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Everything posted by Azu

  1. I don't think you can use the HTTP protocol to force a client to send POST data. It would be a huge security problem, wouldn't it? POST is supposed to be secure I think. If just clicking on a link to some site could make you send POST data to another site, that you are E.G. logged into, it could do nasty things. Like delete someone's forum just from clicking a link you sent them.
  2. Hmm.. so this will be accurate for measuring the differance in startup/shutdown times between differant extensions being used for? Because that is what I'm trying to use this for. Like to see if mysqli adds less to startup/shutdown time, or if mysql does, for example.
  3. Thanks, that does work a bit. The problem is that the only reason I want to do this is to remove overhead, and doing it that way would require creating a new file, writing the data to it, saving it, then starting up a new PHP process, having it read and parse the file, and then tearing down that PHP process and deleting the file. This is overhead. :/ It gave me an idea though. Maybe I just send the command to MySQL through exec and that won't make the script wait?
  4. Thanks, but by the time it sees the include it has already started up, and it won't shutdown until after the include and after the timers..
  5. Try using touch() to create the file first.
  6. This blocks people from using your comment system unless they want to run javascript. Anyways, if a browser can automatically understand it and parse it, so can a spam bot, so they should be able to get around it. That's why all the big-names use either complicated captchas, or manuel comment approval by admins.
  7. It looks to me like you are using an external program to convert it, not PHP. Maybe this is a problem with that program, not PHP? o_O
  8. That's the problem.. it waits for a return from mysql_query.. I need to find a way to stop this, or a way to make a new function that doesn't do this, but I don't know how..
  9. Maybe alter your script to not use a salt if the salt field is empty in the database.
  10. They are exactly the same except the "<?" must be enabled in the ini to work, where as the "<?php" is enabled by default.
  11. Bump.. this should be an easy question..
  12. Well personally I for one would like to know why it does this. Does anybody know? o_O
  13. Oh okay. I think I worded it wrong then sorry. You know how usually when you use mysql_query to run a query, it sends the query to MySQL, and then it waits, listening for a response? I want it to just send the query to MySQL, and that's all. I don't want it to do anything else. I don't want it to sit there waiting for a reply. I don't want it to continue doing anything in the background. I want it just move on and forget about it, instead of listening for feedback, since no feedback is needed from this whatsoever. So it shouldn't need threading since it is just sending the query and then forgetting about it and moving on. I think that you confused this with thinking that I wanted it to act normal but run the rest of the script while it's doing what it normally does (sitting there waiting for a response from MySQL).
  14. Hello I can benchmark the time between the startup and the shutdown, but how can I benchmark the time of the actual startup and shutdown themselves?
  15. <?mysql_connect(); while(++$a<9999)mysql_query('insert into database.table(name,password,email)values(rand(),rand(),rand()');?>
  16. Most webservers act like this by default when there is an index.html or index.php file in the directory.
  17. I think it's TCP that uses SYN not UDP. I'm pretty sure UDP is stateless. Anyways if it can't be done by default in PHP, you could probably make an extension that will let you do that.
  18. Hello Can somebody please tell me if there is a way to edit the core to remove the automatic error checking? So that the parser won't look for errors and stuff and try to fix them (E.G. undeclared variables)? I think that removing it could get rid of a lot of overhead but I don't know how.
  19. Just store the timestamp that they visited the thread, and if there are any replies with a newer timestamp display it as not read yet. Otherwise display it as read.
  20. Okay thanks.. I don't understand though sorry.. could you please help me understand why something like this would need threading? :s
  21. The ONLY reason to put the passwords in MD5 in the first place is so that they cannot be retrieved. If you want it to be possible to retrieve the passwords, then don't change them to MD5.
  22. Have a column in your post/comment table that holds the score, and one that lists the people who have already voted and can't vote again.
  23. I think he's wandering what the error is. Obviously the < is supposed to be there; it is part of the PHP start tag.
  24. It isn't supposed to run every certain amount of time though, and it has variables in it based on things in PHP. Can't this be done without threading? I just want it to send the query to MySQL, and then that's it, just forget about it and move on.
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