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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Ldap can be very tricky. The one main project I have uses heavy Ldap to authenticate it's admin's on a private server. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ldap+php+examples check out the first 4-5 links here and I think it'll answer all of your primary questions.
  2. 1. Don't use shorthand. 2. Don't use short-tags. 3. Use require_once('whatever') instead of include.
  3. @madtechie nice post, I think I will get some use out of that one as well. Thanks
  4. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=php+gaming+script Or google other terms "Php ladder gaming scripts" "php third party gaming scripts". www.hotscripts.com www.sourceforge.net are also 2 really good places to find free scripts.
  5. PHP can be used to send various variables into javascript. However they can't "trigger" a javascript call. Also php can't start off a call, but you can use javascript to call a php file, to do something. (as he said, using ajax).
  6. Hahahah, that sounds oddly familiar.
  7. I have had it before, but changes are you can find something better.
  8. #!d:/xampp/perl/bin/perl.exe # ^^^ this must be the first line of the script! ^^^ # start code # print header and start the markup output print 'hello'; # end code does not work (returns server error). #!d:/xampp/perl/bin/perl.exe # ^^^ this must be the first line of the script! ^^^ # start code use strict; use CGI; my $q = new CGI; # print header and start the markup output print $q->header( "text/html" ),$q->start_html( "hello from perl cgi!" ); print $q->h2("Hello World!"); print $q->end_html; # end code This works. Why do I have to do it OOP Like this instead of standard perl. I have downloaded activeperl from there website and modified my "apache" config files to do what they need to do (for pl and cgi files). Now that it's done. I have basically 3 questions. 1. What is the reason behind one form of coding working, and another not (as explained above). 2. What is the difference between Perl in CGI and Mod_perl. Are they inherently different, or does the syntax/functionality of them change. 3. Which one am I most likely to encounter during a standard development project, cgi mode, or Mod_perl in apache. There is also something in php called php perl, is this something else or just another form of mod_perl with the same syntax?
  9. if (the browser is ie6 OR LESS) { do this }else { do this } How do I do something like that in javascript. I need to figure out how to detect if it's internet explore 6 or below do something, else do something else.
  10. It looks like each time the function is called,date is actually pulled directly from a database, which has it as a unix timestamp.
  11. Not, sure. It's a function that has it in there. I just know that when I run the page it tells me function does not exist.
  12. <?php $pdate = strptime($date, '%Y-%m-%d'); ?> this strptime function is not implemented on a windows system. Is there a function that can do the same as what the above does, but on a windows system?
  13. * I really like the domain name. It's unique. * I like the layout, very nice. * Blog seems to be well setup/structured. The overall idea behind the site is pretty good as well.
  14. It's alright. For a file hosting site I think it's very nice and clean. However in my opinion for a file hosting site it's more about how fast files upload/download over how good the site looks.
  15. Cd's might be a possibility, but why would I mail data to myself.
  16. I have about.... 35 gigs I want to put into storage on my server. However it's taking forever... I am using something called...'3d-FTP' which seems to go really faster (using multi-threaded ftp). However it's been going for 3 days now, i have been uploading files, and I am on set 3/17. I have 17 sets of data 2.5 gigs each and each set contains many files (400+) I am sending them all to storage on a server. After that I have some data that is a group of data around 4.6 gigs. I need to be able to send all of this data to storage on my server. Is there anyway I can get it from my computer to my server without it taking another month. As I said it's been going on for 3-4 days now, and I am on group 3 out of 17. Each group having 2.5 gigs. it's not going very well, any advice?
  17. What is the most MVC like way to do your overall includes. You have a general header and footer normally. As well as generally left nav. I am wanting to find out the most MVC type way (without using smarty - not wanting to get into that (yet)) to do primary includes in code igniter. I would generally require them in every view, is there a way code ignitor intended on doing it. I know how cake does theres with the initial template file, but what about code igniter.
  18. I figured it out. It was strange.... thanks for the feedback.
  19. Ok, I tried that just now. I don't understand exactly what this error is. I know, btu I don't know how to fix it.
  20. Yes, customers is the array customers. It works fine,without the second foreach. $customers['products'] howeverwhich I am trying to access in the second foreach is, but funny. It's $customers['customerid']['products'] is an array of product id's Like $customers['customerid']['products -> array ( $prod_id = array ( value = whatever value2 = whatever again value3 = something else ) ) That's basically it.
  21. @ MmmVomit I can't show customer's "data" because it's a private project. The original array is called products. I have split it into 2 arrays products['customers'] is going into customers and the other part somewhere else. I am focusing on customers. Which is now the $customers array. Inside it are some values, and one array. Which is products. customers[value] customers[value2] customers[value3] customers[products] -> array inside that array are product id -> values. For each one. Note: @mgallforever I tried that, as well as unsetting each one at the end both. No luck.
  22. <?php foreach($customers AS $key => $value) { $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $key, 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['forecast'], 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['actual'], 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['gam'], 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['actual'] + $value['gam'] - $value['forecast'], 1, 1, 'C'); foreach($value['products'] AS $key2 => $value2) { $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $key2, 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['forecast'], 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['actual'], 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['gam'], 1, 0, 'C'); $fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['actual'] + $value2['gam'] - $value2['forecast'], 1, 1, 'C'); } } ?> Why no matter how I do this I always get, a
  23. Where can I find a top of the line php/mysql file upload system. I am aware something good will take a bit of money (or a lot) that doesn't matter. www.mediamax.com www.boxstr.com www.flipdrive.com a system for one of those kind of sites. However I need to find one that can support multiple-servers,and one that is done in cake or code ignitor so it has an mvc/oop framework to make it easy to add features into it later. Idon't care about the price tag that goes with it. I amalso looking for a desktop uploader that I can put in with it, even if it's a seperate one that costs money. Any advice on where I can find one top of the line?
  24. If you have a basic page created in xhtml/php, just a basic one. Database call with some foreach loops, is there a way to turn that page into a pdf. without having to rewrite the whole thing. Something relatively simple?
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