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Everything posted by AXiSS

  1. Not working, using: [code]$metakeysite = file_get_contents($url); $keyposs1 = strpos($metakeysite, '<meta name="wakey" content="'); $keyposs2 = strpos($metakeysite, '">', $keyposs1); $key = substr($metakeysite, $keyposs1+30, $keyposs2-($keyposs1+30)); if($key == $meta_key){                                         echo 'GOOD!';                       } else {                                         echo 'BAD!'; }[/code] Where $url is the site to check...
  2. What exactly is the "Snippets Tags" sections based on?
  4. William looked a lot like William (Bill) Gates... And the song was plain creepy.
  5. Looks awesome, but took forever to load.
  6. That looks much better.
  7. http://www.altavista.com/help/free/free_searchbox_transl Not google translator, but works well.
  8. Showing comments on snippets on the home page might not be a good idea. Someone posted "Doesn't look very secure" for the CAPTCHA script, and that shows on the home page. Along those lines, it might not look very popular.
  9. Do I really need to have an animated image tell me what credit cards you accept on the home page? As said before, make the width 80% and center it, that will make it a lot better. I hate looking to the far left of my screen.
  10. ...that site is for a fencing company? Looks more like a flower company website to me. Anyway, yeah, too much pink.
  11. Person: "I need a banner for my website." GFX Guy: "Okay, what's the color scheme?" Person: "Color Scheme? I don't know. I haven't built the site yet. We need the banner to build it." GFX Guy: *stabbity death* Thats definately how I feel.
  12. The page is aligned left. Center it. Please.
  13. The header is somewhat out-of-place in Opera (or is it really that bad?), and I don't see a theme. I see a lot of different colors and patterns, but no unity. Its kind of dull.
  14. Very plain. The header doesn't look good at all, and what is with the adsense banner? Color scheme seems pretty random, and in opera, sections of the background graphics aren't there, so it looks choppy.
  15. No, that doesn't look right. I think this is what I need: if(eregi("^[a-z0-9\-\.]+[a-z0-9\-/]+$", $url)){ ... But I'm not sure if that is the best way...
  16. Still no URL validation.
  17. I want to use eregi() to check for a correct url. I want to allow people to enter subdomains, domains, and directories, but no specific files, like any of these would be valid: test.url sub.test.url test.url/sub/ sub.test.url/sub/ The http:// will be added after validation. What would be the best way to validate that with eregi()?
  18. Also works in Opera 9.1 just so you know.
  19. Comic Sans is a bit overused on the internet, and isn't a very professional font. You might want to replace that with a Serif font, and change the rest of the text to a Sans-Serif font.
  20. The header image looks better now... the colors are still plain, and that weird box behind the right column looks way out of place. The tabs are kind of floating still. Instead of tabs, why don't you do boxes for navigation instead, to match the site?
  21. You should not use Serif fonts in web design, except for highlight text (headers, etc.) Sans Serif fonts are better for main text. Most computers support Arial, Verdana, and Trebuchet (I think).
  22. And a link to it would be nice.
  23. OK, I think I can take that and apply it.
  24. Have someone enter tags that describe their site in a form. The form processes the text and enters the tags into the database. I want to know the best way to do this so it can be retrieved and the tags will be displayed seperately. So: 1. User enters tags in form, seperated by comments (dont need help here) 2. Form adds tags to database (best way to do this please?) 3. Tags need to be processed as seperate, without commas, upon retrieval The main thing here is the fact that each phrase seperated by commas needs to be seperated, and for all purposes they need to be seperate, and I need to know the best way to store the tags in a database.
  25. Times New Roman. Too many colors Too tightly packed Using Opera 9.1
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