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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. You'll learn a lot more if you can get into your server. I'm paying $85 a month for a dedicated, just spent $600 for a server and $120 for hard drives - so I can then spend $200/mo to colocate it locally. Going to have 250/gig in RAID with dual, dual-core opterons @ 2.2, 4 gig DDR2, 10 meg burst, redundant power and Solaris 10 -- That's way better than godaddy.

  2. 10,000 rows isn't really massive - it's big, but I had a table with 5.4 million rows - it took me 5 days to make.


    Anyway, you don't need a script, you can do everything you need to using mysql and mysqldump from the command line.

  3. This is REALLY frustrating, I can't background it, or anything containing it.


    I have an audio encoder that converts a folder full of MP3's into a bunch of different bitrates, but I have to start it from the command line. I looked at the PHP-FFMPEG extension, but it doesn't look like it does anything with encoding, just reading file info.

  4. Yeah - it doesn't work with FFMPEG, not even if you route the input and output.


    Right now, I start it by using file_get_contents to get a different page on my server, which gets a different page on my server, which calls FFMPEG. It relies on file_get_contents timing out, and is a horrible hack which only moderately works.



  5. Well, yes, I could do that - but I'm trying to automate it, so I don't have to do it manually all the time. Was bad enough when we switched from swf's to flv's, and I have to use camtasia studio and sothink to convert them all.


    Hi btw =)

  6. I *just* started using PHP5. If PHP6 ever gets adopted, it's years off - getting rid of magic quotes and register globals and safe mode is going to make it very unattractive to shared hosting providers, who are going to have to deal with people wanting to run scripts written for PHP4 and 5.


    Honestly, the only way I know what version of PHP I'm on is if file_put_contents doesn't work - and if it doesn't I open up my big file of PHP5 functions and paste it in one of the headers.

  7. What do you think this?




    No whitespace, less blue. Personally I think that looks pretty sharp, if you don't look too close at the edges.


    I have a 24 in monitor at max res - that make for a LOT of blue. I think by doing the background in dark gray, the foreground looks a lot more pronounced above it.

  8. I have my images in a folder images.domain.com. The SSL cert for that site is secure.domain.com.


    So, I want to have it, that when someone requests secure.domain.com/images, it pulls from the same files that are in the subdomain - which I've done, with this rewrite:


    RewriteRule ^images/.* http://images.domain.com/$1


    But that still changes the URL in the browser - I just want to say "server these files from here and here". Will a symbol link work? Is there a way to route the files through PHP without a lot of overhead?

  9. I am trying to use the linkpoint API. It uses SSL through curl - both of which I have turned on.


    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, 'certificate.pem');

    $result = curl_exec ($ch);


    Returns false, and curl_error say:


    curl error unable to set private key file: 'certificate.pem' type PEM


    To make my PEM file, I went to my website, clicked the cert, and exported it as a PEM. I tried with and without a chain, made sure to set the encoding to ASCII and the line terminator to LF.


    Anyone have any idea's what to do?

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