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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Thank you Just 1 more little question.. is there a way to make it so that the search engine will still follow links in a block of text, but won't index the block of text?
  2. Of course, if you mess with his computer like that, he is probably going to mess yours' up in return. If we don't hear back from you in a few days, I'm going to guess that's what happened. Lol.
  3. Thanks, I was considering that, but then the spider won't follow the links. I just want it so that the block of text and stuff won't stuff up in the search result. I don't want to prevent it from following links in it though. I'm really stumped x_x
  4. I'm sorry I don't understand.. How can I use a switch and cases to speed up mysql_pconnect?
  5. Hello I use mysql_pconnect but still every page gets 8ms loading time added on to it from the mysql_pconnect Is there a way to fix it so that it doesn't have to reconnect every time, so that it won't add to page loading time?
  6. That's like 50 pennies an hour for them and 25 dollars an hour for you? Well you're probally going to make a lot of money off this IF you can convince people to do it. As for the site itself, I think it's ugly.
  7. Note that this is hashing not encrypting. It will be impossible to retrieve the password, except maybe with a cracking tool like a rainbow table.
  8. I often use mysql_result for just fetching a single row with a single column in if statements, because this way I don't have to assign it to a variable first, I can just use it. But I want to switch to using mysqli and there is no mysqli_result so please tell me how to change this so that it works in mysqli if($a=='blah'&&$b=mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(*) from `db`.`table`"),0))echo $b; I know that I could change it to if($a=='blah'){ $b=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from `db`.`table`")); if($b[0])echo $b[0];} But that would be bloating my code and I don't want to do that, and it would get really messy in big if statements.
  9. Is there a way to make it so my website sends updates to the client (which listen and wait for the updates) instead of the clients constantly sending requests to my website asking if there has been an update or not?
  10. Thanks, the javascript solution works I think I am wandering though, is there a way I can just put a certain tag around the part I want the search engines to ignore, to make them ignore it? If I use the javascript solution, then it will only work in browsers that support javascript and have it enabled. This is bad for people that need screen readers and stuff.
  11. I thought that it is bad to have &s in the URLs because it messes up the search engines and stuff? If I used mod-rewrite wouldn't it still be in the URL?
  12. Yay. Welcome to the valid website club!
  13. Hello I am trying to make all my URLs clean, and I'm almost done but I have encountered one little problem.. I have a forum that is get not post, and it puts &s into the URL instead of putting /s like it is supposed to. Please tell me how I can fix it so that it uses / instead of & This is the part of the form that is bugged <input type='hidden' name='t' value='1'/> Please say how I can fix it so that instead of putting in "&t=1" it puts in "/t=1" like it is supposed to. The reason I am using GET for this instead of POST is that people should be able to link to this, and it should show up in the URL bar and be able to be changed etc etc.. but anyway ya please tell me how to fix it
  14. What exactly is it supposed to do?
  15. If it hurts you so much, then just ask him to stop playing it.
  16. Thank you, I will try both ways and see what one is faster
  17. How do you use robots.txt to tell search engines to ignore a certain section of on a page?
  18. Hello! Please tell me how I can tell the search engines to ignore a block of HTML. I have a login prompt on my website for anyone that isn't logged in, and I want to make the search engines ignore this, so that when you see my site in the search engine, there isn't a big fat "Please log in below" at the top of every result.
  19. I want all of the data in my mysql database to be loaded into memory at startup. This way once it starts up, everything is done in memory, and there is no disk I/O overhead. I would like any changes made to be committed to disk once in a while though, in case of a power problem. And also committed to disk at shutdown. Is this possible? Any help would be very appreciate
  20. On one page, I need to query data from a database(which I have no control of, only read). I need to select a row with a certain ID, and from that some text, and another ID. Then I need to do the same with that ID, etc, until there is no more. Then I take the first word from the last row and search another table for it, and that result from that should be the title. And it takes a while to generate. So I can either not display any of the data until I have gotten it all, and then stick the title on the front and then display the data Or I can display each line as it is retrieved, and then put in the title. But I don't know how to do this without making the page not valid. I would really like a way to do this, I don't how know to though..
  21. W3C validates websites, not browsers. And if the web page is valid, then any valid browser will display it perfectly, and the same as all of them do.
  22. So you want us to critique SMF? Sorry but you didn't make SMF. If you want critiques maybe post a link to a website that you made?
  23. Update: It seems to be happening whenever there is another download on a page from my site (like external JS or external CSS or image). If I embed them into the source instead, it works. If I put them on a seperate URL, it works. I don't understand why this is or why it is only in Firefox.. (and also netscape I found out). I like having them external so that it is faster, but I will have them in source for now until somebody can tell me how to fix it for Firefox.
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