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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Basically I'm looking for something like http://www.danga.com/memcached/ but one that doesn't need PEAR/PECL.
  2. Does anyone know of a giant database of words? Just most of the English ones? With a field stating which type it is (Noun, verb, etc)? I'm willing to pay a few hundred dollars for it if if it includes 90% or more of English words and what type they are.. although free would be nice.. I'm going to use this for a random sentence/story generator I am making.. Oh and I don't care if it is in mysql format or csv format or whatever, as long as it's parseable.
  3. Cracker = someone who commits crime on a computer. Hacker = someone who uses technology outside of it's specifications.
  4. Isn't that activex? I think that will only work in ie and even then only on windoz ie. Better to just have the image change to a greyed out one when the mouse is over it. Can probably be done in pure css
  5. Azu

    MySql Icon?

    No you don't need permission to advertise MySQL.
  6. Can somebody please tell me how I can change my database so that it will do something else when a certain column is used (which isn't actually in that table)? Like for example so that select `MOO` from `database`.`table` would act like select substring_index(`row`,' ',99)as `MOO` from `database`.`table` ?
  7. BTW how can I tell PHP to not send a header? I think that might work, and I'm pretty sure PHP can control headers.. o_o
  8. Thanks I am looking for an entirely server side solution that won't be specific to a single client connection though :s This will be often accessed directly by another PHP process without any client, and will also be accessed by some other computers, and it is important that the data won't be specific to a single connection.. sorry if I'm not making sense I'm really sleepy.. x_x
  9. Bump sorry can somebody please tell me how to do this? o_o
  10. OH you mean it will make it so that the data being transmitted is encrypted so hackers can't easily listen to the connection to find the password? Okay sweet thanks I'm gonna try to implement it now it sounds great!
  11. Okay thanks guys it is working right now ^^ I had forgotten to put text-decoration:none; for the ins tag and I didn't know that document.write doesn't work in xhtml so I had to use a different way for javascript to write for the page. No more problems now (I think)
  12. Well I know how to do it with links or pretty much any tag E.G. <b> so I'm pretty sure it can be done with words to I just don't know how.. so any help would be appreciated, please? E.G. here is how to do it to links a[href]:before{content:"lolerskates[div]"} a[href]:after{content:"[div]rofelcopters"} Please tell me how to do it to a certain word I would really really appreciate it.. in CSS not JS please..
  13. Okay sorry about that, thanks for the tip. I tried changing all of the :link to a:link and all the :visited to a:visited Here is an example of the problem; it looks right in Firefox but not in Opera/IE http://tso.hopto.org/test.htm Actually it doesn't look right in Firefox either, it's just that in Firefox it doesn't underline EVERYTHING ON THE PAGE. Just the text at the bottom.
  14. Thanks.. this will make it so when somebody puts in their password and logs in, the password is sent over a secure connection? I'm gonna go try it brb..
  15. Hi, I would like to use CSS as my mark-up language for this please. And I don't remember the URL, it was one of the sites I was looking up CSS stuff on, and certain words had special effects on them but it wasn't in the html. I am just wandering how I can do this to. With the CSS? I have tried "Blah":before{content:"<u>"}"Blah":after{content:"</u>"} but it didn't work? Please tell me how.. :s
  16. Sorry about the validation errors. Fixed below: [css]html,body{margin:0%;text-align:center;background:black url("http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2792/tile06smpn3.gif");}body{font-size:13px;color:#00cccc;}input,select,table,tr,td,a,textarea,p,div,span{margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;letter-spacing:-.1px;font-family:Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;border:1px solid #00cccc;border-collapse:collapse;text-align:center;font-size:11px;color:#00cccc;}:link,:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#66ffff;}.r{float:right;margin:0%;}.l{float:left;margin:0%;}a img,:link,:visited{text-decoration:none;border:none;}span,p,tr,table,div{background-color:#000033;}div{display:inline;}input,textarea,select{background-color:#000033;}td:hover,div:hover,p:hover{background-color:gray;color:white;}tr:hover{background-color:#333333;}.s{text-decoration:line-through;}.a{background-color:#00008B;}.b{background-color:#8B0000;}tr.a a:hover{background-color:blue;color:white;}tr.b a:hover{background-color:red;color:white;}tr a:hover{background-color:#66ffff;color:black;}a:hover,input:hover,textarea:hover,select:hover,span:hover{background-color:#66ffff;color:black;cursor:pointer;}.z,.x,.y{color:black;font-size:10px;}.z{background-color:#ffd700;}.x{background-color:#c0c0c0;}.y{background-color:#d2691e;} [/css] Valid in CSS2 and above. Gives some warnings about textcolor/background-color possibly being the same, but those are false positives and not errors. Can somebody please tell me why everything in underlined in IE/Opera with this? And how I can fix it? I would greatly appreciate it..
  17. Hello, every since I converted my website to xhtml 1.1, it has started looking really bad in Opera and IE. In Opera and IE, EVERYTHING is underlined. Can somebody please tell me why it works right in Firefox but not Opera/IE and how I can fix it so that it works right in Opera/IE? Here is my CSS file. Sorry if it's a bit unreadable, I keep it condensed to save bandwidth. [css] html,body{margin:0%;text-align:center;background:black url("http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2792/tile06smpn3.gif");}body{font-size:13px;color:#00cccc;}input,select,table,tr,td,a,textarea,p,div,span{margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;letter-spacing:-.1px;font-family:Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;border:1px solid #00cccc;border-collapse:collapse;text-align:center;font-size:11px;color:#00cccc;}:link,:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#66ffff;}.r{float:right;margin:0%;}.l{float:left;margin:0%;}a img,:link,:visited{text-decoration:none;border:none;}span,p,tr,table,div{background-color:#000033;}div{display:inline;}input,textarea,select{background-color:#000033;}td:hover,div:hover,p:hover{background-color:gray;color:white;}tr:hover{background-color:#333333;}.s{text-decoration:line-through;}.a{background-color:#00008B;}.b{background-color:#8B0000;}tr.a a:hover{background-color:blue;color:white;}tr.b a:hover{background-color:red;color:white;}tr a:hover{background-color:#66ffff;color:black;}a:hover,input:hover,textarea:hover,select:hover,span:hover{background-color:#66ffff;color:black;cursor:pointer;}.q{position:absolute;left:0%;top:-500%;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;}.z,.x,.y{color:black;font-size:10px;}.z{background-color:gold;}.x{background-color:silver;}.y{background-color:copper;} [/css] And also can somebody please tell me why part my javascript isn't being ran? It's all being ran except this part. Please say how to fix it also, even though this isn't JS section.. I think it is better to also ask it here instead of making two separate topics.. [js] function crx(a,b,c){var a=b+"@"+c+"."+a;document.write("<td><a href=mail"+"to:"+a+">"+a+"</a></td>");} [/js] Oh and also both the css and javascript are in external files on a separate server. Not sure if that matters just thought I'd mention it.
  18. Can somebody please tell me how to make it so that login passwords are sent over a secure connection so hackers cannot intercept them so easily?
  19. Congrats on downloading vBulletin and getting a template for it? By the way, it's called a "forum" not a "chat site".
  20. Can somebody please tell me how I can use ajax to, say download www.website.com/plain.txt and write <div>(contents of the txt file)</div> and then update the part in between the divs every certain amount of seconds? I would really appreciate it..
  21. Hi, I've noticed in some websites, that certain words are made to show up differently, and they don't even have anything around them in HTML. Can somebody please tell me how to do this? E.G. make all instances of "BLAH" be underlined or something? I'm totally stumped on this.. ???
  22. Yes it can I need to use varchar though so can somebody please tell me how to make a varchar(MAX) row in MyISAM? Like http://www.google.com/search?q=varchar%28MAX%29&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial
  23. varchar(MAX) can store up to 2gb of data though, and I need to store more then 8000bytes, and blob/text won't work for this.
  24. Okay thank you I will try that! Just one more question.. is there a way to use PHP to add IPs to a blacklist on Jetico firewall, or a lightweight firewall that I can use just for this and won't interfere with my main firewall?
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