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Posts posted by nogray

  1. Try something like this

    <input type="text" name="username" id="username">
    <a href="#" onclick="window.open('check_username.php?username='+document.getElementById('username').value, '', 'width=250, height=150'); return false;">Available</a>

  2. how are you using your title? Is this an AJAX page? if not, it's a simple title tag

    <title>My Title Here</title>
    <title><?PHP echo $some_variable;?> - my title</title>


    If the page is using Ajax to load the content, you'll need to make an alternative page so search engines can spider that page.

  3. you'll need to give more details on what's not working. But since you are making a grid, make sure to add a tbody to the table, otherwise, nothing will show on it.



    var table = document.createElement('table');
    var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
    var tr = document.createElement('tr');
    var td = document.createElement('td');
    td.innerHTML = 'hello';


    If you use this example, run it after the page loads.

  4. not sure what calendar you're using. However, if you use the NoGray Calendar http://www.nogray.com/calendar.php you can use the onSelect event to show anything



    var cal = new Calendar('holder', 'toggel', {inputField:'date',
    <input type="text" name="date" id="date" /> <a href="#" id="toggel">Open</a>
    <div id="holder"></div>

  5. I am not very familiar with JQuery, but you can do something like this


    When the user click on a toggle link, the script will slide down the div and save a cookie with the toggler id (importent)


    next time when the page load, check if the cookie is saved. If so, fire the toggler click event (that's why saving the toggler id is importent). Make sure it's not the first toggler, otherwise it might close it ;)

  6. Why did you redirect the styles and images folders? When you do the redirect, nothing will be accessible from the browser, so you shouldn't redirect the style, images, or any files that is used in the page.


    to filter the input, you can do something like this (to filter anything that is not in a-zA-Z0-9_


    $p = preg_replace('/\W/g', "", $p);



    $p = str_replace(array("?"," ",",",";","."), "", $p);

    Not tested

  7. of course you need test and make sure everything is safe. Also, make sure none of the files in the navigation folder display anything important. Finally, filter the input for "?" or illegal characters (like spaces, commans, etc...)


    If someone wants to view the navigation links by themselves, I don't see the harm in that :)

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