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Everything posted by unsider

  1. Can we see some code? Or this "messed up HTML"?
  2. Read up on some security tutorials. Nice google search should get you all the info you need.
  3. Write a SQL query that retrieves all of the $_SESSION['username'] in the DB. if you set the 'username' = $_SESSION['username']; when you input the data, then when you retrieve 'username' the values should output correctly <?php $dbname = 'databasehere'; mysql_select_db($dbname); $query = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` LIMIT 0, 5"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed.'); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $username = $row['username']; echo "These are the listed users:" . $username . ", "; } ?> Quick little bit of code I wrote for you, mess with it. Hope it helps.
  4. You retrieve the values from those 3 rows and store each of them in a variable.
  5. $total = ($value1 + $value2 + $value3) / $number.of.ratings(3 in this case) Use round() to round the final value ($total) echo "$total"; http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.round.php
  6. Requires GD library, (can use others as well, but I think GD is widely accepted). Check php_info() to see if it's enabled. http://www.webcheatsheet.com/php/create_thumbnail_images.php This should get you started.
  7. I don't have a problem with the layout as it is, except for the fact that the bacjground images are too busy. The first impression is, 'we'll this is cool, but where do I go from here'. I'd say tone down some of the background images, while still keeping your FF look.
  8. I don't mean to bump to the top, but this deserves my gratitude, so thank you! This really clears some things up, and it's well summarized. Thank you again.
  9. I'm trying to create a little add-on for my users. They will be able to upload photos, creating their own photo gallery, but my question is: What is the best method of storing all these images? One table: 'images' (identified by the username that uploaded it), etc...? So these images will be stored with these stored attributes: image_id = auto increment ('1') image_caption = "this is the text to describe image" image_title = "image title here" image_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and depending how it is done... image_username = "$_SESSION['username'] I can't really make sense of this, and maybe just laying it out on the table will help me understand. Question all you like, include anything you think will help me organize myself. Thanks.
  10. hhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Php Use your localhost for the time being, and when you're ready, upload them to a webserver via FTP. phpMyAdmin is a nice little app for interacting with your SQL DB. http://www.php.net Good place to start. Go purchase/DL some e-books, and find a few online tutorials. Good luck.
  11. http://starcraft2.com/ It occured to me to check in today to see how the development is progressing and I figured I'd post it here. There are few games I ever get excited about, but I honestly can't wait. Anyone else here going to purchase this masterpeice when it is finally released? From my recent discoveries, it supposedly will be released around December of this year, but we can only hope. Discuss?
  12. Haha, these are pretty good. I liked this one. http://xkcd.com/33/ Simplicity at it's finest.
  13. We need more information to fix this error. Try echoing all the session values. Test outputs, everything. if(!isset($_SESSION[.....
  14. 0 = false 1 = true Boolean values....? should do some reading if you didn't know that.
  15. Messed up output, displayed HTML http://sinista.no-ip.org/register.php Incase you hadn't already seen it.
  16. Further explanation http://us3.php.net/stripslashes
  17. //create short variable names $searchtype=$_POST['searchtype']; $searchterm=$_POST['searchterm']; EDIT: oops, nevermind.
  18. Well I would rather do some extra coding once to get a "RoR Feature" than having to read code that a is bit more cryptic. Like Daniel said, you know the language well, it's not cryptic. It is very similar to Python, if any one here has ever coded in that. http://xkcd.com/353/ Oh yeah, one for Rails: http://poignantguide.net/ruby/chapter-7.html The author is clearly insane.
  19. That's a pretty close summary. I'm sure it varies a little, but I'd say that pretty much covers it.
  20. Well I would rather do some extra coding once to get a "RoR Feature" than having to read code that a is bit more cryptic. Like Daniel said, you know the language well, it's not cryptic. It is very similar to Python, if any one here has ever coded in that.
  21. Haha, let's hope no one here feels like being an ass.
  22. I don't have time to register and mess with it much, but just my 2 cents. You should round those voting #s . Messy, but as a first attempt it looks good. Look into some CSS, will really help you.
  23. Wow, I really liked your little file manager. If you ever decided to make this open source, or throw your code online, I'd love to have a look at how you did it. Little addition you could make. When you upload an image, and then view it, you have click "back" or use the menu and navigate back to file manager, to view all of your files. I think having a little "back" button after you view your image would be convienient. And once inside of your "created folder", no option to go back and view all of your files is given, and it's frustrating. Nevermind, I didn't see that the file manager was "File Thingie ver. 2.1.4", thought you had written it.
  24. TS, incase you're interested, here are some changes for php6. Figured you might want to take a look. http://davidwalsh.name/upcoming-php6-additions-changes
  25. You asked this question earlier, and I'm going to give the same response. You can't expect us to do it for you. Take your knowledge of what already know and try to start it off. If you don't know where to start, ask specific questions like that, piece-by-piece, don't expect us to figure it out for you.
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