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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. That's what I need, that kind of advice, can you give me more.  More advice in general like you just did, I am listening to all of it.
  2. I know, but all I see all over the internet.  Every where, in every corner the same thing with php, it's hard to learn, but once you learn the basics you have mastered hte basics, then you look at a classified ad system, it's aggravating and hard, once you build 1, it get's easier after 2-3 which ended up being mostly what I have build so far, the programming behind hte systems become very, very easy.  THen you get into cms, and other stuff, pricing engines for loan companies, and various other types of systems, engines, and everything and you look at one, and say what the hell, I could never  do that "Especially shopping cart systems", then it comes to the point where you eventually get yourself to build one, after a few times it get's easier, until it's second nature(with the exceptions to a forum system, or message board), then it eventually comes to the subject of xhtml. You learn it you know it, there are no cross browser issues with xhtml, a complete tables site doesn't have cross browser issues if done right.  So xhtml itself is easy to learn, easy to master, and easy to figure out.  Then you have other server side languages, I even picked up some asp and jsp(not to program, but general knowledge, how to validate some forms, ex cetera(also cold fusion.). After learning php, those are pretty easy to understand, and get the hang of.  Then I look at javascript, heavily not cross browser compatible, but it's been around so long, I never had issues with javascript working in one browser and not the other, I just pick objects, methods, and functions that are good in all the browsers I need, and only stick to them, unless I am making something for new browsers only, or doing ajax, but even ajax isn't that hard to make compatible with browsers once you get the thing started.  THen design, you do get better with design, you eventaully get an eye for good color combinations, good layouts with good themes, graphic design I have caught on quite a bit about photoshop(as the software), and image manipulation, I still might be a novice at it, but I am definitely getting better. Now it's back to css, it comes to the point where no matter how hard I try, actually at my current level, I can actually sit down in photoshop, and actually create a good looking layout.  It's getting easier for me to unlock my creativity.  Then it comes to coding, xhtml/css is easy.  I can code a website, off a image, with no problem.  Until it get's to the point where I have it working in 1 browser, then no matter what, it is murder to get it right in all 3, sometimes it doesn't seem possible, something that seems to take me 30 minutes ends up taking me 3 days.  I would have time to program half a classified ad system in that time, I need help, I want to ask, is there anyone that can help me, I went over all tutorials, I learnt css just like I learnt php, and I barely ever have problems with php anymore, or mysql, except now me trying to learn regular expressions.  Is there something I can do, I admire wildteen, and others, they site down with a design I fight with for hours, and code something in 5 minutes using css.  even though I know all the css tags, and mostly how they work, I never get the layouts right on the web, it never works out, and it makes me sit here nad wonder, why not tables.  WHy not jsut go the easy way out, no-one would ever know but other developers, and mainly myself, I just can't do it, I feel tables are evil(used for layouts), they are the epitome of satan, I have to learn again.  I think I have to go back to scratch, to very css basics, and relearn all over again, but why,  what do I learn, I could go through w3schools, i look at everything they have there, and I say, I know that, I have those tags memorized.  A link related tags, I know all of them, how to do anything with link colors, working with background colors, colors.  I just don't know how to make it work in all browsers(That matter), and all screen resolutions, even with me not being able to use internet explorer 7 yet, I never know how they look in there, it's aggravating to work 3-4 days on something, to hear a client say the WHOLE thing is off in resolution that is high, or another browser like safari, or something there has to be a point, that this doesn't happen anymore, a point where I don't have to deal with that???
  3. I am thinking about permanently starting to use .php for css files, and just send the header as css.  The reason I think it'll work is because I can't keep doing this.  I want to get better at design, but because of css I am afraid to, to tell you the truth(on the css front), if it hadn't of been for wildteen helping me sometimees like he did, I don't know what I would do, there were a few times, he created entire css layouts for me, for different projects I was working on, and other people who helped me fix issues.  There are atleast 3 different occassions where wildteen created an entire layout from scratch for me, off an idea I was trying to get together.  THose are times when I saved day's and day's worth of work.  I am wanting to do this, because I think using like if (browser is firefox) do this whatever well that's not the code but you get the point, testing to see, and using different margins, based on the browser type.  With this method, I could use 1 stylesheet, and concentrate more on my design, than worrying about css, and it should still validate properly.  I just have to make it output proper css??  Any advice on this, because I could work up a whole design, and he could say, well it doesn't look right in {insert some foriegn browser name here} or it looks like shit in {insert obnoxious screen resolution here} and then instead of worrying about it, I can use php to detect the resolution(I know there's a wway with either php or javascript) then just output some different styles for that resolution to fix the problem.  Easy to mantain all in one stylesheet(just comment it well). Any advice, this might really help me from now on, or can I not validate a css file if it's .php, I think they go by the headers the page gives off though, not the extension.
  4. I don't know, everything i have ever seen you create was amazing, I look up to your design abilities quite a bit, I don't think I could find anything wrong with your designs, I looked over it a few minutes, and it looks great.
  5. Hi, I tried using this layout, and I love it, it's really flexible, and thanks for helping me get this done, I will remember the favor, I was wondering, is there a way I can fix the warnings http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thecampussource.com%2Fcampussource.css What do you suggest, I am a little afraid to touch the layout because I don't want to mess anything up, is there a way I can fix those, and have it not affect it negatively. 
  6. Good idea, that is what I have been using, but I was making sure, I had a few instances, where it seemed inaccurate, thanks.
  7. actually I think he's right, you people come on here thinking you have to get a response, sometimes nobody knows, cares, or has time to reply, so your stuck with the advice you can get.  Try asking in 3-4 forums to increase your chances, they are free services, so you can complain, if you don't get helped.  there is no right in complaining about a free service,
  8. There is an easier way that than, all the ones I listed seem to work to an extent, but a few of them seem to be circumstantial, and not totally accurate, I am trying to find out which one of those statements are the most accurate, or are totally accurate.
  9. It's alot easier, and in my opinion a lot easier to mantain, to just do 1 db call, then the other db call after that.
  10. 1.Are there other methods of creating member profile pages in a portal other than creating a subdomain for each member? If it's just one file then just create them a .php file, and that file can be there member page.  if it's more than one create them more than one page. 2.If so, how do these other methods compare to creating the "subdomain for each member" method? a sub-domain allows them to easily get to there page, through your url with something.something.com like if your site is www.fredspalace.com and someone on your site had a member page called dave it would be dave.fredspalace.com or whatever else the domain name is before freds palace.  The different in the other method I told you, is it's at the end, and harder to remember sometimes instead it would be like for instance if you saved member files in a folder called members it would be www.fredspalace.com/members/dave.php he would have to type all of that, to get to his file.  Unless you did some work with php and htaccess(or mode rewrite), to do some url reworking. 3.Is creating a subdomain for each member just hands down the best way to do this? pretty much, but everyone has there own opinions.
  11. ok, use strtotime($date) that will put it into a time stamp then sort that, you don't have to pus ascending on there, because that's the default, it does it in that order automatically.  So what you will do is, pull it from the database.  Pull all of the information from the database.  Then turn all of the array, into timestamps, like I showed you above, then sort.  But still the easiest way, would be to get all the records put in there as time stampts.  Work up a script, have it pull all the dates from the database, turn them into timestamps and put them back IN the database as timestamps instead, it's called a bot, or atleast if you created it, you would be creating a bot, look for that in google.  You might find something helpful.
  12. I want to know which of these will guarantee I get an appropriate result.  I have the whole code below, then for each part where I want to know about, I have them in comments.  I am wondering which methods for testing the database for the existence of something is 100% affective, to make sure there is no entries in the database. [code]<?php if (isset($email)) { $testemail = "SELECT email FROM userinfo WHERE email = '$email';"; $testemailquery = mysql_query($testemail); /* if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($testemailquery)) {                 $errorhandler .= "The email address was already in the database.<br />";                 } */ /* if (mysql_fetch_array($testemailquery)) {                 $errorhandler .= "The email address was already in the database.<br />";                 } */ /* if (mysql_num_rows($testemailquery)) {                 $errorhandler .= "The email address was already in the database.<br />";                 } */ /* if ($numrows = mysql_num_rows($testemailquery)) {                 $errorhandler .= "The email address was already in the database.<br />";                 } */ /* if (mysql_query($testemail))                 $errorhandler .= "The email address was already in the database.<br />";                 } */ } ?>[/code]
  13. Ah thinks, that will make it alot more secure, thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
  14. I did it, I actually came up with something, with regular expressions, from using a book, I thought I would never get the hang of regular expressions, and hte best thing is, it actually worked [code]<?php if ($yourschool == "UPenn") {   if (!ereg('\.upenn\.edu', $email)) {   $errorhandler .= "The email address is not of the proper school format.<br />"; } } ?>[/code]
  15. [code]if (!eregi(.!upenn.edu($email)) { $errorhandler .= "The email address is invalid for that school"; }[/code] Is that even close?
  16. I need to validate an email to a specific format, but it has to be something that is 100% accurate.  I have to get something that has [email protected] I have to be able to check for the ".upenn.edu" on the email address and return an error if it doesn't match, does anyone have any ideas.
  17. simply use php to check for the user agent, it's pretty accurate, accurate enough for what you are trying to do.
  18. Make sure you have a file within there directory, have it standard for you to have a file there, like a .php page.  THen when you create it, create a program to show all the contents of the directory, all sub-folders, everything.  Like for instance.  If you know there url, like the one you listed, keep a .php file in there folder, then with that file, use file_get_contents() or f open on that url, then it will get the contents of the folder.  Or should, then you can just open up that file whenever to see what stuff they have on that directory.  Or did you mean something else, if so be more specific?
  19. YOu can always work on the performance of your script, do some optimization to it, post it here, maybe we can help you cut it down a couple of lines or something.  Either that or switch to a more powerful host, and hope they can handle the load, or a dedicated ip.
  20. The way I built my message system, is you have your user information.  You probably have a user id, have another table called messages.  Have it record the user id of the sender, the userid of the reciever, then have the message as long text, and whatever else you want, date it was sent, time, ip it was sent from whatever.  You can have it also send an email to the reciever everytime it's sent, then when you want to create an area for them to check there messages, just check for the occurence of there userid, where the reciever column is, everything that is coming to them will come up on the page, and they can see there messages.  Then they can respond, and on responses you can switch the to and from to make it accurate again.
  21. build it, the electronic order form, will take 5 minutes, maybe 20 if it's really, really advanced.  THe processing on something like that plus setting it up with paypal will take about 30 minutes, and working out the file handling can add on another 10, you can do that within 3 hours.
  22. I normally do these open searches.  Like I have a form [code]<form name="searchform" id="searchform" action="whatever.php" method="get or post"> <label for="searchtext">Search</label> <input name="searchtext" id="searchtext" type="text" maxlength="120" /> <br /> <input name="searchsubmit" id="searchsubmit" type="submit" value="Search It!" /> </form>[/code] THen you can process it, and when you do, run a special query, with the query have it check everyfield of everydatabase.  With 2 percentages, this makes it guarantee any close match, for any field. Like this [code]<?php $search = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchtext']); $search = strtolower($search); $select = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE url LIKE '%$search' OR title LIKE '%$search' OR description LIKE '%$search' OR keywords LIKE '%$search';"; $query = mysql_query($select); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { // do whatever } ?>[/code]
  23. What do you mean.
  24. Well if you did that from scratch, then it's very nice, and if you are re-doing it in css, then that's even better.
  25. It's great but 1. It was a template(it says it was in the source code 2. It was done in frontpage (you can see the webbot tags, only frontpage does that 3. It's not done in css, but it's done entirely in tables.
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