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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. You can also pipe the mail from the mail server to a script. This will be push instead of pull, so it'll be more efficient periodically polling the mail server and it'll occur in real time.
  2. Why? I think you'll need to back up that claim. It's good practice. I beg to differ... My reasoning is here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,241805.0.html Now I'd like your reasoning. You didn't back up your claim, you just repeated yourself.
  3. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing OOP stands for in computer science is "object oriented programming".
  4. As a matter of fact, PHP didn't get proper OOP support until version 5. There was minimal support for OOP (though so minimal I wouldn't even call it OOP) in PHP4.
  5. Not allowed per the vB license agreement: Locked.
  6. OOP has nothing to do with working in teams or working alone. You'll need your own code to be maintainable as well.
  7. Why? I think you'll need to back up that claim.
  8. You have obviously read about the benefits of OOP, so I won't bother reiterating them for you. However, considering you said you're new to programming in general, I'm automatically assuming that you're doing OOP the wrong way. No offense, you may have got it right, but my experience is just that a lot of people who are new to it starts just grouping their functions into classes and then call it OOP. It's not, they're just using the classes as a kind of name spaces. Obviously, I cannot tell if your code is good or bad without having seen it, but my personal experience is that OOP done right is superior in terms of some of the benefits you already mentioned.
  9. XPHP, Extensible PHP? Is that the same as PECL?
  10. Somebody will have to invent a time-machine first. IE6 was released and people are using it. You can't fix IE6, but you can make future versions better, which they are working on.
  11. Costs $300 though.
  12. Yes. It might be required later on, and in that case you're screwed if you made it a singleton.
  13. Not if he is aiming at good code, he should not.
  14. That link it outdated. It was from when we was running other forum software.
  15. Add padding:0;clear:none; to li.lareas. Also, you seem to have lost the id values on your checkboxes, so clicking the labels doesn't work.
  16. Another thing you might do if you think it's too long is to use <fieldset>s. This group your form into sections and will make the form look less cluttered.
  17. You can make its container <div> into an unordered list (<ul>) and then make each checkbox+label combination a list item (<li>). You can then set the <li> to have width:50%;float:left;.
  18. Good job providing a less complete solution...
  19. You can try to push #top_nav upwards using a conditional stylesheet for IE. Setting a negative top margin would probably do it.
  20. Permission to connecting. It's probably set to only allow connections from localhost. Again, you'll have to contact your host if you cannot change the permissions yourself.
  21. Hmm... I guess you cannot put a subquery in SUM(). I've moved your topic to MySQL in case somebody who knows more about MySQL than me has a solution.
  22. First, remove the div for the "2" image. Next, replace the CSS rules for the selector .formboxcontent h2 to: .formboxcontent h2 { font-weight: bold; height: 34px; line-height: 34px; margin-left: 75px; padding-left: 40px; font-size: 1.3em; background: url(../images/Step02.gif) no-repeat; color: #415181; }
  23. 1) if (date('h') % 2 != 0) { // do A } else { // do B } 2) if (in_array(date('i'), range(1, 5)) { // do A } else { // do B }
  24. You'll have to contact your host to get them to set the permissions then.
  25. Then try to do a LEFT JOIN instead.
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