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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. There are less asp programmers out their, and businesses, who are often times pro-microsoft, look for them.


    The problem with ASP is that most companies looking for asp programmers aren't tech companies, their regular businesses than want asp to be able to tired their MSSQL database into their accounting records. While you might be able to get a job as an ASP programmer, it will probably be a suit-and-tie, direct supervisor, more maintenance than development type job.


    As far as languages go, they basically go in this order:



    ASP (.net)







    Keep in mind that I am mainly talking about the working environment than the actual use. I use PHP and the company I work for, but if I showed up tomorrow, in a wife beater, drunk, and told me boss that I had started celebrating our launch a little early, he'd probably take me out for drinks :)

  2. If you suck at programming but still want to be a programmer you should learn ASP. Get your MSC, then you, and 8 other people, who all suck at programming too, can fix emails all day while doing the web site for the company you work for. Don't worry, you'll have months and months to cluster fuck together something, and then if it doesn't work, you can outsource it to me, who'll rewrite it in PHP but not tell your boss you suck because really, what do I care? And then I can sell him an overpriced maintenance contract and you can tell him it's a great idea.

  3. Yep.


    Personally I don't like how mysql handles dates, so I store them integers. You can take a timestamp, divide it by 86400 (seconds in a day) and floor it, and that will give you days sine the epoc. You can store that, and make it back into a timestamp by multiplying it by 86400.


    It sounds worse than it is, and give you the advantage of being able to work with numbers until you actually go to print the value. Only real disadvantage if that you can't use mysql's date functions on it.


  4. LOL


    I like saving lines but thats just stupid.


    This is wrong:


    if(isset(!$_POST['peerdetails'] && !$_POST['userconfig']))


    That's like the worst thing I've ever seen wrote - and thats coming from a guy who just triple-nested tetrinary operators...

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