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Everything posted by Barand

  1. This will stop that error // $executingFetchQuery = $mysqli->query("SELECT `StreamStatus` FROM streamdb WHERE 1"); // if($executingFetchQuery) // { // while($arr = $executingFetchQuery->fetch_assoc()) // { // $resultArr[] = $arr['StreamStatus'];//storing values into an array // } // } However, it may cause others
  2. It was working when it left the shop. Do you have error reporting turned on? Your call to sqlsrv_query() does not look right. You are not using query parameters so why try to provide them? RTFM
  3. try <?php // get data date range $date = new DateTime(); // now $dateto = $date->format('Y-m-01'); $datefrom = $date->sub(new DateInterval('P1Y'))->format('Y-m-01'); // minus 1 year // initialize array $dp = new DatePeriod($date, new DateInterval('P1M'),12); $data = []; foreach ($dp as $d) { $data[$d->format('F')] = [ 'reg' => 0, 'app' => 0 ]; } // get data and accumulate counts in array $sql = "SELECT registerdate , approvedate FROM datetest WHERE registerdate >= ? AND registerdate < ? ORDER BY registerdate"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute( [$datefrom, $dateto] ); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { if ($row['registerdate']) { $rm = (new DateTime($row['registerdate']))->format('F'); $data[$rm]['reg']++; } if ($row['approvedate']) { $am = (new DateTime($row['approvedate']))->format('F'); $data[$am]['app']++; } } // assemble the output $tabledata = ''; foreach ($data as $month=>$vals) { $tabledata .= "<tr><td>$month</td><td>{$vals['reg']}</td><td>{$vals['app']}</td></tr>\n"; } ?> <table> <thead> <tr><th>Month</th><th>Registered</th><th>Approved</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <?=$tabledata?> </tbody> </table> Note that this processes the previous year's data. Set your date range as required.
  4. You need to turn error reporting on. Preferably in your php.ini file but if not possible put this at top of the script error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); mysqli_query requires the connection as its first parameter. With error reporting on it would have told you. You also need exit; after a header redirect to stop other code in the page from executing. PS If error reporting is on, the redirect may be hiding the message.
  5. Read the data into an array, indexed by month. Store counts of registered and approved for each month. Output the table from the array.
  6. You are inserting seven values into six columns. Don't insert the user_id, let the auto_increment take care of that.
  7. Confusion? If they can't work out where other members' names are, having seen where their name is located, then they are beyond any help we might offer. You should leave it where it is as an initiative test for site membership.
  8. That will give something like ... HAVING COUNT(1) = count(3) What you want is ... HAVING COUNT(1) = 3
  9. SELECT product , MAX(timestamp) as lastsale FROM inventory GROUP BY product ORDER BY lastsale DESC LIMIT 4
  10. Read the manual. store_result() returns boolean, not a result object.
  11. try $chars = '16849'; $im = imagecreate(500,100); $bg = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0,0); $fg = imagecolorallocate($im,0,0xFF,0xFF); for ($c=0; $c<5; $c++) { $angle = $c*10; $ch = $chars[$c]; imagettftext($im, 60, $angle, $c*100+10, 90, $fg, 'c:/windows/fonts/Arial.ttf', $ch); } header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im);
  12. Perhaps $listingFee = ''; foreach ($xml->Fees->Fee as $fee) { if ($fee->Name=='ListingFee') { $listingFee = sprintf('%0.2f%s', $fee->Fee, $fee->Fee['currencyID']); } } echo $listingFee; //--> 0.25USD
  13. Leave the line breaks in the text when saving to the database. If outputting to a text area then leave the breaks as they are. If outputting to to other parts of a page, use nl2br($text) to add <br> to the line breaks.
  14. I suspect that is the result of putting a forum code tag in the middle of the code
  15. Setting a variable $return_value does not return the value. function get_query_value ($con,$query){ $con->real_query($query); $result=$con->use_result(); $row=$result->fetch_row(); $result->close(); return $row[0]; //<---- return the value } @ginerjm - the function is closing the result set, NOT the connection.
  16. A couple of other things. Avoid the use of "global", pass the connection to the function. You are wasting resources by using several queries, each fetching only a single column. You can do everything in a single query. function predictor ($con, $home_team, $away_team) { $sql = "SELECT IFNULL(home_team_strength * away_team_strength / home_strength, 0) as result0 , IFNULL(away_team_strength_2 * home_team_defence / away_strength, 0) as result1 FROM ( SELECT AVG(IF(home_team = ?, HTgoals, null)) as home_team_strength , AVG(IF(home_team = ?, ATgoals, null)) as home_team_defence , AVG(IF(away_team = ?, HTgoals, null)) as away_team_strength , AVG(IF(away_team = ?, ATgoals, null)) as away_team_strength_2 FROM results ) team CROSS JOIN ( SELECT AVG(HTgoals) as home_strength , AVG(ATgoals) as away_strength FROM results ) league;"; $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute( [ $home_team,$home_team,$away_team,$away_team ] ); return $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); }
  17. Your get_query_value() function does not return anything
  18. Use code tags and put it in a legible format, and then someone may look at the problem for you
  19. Test data mysql> select * from seizoen16; +--------------+--------+----------+----------------+--------+ | seizoen16_id | speler | gespeeld | honderdtachtig | punten | +--------------+--------+----------+----------------+--------+ | 1 | Fred | 20 | 8 | 40 | | 2 | Peter | 20 | 10 | 56 | | 3 | Paul | 22 | 15 | 63 | | 4 | Mary | 21 | 9 | 56 | +--------------+--------+----------+----------------+--------+ SELECT cast(rank as char) as rank , speler , gespeeld , honderdtachtig , punten FROM ( SELECT speler , gespeeld , honderdtachtig , @row :=@row+1 as row , @rank := IF(punten = @lastpunten, @rank, @row) as rank , @lastpunten := punten as punten FROM seizoen16 JOIN (SELECT @row:=0, @rank:=0, @lastpunten:=0) init ORDER BY punten DESC ) points +------+--------+----------+----------------+--------+ | rank | speler | gespeeld | honderdtachtig | punten | +------+--------+----------+----------------+--------+ | 1 | Paul | 22 | 15 | 63 | | 2 | Peter | 20 | 10 | 56 | | 2 | Mary | 21 | 9 | 56 | | 4 | Fred | 20 | 8 | 40 | +------+--------+----------+----------------+--------+
  20. This should get you on your way. If your tables are like these mysql> SELECT * FROM plan; +---------+--------+------------------+ | plan_id | amount | daily_commission | +---------+--------+------------------+ | 1 | 100 | 0.70 | | 2 | 250 | 1.00 | | 3 | 500 | 1.50 | | 4 | 1000 | 2.00 | +---------+--------+------------------+ mysql> select * from user; +---------+----------+---------+-------------+--------+ | user_id | password | plan_id | referred_by | status | +---------+----------+---------+-------------+--------+ | 1 | 22222 | 1 | NULL | 1 | | 2 | 12345 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 3 | 123sad | 1 | 2 | 1 | | 4 | asdf4f | 2 | 3 | 1 | | 5 | 321423 | 4 | 2 | 1 | +---------+----------+---------+-------------+--------+ CREATE TABLE `income` ( `inc_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `amount` decimal(8,2) DEFAULT NULL, `income_date` date NOT NULL, `income_type` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'D' COMMENT '(D)aily or (R)eferral', PRIMARY KEY (`inc_id`) ) ; A query like this one, run daily, will create the daily commission income records INSERT INTO income (user_id,income_date,amount,income_type) SELECT u.user_id , CURDATE() , p.amount * p.daily_commission / 100 , 'D' FROM user u INNER JOIN plan p USING (plan_id); To calculate the referral commissions you will need a recursive function to climb the parent tree. Here's an example $db = pdoConnect($db1); /********************************************************************* * USER TEST DATA **********************************************************************/ $referrer = '6'; $plan = 1; $password = 'secret'; /********************************************************************* * ADD USER **********************************************************************/ $pass_hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); $usersql = "INSERT INTO user (password, plan_id, referred_by) VALUES (?,?,?)"; $userstmt = $db->prepare($usersql); $userstmt->execute( [ $pass_hash, $plan, $referrer ] ); /********************************************************************* * GET THE PLAN AMOUNT 10% COMMISSION **********************************************************************/ $plansql = "SELECT amount FROM plan WHERE plan_id = ?"; $planstmt = $db->prepare($plansql); $planstmt->execute( [$plan] ); $row = $planstmt->fetch(); $commission = $row['amount'] * 0.1; // 10% commission /********************************************************************* * ADD 10% COMMISSION TO REFERRER INCOME **********************************************************************/ $incomesql = "INSERT INTO income (user_id, amount, income_date, income_type) VALUES (?,?,CURDATE(),'R')"; $incomestmt = $db->prepare($incomesql); $incomestmt->execute( [ $referrer, $commission ] ); /********************************************************************* * ADD 5% COMMISSION TO REFERRER'S REFERRERS' INCOMEs **********************************************************************/ $refsql = "SELECT referred_by FROM user WHERE user_id = ?"; $refstmt = $db->prepare($refsql); $commission /= 2; // 5% commission addCommission ($referrer, $commission, $refstmt, $incomestmt); /********************************************************************* * RECURSIVE FUNCTION TO FIND ALL REFERRERS AND ADD COMMISSION **********************************************************************/ function addCommission ($referrer, $commission, $refstmt, $incomestmt) { $refstmt->execute( [$referrer] ); $row = $refstmt->fetch(); if ($row && $row['referred_by'] != null) { $incomestmt->execute( [ $row['referred_by'], $commission ] ); addCommission ($row['referred_by'], $commission, $refstmt, $incomestmt); } } Don't store passwords as plain text. See the use of password_hash() in the above example. You would verify the password with password_verify()
  21. My advice is to remove those amounts from the user table. The plan_amount should only be in the "plan" table, not duplicated for every user with that plan. There should be a separate "income" table (user, date, amount) to which you add a record each time commission is paid.
  22. Use forward slashes. It saves having to worry about escaping backslashes (and quotes) and it's fine on Windows as well as Linux. define('MYSQL','d:/wamp/www/');
  23. Both these will do it $serialno = strstr($filename, '_', true); // get chars before the '_' $serialno = substr($filename, 0, 4); // get first four chars
  24. And remove the quotes from 'ASC'. (As the default is ASC you don't really need it.) SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id
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