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Everything posted by Barand

  1. Barand


    Selecting two random questions from three is the same as omitting a random question. Use a subquery to select a randon question from each group the use a left join to omit the matching question. SELECT q.topic_id, q.qid FROM questions q LEFT JOIN ( SELECT topic_id, FLOOR(MIN(qid) + RAND()*(MAX(qid)-MIN(qid))) as qid FROM questions GROUP BY topic_id ) as random USING (topic_id, qid) WHERE random.qid IS NULL
  2. You already have a current topic on this problem - http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/279246-help-with-my-form/ - don't double post.
  3. the function should be function sort_by_value($x, $y) { return ($x['value'] - $y['value']); } a sort function needs to return -, 0 or + values
  4. Is this what you are trying to do? mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$school_id."_outbox (senderno, destno, message, student_id) SELECT '$senderno', p1contact, '$message', '$student_id' FROM 1_contacts");
  5. here you are $str = date('dmY'); do { $str = (string)array_sum(str_split($str)); } while (strlen($str) > 1); $bgc = '#'. str_repeat($str,6); echo $bgc;
  6. What does echo $q give. If $_SESSION['numbers'] is empty then the query will look like ... NOT IN () ... so try if(!isset($_SESSION['numbers'])){ $_SESSION['numbers'] = array(0); } so you get ... NOT IN (0) ... and avoid a syntax error
  7. Then you are either finding no match or more than 1 match. Always put the query string into a variable so you can echo it if required. $sql = "SELECT foo FROM bar"; $result = mysql_query($sql); In cases like this you can now echo $sql then copy and paste the actual query into phpMyAdmin (or similar) and see what the results are
  8. One approach might be to write some demo sites/applications for prospective clients to try. This would give you a portfolio and build up your experience. But do finish them.
  9. Then fix it. You are either referencing a non-existent column or you have a string value in your query containing "test1" that is not inside quotes. We haven't even seen the query, let alone your table structures, so your pretty much on your own, unless we have a psychic in or midst.
  10. Have you got error reporting on? Have you you checked what mysql_error() returns after running the query?
  11. see what mysql_error() returns after executing the query. also echo($q) to see what was executed
  12. Just because query returns no results does not mean it isn't working. It just means it didn't find any rows that match the WHERE criteria
  13. Use mysql_num_rows($query) to see if any rows were found
  14. Don't worry, mysql will allocate a unique insert id to each connection
  15. Your inputs need name attributes. It is the name and value that is passed in the post (not the id and value)
  16. Already told him that:
  17. alternative method $db = new mysqli(HOST, USERNAME, PASSWORD, 'metrocellars'); $sql = "SELECT l.location , r.region , w.winery_name , w.url , p.label FROM location l INNER JOIN region r USING (lid) INNER JOIN product p USING (rid) INNER JOIN winery w USING (pid) INNER JOIN varietal v USING (vid) WHERE lid = 2 ORDER BY r.region, w.winery_name, v.varietal "; $prevRegion = $prevWinery = ''; $res = $db->query($sql); while (list($loc,$rgn, $wnry, $url, $label) = $res->fetch_row()) { if ($prevRegion != $rgn) { echo "<h3>$rgn</h3>\n"; $prevRegion = $rgn; $prevWinery = ''; } if ($prevWinery != $wnry) { echo "<a href='$url'>$wnry</a><br>\n"; $prevWinery = $wnry; } echo "<span style='margin-left:15px;'>$label</span><br>\n"; }
  18. `word` = 'a' OR `word` = 'b' OR `word` = 'c' OR `word` = 'ab' OR `word` = 'ac' OR `word` = 'ba' OR `word` = 'ca' OR `word` = 'cb' OR `word` = 'abc' OR `word` = 'cba' OR `word` = 'bca' */ can be simplified to `word` IN ('a', 'b', 'c', 'ab', 'ac', 'ba', 'ca', 'cb', 'abc', 'cba', 'bca')
  19. $to is given a value early on in the code only if certain conditions are true. I you later try to output when those conditions are not true then it will be undefined.
  20. You need to escape $img_src as it contains quotes. mysql_real_escape_string
  21. I have just told you the solution
  22. that only proves that the string value "../backend/playlist_form.php" exists
  23. put $img_src in single quotes, not backticks. (Backticks say "this is a column name")
  24. realpath will just return false if the path/file does not exist
  25. Don't assign the $result['isProcessed'] back to $result. $processed = $result['isProcessed'] ? 'yes' : 'n/a'; echo "<td>$processed</td>";
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