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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. You can do like this: <?php $arr1 = array(1,2,3,4,5,6); $arr2 = array('a','b','c','d','e','f'); $shuffle = array(); for ($i = 0, $size = min(sizeof($arr1), sizeof($arr2)); $i < $size; ++$i) { $shuffle[] = array($arr1[$i], $arr2[$i]); } shuffle($shuffle); foreach ($shuffle as $i => $v) { list($arr1[$i], $arr2[$i]) = $v; } var_dump($arr1, $arr2); Of course you need them to have equal length.
  2. Can't you just use bindec?
  3. Use the unserialize function.
  4. ab is open source. It can test any web server, be it IIS, Lighttpd, nginx, Apache or your own custom written one. It "just" makes requests to a web server with various settings and gives you some statistics back. I'm not sure if you can download it separately, but it's with Apache anyway.
  5. ab ships with Apache.
  6. If you have no idea how these kind of things work or how to do it, do you really think you are the right person to entrust with other people's money?
  7. Just use usenet instead. It's way better. No having to download a couple of gigabytes at a speed of 20 kB/s because the torrent is horribly seeded.
  8. Use Subversion and post-commit hook.
  9. Debian/Ubuntu and Gentoo are the only ones I've used personally. We use CentOS on the PHP Freaks servers, but I don't like it.
  10. Doing like $foo = "hello $bar[baz] world"; is perfectly valid though.
  11. That's still illegal, so if you're going to break the law, why not pirate the finished version?
  12. Like a quine?
  13. It might also be worth checking whether your university/department is in MSDNAA. You can get a lot of free shit from there, including their operating systems.
  14. Right. From that article:
  15. There is no direct upgrade path from XP to Win7 as far as I know. You would have to upgrade to Vista and then to Win7.
  16. You mean like /tmp?
  17. About 74% of the inbound traffic comes from search engines, so I would be surprised if it's difficult to find.
  18. Uninstall Visual Studio.
  19. GA browser stats for the last 30 days attached. [attachment deleted by admin]
  20. Calling static methods is faster than using objects. If all you're doing is calling static methods on objects (of if you do it interchangeably) there is no point in using classes in the first place.
  21. As long as people keep their software updated, I don't really care what they use.
  22. Fail. We already have one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm#Sarcasm_mark
  23. The Terms of Service applies to all members (staff or otherwise) and covers licensing of submitted content.
  24. A signed integer, 2147483647 will be the W2K38 bug. Lets leave the problem for our children to deal with. Yes, but what happens when you represent the time as the number of seconds after after the Unix epoch using a signed integer and then want to represent '69? That is the problem with representing '69. Like you cannot exceed the upper bound, you also cannot go below the lower bound.
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