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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. The semi-colon is implicit if it's right before the PHP closing tag.
  2. Java, not Javascript
  3. If you're going to break the law then you might as well do it "properly" and download DVD/HD quality movies using e.g. BitTorrent or Usenet.
  4. No torrent tracker is inherently illegal. It depends on what you use it for. Hammers aren't illegal either just because I can smack you in the head with it.
  5. You could try something entirely different and then learn Lisp.
  6. Daniel0

    Modify URL

    It should be like this: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.b\.com$ [NC] RewriteCond (.*) http://www.b.com$1 [R=301,L] Basically saying "If hostname is not www.b.com then redirect to the corresponding address on that hostname".
  7. Lol.
  8. Hey I'm not sure if you knew or not, but we have a nifty latex button for this sort of thing. Yep. Some admin recently installed it because he thought it would be useful. Thought of that after I posted and edited it shortly after
  9. It's a fourth degree polynomial... [tex]f(x) = -8 \cdot 10^{-11} \cdot x^4 + 8 \cdot 10^8 \cdot x^3 - .000027x^2 + .0028x + .948[/tex] Approximately...
  10. Daniel0

    PHP trashing

    The cache is invalid once the source code is changed. It works like in Python.
  11. Daniel0

    PHP trashing

    I'm not sure. I've never purchased shared hosting. I only use virtual private servers or dedicated servers so I'm free to install whatever I need. We use APC on PHP Freaks.
  12. Daniel0

    PHP trashing

    I know one PHP developer who once commented to me on the code base that powered one of the clients of the company he worked for: a bank. I don't know what my bank uses, but you need to login using a really annoying Java applet, so I guess it's likely that the rest is Java powered as well. That's easily alleviated using an opcode cache such as APC.
  13. Heh... I believe it's the "personal text"...
  14. It also renders stuff like auctions useless. Theoretically someone could bid higher at a later point, so having that mindset the auction can never end and the item will never be sold.
  15. Set high price, buyer negotiates down, you negotiate up. Compromise is found. Max profit for you, min expense for buyer. Win-win...
  16. Uhm... "@" means "at", so [email protected] is the person Daniel at the site/machine/domain called phpfreaks.com. The Daniel that has [email protected] could be an entirely different person than the phpfreaks.com Daniel. Makes perfect sense to me...
  17. I guess this is because VB's logical and bitwise operators share the same syntax. That's not the case in PHP. In PHP, && is a "logical and" whereas & is "binary and". See: http://php.net/operators.bitwise
  18. I'll see if I can put a cookie somewhere to only update if it doesn't exist.
  19. Hehe... you're welcome. You have an internal welcome topic along with mjdamato, KingPhillip, and haku who were also promoted today: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,235282.0.html Also, you can switch between your supporter and guru title/badge via your profile if you for some reason should prefer the other one.
  20. The subject of this topic sounds like one of those Nigerian scam mails...
  21. Or rather, because they're hashing algorithms and, as such, are one-way. Well... I suppose quantum computers might be able (one day) to recreate all possible inputs of hashing function that result in given hash So 'there is no possible way as of yet' is pretty accurate Not really. Given that a hashing function could accept arbitrarily large input, you could always increase the size of your input to generate a new value that maps to the same hash. While the domain is infinitely large, the size of the range is still constant. The more you try to squash in, the more will have to share the same hash. For MD5 you only need 2128 different inputs to be able to get at least one matching hash. killah, the above is also why no hashing algorithm can possibly be reverted and thus "decrypted". A mathematical function can by definition only have one output value y per x. This also means that for a function to have a opposite function, it's required that each x only has only one y. A hashing algorithm works kind of like this: x1 -\ x2 --- y xn -/ If you try to reverse that, such that y is the argument of the function, then y would have to correspond to multiple x values, which is of course not possible because one couldn't possibly figure out whether x1, x2 or xn is the correct value.
  22. I don't know. I'm not a lawyer I assumed it would be the same in this instance because you are in effect figuring out how the program works without first having access to its source code.
  23. No offense (maybe a little), but you haven't shown any skill yourself. You're just a script kiddie, or as an Urban Dictionary entry puts it: "An idiot 12 year old kid with no social life that runs around in a Jedi outfit and uses some prewritten programs to h4xx0r his school" As for the legalities:
  24. Sorry to hear that. Good luck with your stuff. I added you to the alumni group as with all the former staff. You can hide it via your profile if you wish.
  25. I was under the impression that he got the job and they're negotiating salary. Hmm...
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