you have some non-InnoDB tables in there too...
  7. Probably something like that, the FK constraint is by UID, so if you change the uid, the "child" record isn't really linked anymore.
  8. Sounds like a config problem... can you access the database directly?
  9. You'd simply join the tables.
  10. You have the query time set very low, so it should be catching lots of things.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean... all you'd need would be a MAX() and a group by -- one query.
  12. You have to set it up first.
  13. What does the slow query log have to say?
  14. Contact the authors of the script if you believe there's an actual bug.
  15. Because it's not user info... it's purchase info.
  16. Has nothing to do with the FS... just the DB... since root works and normal user doesn't, the FILE permission obviously wasn't applied... did you FLUSH PRVILEDGES, or restart the server?
  17. "Check other windows" isn't really possible... as for passing variables, simply set a hidden FORM input.
  18. Work it out? What do you mean/
  19. This is a cross-domain issue, many restrictions here... why resize it?
  20. That's PHP code... not JS code. Why would you close a window when you open it?
  21. Why the eval?
  22. That's not a JS function... that's a wrapper. I assume you're testing this w/o a pop-up blocker.
  23. I would consider dumping all the paypul info into another table entirely.
  24. I'll skip the obvious question about duplicates.... You can probably "cheat" in this case... you can use the query you showed to get the ProductName/CatID tuple that have duplicates; but ask for MAX(hits) back. Then use this as a derived table, and join to the entire table -- and simply issue an update statement where the prod/cat match but the hits don't.
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