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Posts posted by tibberous

  1. Pft tibberous, what if $_GET['ncvx'] is the string 'false'?


    EDIT: example...

    $var = 'false';
    echo isset($var) == true; // true
    echo !empty($var) == true; // true
    echo $var == true; // false


    There IS an advantage to using empty() or isset() over not using anything.


    I didn't say it was the same, just that it was 'just as good'. How does someone use the string 'false'?

  2. It's not that great.


    By using a CMS, you have a large system to work around, and the client thinks less of what you are doing. It took me just as long to make my site from a Joomla template as it would have to write it from scratch, but the client is still going to think, "All I did was pay him to setup Joomla, I could have done that"

  3. Generally, you use what is called a rewrite rule, with is done through the mod_rewrite extension in Apache. Alternatively, you can use custom 404 pages - I'm sure there are other methods for non-Apache setups.




    Done by...


    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9\!&-])+\.html$ index.php


    in the .htaccess file


    Little word of advice, these are HARD to write. There a bitch to debug, act funny when you chain them, and require regex which you don't know.

  4. Maybe you guys are just in a different situation than me.


    My company has one big project - our clients are the people that use it. I coded the entire thing by myself, with some minor exceptions (date pickers, lightboxes, mysql backup class, SMTP email class, FCK editor)


    My boss doesn't care what database engine we use. We're using mysql because I wrote it with mysql. I always use mysql, because I've never ran into a situation where it didn't do what I wanted it too. Yes, if I went in tomorrow, and he said to use mssql, I'd be screwed. If he said make a multilingual version I'd be screwed too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to put all my strings in a big include file.


    All the flexibility you write in to the codebase is a trade off - you have to weight the chance something will happen against the time it will take to account for it, sometimes the flexible approach is the best one, but I don't see how you can just say it is 'right'.


    Oh well, I'm going to go copy a contact form, paste it into a control panel, and change variable names till I have a message board :)

  5. Not sure how you are running the payments, but don't think you 'have' to use a shopping cart for eCommerce sites. I made my own that is nothing more than a few static pages, an account create screen, account summary screen, checkout screen, database and a few calls to the linkpoint API.

  6. Which of these would you put on a server if you had to get it ready to colocate in 6 days?


    I'm 99% sure I'll use CentOS, because that's what I normally use, but I heard both were great choices. This is on an intel machine running opterons.

  7. "One of them is that you should code to an interface, not to an implementation"


    There isn't anything wrong with creating something specific to an application. If you wanted something so general it would work in all cases without modification you might as well just use the built in mysql functions.


    Which is what I use btw - don't see any real advantage to wrapping everything in a class. Portability maybe, but the chances we'd ever more from mysql are about as slim as the chances our application would work if we did, even with full-fledged wrapper.

  8. Yeah, that isn't the best list - eclipse is like the dreamweaver of the free code editors.


    UEStudio is $99. If you program even slightly often, it will save you a lot more than $99 worth of time.


    It lets you edit files directly on the server with FTP and SFTP, it has spell checking, syntax highlighting, parameter hinting, encoding and end-of-line character settings, macro's, REALLY smart tabbing and a ton of settings.


    Between UEStudio and Navicat I probably save an hour a day, and for $240 you can get a copy of both.

  9. All I'm saying is that every time we make sure everything 100% works in everything we hurt the internet as a whole. If IE puts 'Click to Activate' on everything, why should we do anything to change it? Instead of telling people that their browsers don't support transparency, and they should use one that does, we all go and get .htc files.


    I'm just as guilty as everyone else, but I'm drawing the line. If anyone says anything about click to activate, I'm telling them to update their browser!

  10. I think CV nailed it - a lot of times they just list a bunch of stuff.


    I know when I had to hire someone, the more stuff they had listen the more I questioned whether they knew anything at all. Not sure how many of these I knew away:



    Rite Aid Cashier / Computers




    Cold Fusion














  11. And I' leaving it.


    You know why, because IE sucks. Because anyone on IE won't be bothered by "Click to Continue Loading the Content on this Page", because they have three other boxes on their screen, telling them that their computer is at risk, that Norton has expired, and that the Weather for Tomorrow is sunny. Because swfobject breaks ExternalInterface.call. Because I have a deadline. But mostly because, we as web developers, need to dissuade people from using shit. Despite common thought, it isn't worth %30 of my time to make sure that the %1 of people on Safari, %5 without javascript, %4 without Flash 9 and the one blind guy with a screen reader can use my site -- but I still can't avoid having my site work for the 65% of people who are infinitely too dumb to ever figure out why (at least the asshole wasting my bandwidth while running AdBlock knows he has to turn it off)


    Here's my plea. The next time something is annoying, or padded wrong, or is going to take an hour an a half to conditionally line up in IE6 -- just leave it. Leave 'click to activate' this control messages, leave your free SSL certificate that IE won't accept as valid, leave the text box that sticks 20 pixels off the side of the screen -- so that some day, when their grandchildren come over, and install Firefox, they'll look say, "Wow. This is nicer than the blue E I was clicking before".


    Least then you won't have to go back in 3 years and wonder why you had 27 lines of code and two javascript files to do an <embed src=''>

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