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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. As much as I don't like having ANOTHER browser to write for, and don't like the look of it, Opera is a hard one to hate. It is like a lightweight firefox (could be because it doesn't have 8 plugins)


    I use Opera a lot because, the way I made my login system, it autologs you in if you have a non-expired session in your cookies. With two browsers I can stay logged in to both a user and super user account at the same time.

  2. 1) Draw a picture of your completed website, minus non-interesting things like forms


    2) Copy over the authentication I use on every single site I do


    3) Create the directory structure


    4) Figure out how much a designer will cost. Add %25, get my boss to hire one at that price.


    5) Cut the layout


    6) Mark it up


    7) Make the pages


    8) Make the actions


    9) Make weird stuff as needed (flash connectors, gateways, 404 pages, ect)

  3. Memcoder and FFMPEG both do it with video, probably do it with audio too. I'd use one of those two, since you'll have the ability to do stuff later on like switch bit rates and convert between formats.


    I'd look at memcoder first. I used FFMPEG and couldn't find a way to suspend it - makes it pretty useless for AV encoding on the web.



    And if you figure out how to get it to encode audio, in the background, when a user views a web page, maybe you could post how here?

  4. Do you like the feel because thats the one you used first?


    I'm pretty sure that's it, because there are so many niceties in Firefox I'd cry if I had to use it. It doesn't have tabs, you can't drag images into the toolbar - you really drag anything anywhere. Not having two search bars sucks.


    Its funny because I have been using Firefox since before IE6, but didn't realize how bad IE6 was until I tried to use it just now. It doesn't have spell check!


    And not to get away from general usability, but as a web designer, FF is a LOT easier to debug in - firebug is beast and you can enter javascript into an already rendered page. The error console is good and the errors make sense, in ie it says "Object Expected". Why? Because a variable is an object, but so is a quote and a semicolon and a bracket and a ... :) It may as well come back with 'Please try again'.



  5. He didn't read what I was trying to do or try to help, he just posted some canned, asshole response to boost his post count.


    Yeah, lets put PHP and GoDaddy into magic-ol-google. [solved]


    Except, that doesn't tell me anything.


    I'm just looking for a basic site parsing type library. Something that basically sends the user name and password to godaddy, stores the session, requests a page, reads that page, ect. Normally I'd just make one, but godaddy is a hard site to do, because of the SSL and how the site uses redirection headers and javascript.


    The api godaddy sells is something completely different.

  6. I am trying to mail line breaks in email using a class I downloaded.


    If I do this:


    $mail->setText("Here is \n a test \r of different \r\n end of lines.");


    All three work.


    If I do this:


    $text = <<<end
    Here is
    a test
    of different
    end of lines.


    I get \n's. And if I do $text = str_replace("\n", "\r", $text) - I get literally \r.


    It is almost like it isn't escaping characters, just using the literals - but I am using double quotes. A string is a string in PHP right? Whether it comes from a heredoc or a literal string?

  7. Even if you can get it to work, it's going to be an awful setup =/ Keep in mind that you won't be able to change any encrypted code, which means your going to be screwed if you ever want to sell or update your site.

    Ask anyone with a predominantly ioncubed site what they think about it, and 99% will say they wish they had went custom or opensource.

  8. Yeah, I got 2, 2 gig heat-sinked DDR2 sticks from newegg for $120. My board can take 8 gig, but the way my TEC sits, the inner two sticks can't have sinks. Now that they fixed the memory leak in FF2, I really don't need 8 gigs of ram :)

  9. The thing is, Joomla is a lot more complex than anything you'd every write because it is designed to be extensible and flexible for people who don't know how to code.


    It isn't like the idea is new or revolutionary, but if you plan on outsourcing a project to three different people, "importing" a layout as a joomla template, expecting the code from psd2html to be bug free, and thinking that Joomla will give you less debugging / fixing time, I think your going to end up being let down and heavily underbidding it.


    Why don't you go, find a simple site, and actually try to make it with Joomla? See how long it takes you, at least then you can see how well your plan will work and how long it will take and what to charge. Have an idea of how you want the site to be before you start - because your clients are going too. I'm not trying to bash your idea, but I actually made my site (trenttompkins.com) in Joomla. It took two weeks and I started with a real Joomla template. If you are just trying to make a website, Joomla is great -- if you want to make a website a certain way, Joomla is less great. If you want to make a website that doesn't look and feel like it was made in Joomla, don't use Joomla :)

  10. I was thinking about getting 2, 22 inch monitors for the same price, but I figured it would be like getting the two 512's instead of the gig. I'd

    Actually, not to nit pick, but if I only intended to run 1GB of RAM I'd go two 512s on a mobo that supports dualchannelling.

    The monitor sounds nice though. I like my 20 inch widescreen though. I don't recall its max rez.


    And you'd be right to do so, until it came time to upgrade, which was the point I was trying to make. Two, 22's would give a lot more total size, but then you wouldn't have an upgrade path, except to replace a monitor, or to get a 3rd one.

    $result = mysql_query("select * from `videos` where `type`='adult'");
    $geroidosCollection = array();
    while($video = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $geroidosCollection[] = $video;


    Generally it is a bad idea to put large queries into arrays, especailly if you just want to then loop through that same array and do something.

  12. This one is hard to explain, so I'll use an example.


    I have include files:





    And emailfunctions includes smptemail.php as ../smptemail.php. And this works, UNLESS emailfunctions.php if referenced from a directory other than the root one.


    I can think of four solutions.


    - Use symbolic links

    - Copy the text of smptemail into emailfunctions

    - Hard code paths

    - include based on file_exists.


    I'm going to probably go with four, but is there a better way to handle this? Like an include that looks for includes relative to the including file, not the main file?

  13. Yeah - though it does seem like almost any monitor you get today is going to be better than a monitor you got 2 years ago.


    I was thinking about getting 2, 22 inch monitors for the same price, but I figured it would be like getting the two 512's instead of the gig. I'd love to have another one of these - but I'm really not sure if it's worth the price, almost seems like I'd be paying $600 to minimize less often (though having another SLI card would improve my graphics performance, which I never use because all I do is write PHP and Flash code on Windows XP)

  14. No, this isn't the ePenis thing again :)


    I just got a 25 inch monitor. It is unbelievably, awesomely nuts. It isn't just the size, it is the max res, 1920x1200. It is CRYSTAL clear. I liked my old because it could be bright without being washed out, but this one is sharp, REALLY sharp.


    It's HDMI. It was $400, and it's plugged into a $150 video card, with a $9 cable, into a $250 mother board, that I bought just so I'd be able to plug it in. $150 gets me 2 digital ports, but only one HDMI, which mean that if I want another monitor, I need to buy another video card -- and you know what, that's really worth it! It is THAT much better than a 19 in. It IS worth it to get one. I understand now why Flash CS3 splits the screen into 12 windows, to properly use the space on a monitor that I didn't have!


    So take back your Photoshop Disc, keep using Office 2000 Home and Student Edition, and make your boss give you $150 for your NewEgg receipt because it's a write off and he'll get that money "right back".

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