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Everything posted by unsider

  1. Same, didn't test it, but it looks fine.
  2. I'm with daniel0 here, I'm a little confused by this question. http://www.rubyonrails.org/ That's the main site. Go read up on it, and maybe it will answer your question. Watch a few videoes, etc...be impressed, i was.
  3. Don't particularly like the menu nav (top) on the first website, too plain for my liking, and the color choice is good, dark, but tasteful enough I suppose, and I feel the same about the forum. I prefer lighter colors, but I suppose it's fine.
  4. Don't know much about Quebec, or what that sign says, but that hotel you stayed in looks marvalous.
  5. Google Search, there a few tutorials out there. Good luck.
  6. Anyone use it? I'm reading about it now, and I'm frankly loving it. Opinions, comments...?
  7. But that is the problem, it doesn't hold the username I'm looking for. I'm trying to... // I need to retrieve the username of that specific page where "Add To Friends" was clicked. // Ex. Assume you click, Jimmy's "Add To Profile", I have to retrieve the username 'Jimmy'. // So essentially the username of the person you would like to be friends with. Output: I'm logged in, everything if functioning although the URL output is - http://example.com/main/friendrequest.php?user=u
  8. Have you looked into SQL pagination: LIMIT, etc..? If not, I suggest looking into it. Much quicker relying on mySQL (faster than PHP). Then just include all tables/data, output it, then LIMIT it.
  9. Still fooling around with it, but no luck.
  10. Facebook, or myspace. Steal the source, should be easy enough.
  11. Ok. I am going to try to lay out my problem as clearly as I can. I have: userinfo.php // HELP REWRITING ?? echo "<a href='friendrequest.php?user=$user[profileusername]'>Add as Friend</a>"."<br>"; When clicked it executes my friendrequest.php script. // OK, now I'm not quite sure how to go about doing this. // I need to retrieve the username of that specific page where "Add To Friends" was clicked. // Ex. Assume you click, Jimmy's "Add To Profile", I have to retrieve the username 'Jimmy'. // So essentially the username of the person you would like to be friends with. friendrequest.php <? session_start(); include "session.php"; if(!$session->logged_in) { // _______________________________________THIS IS $_GET array_______________________________________________________ // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ if ($_GET[user]){ //gets username $username = htmlspecialchars($_GET[user]); // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ $by = $_SESSION['username']; $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `friend_requests` ( `username` , `by` ) VALUES ( '$username' , '$by' )"); echo ( "$username has been sent a request you must now wait for it to be accepted" ); } else { echo ( "No request was made" ); } } else { echo ( "You need to be logged in" ); } ?> If you have any questions, please ask.
  12. I'm still learning after 9-10 years. I look at the code I wrote in 1999 and cringe. No security, depended on register_globals being on, practically no error checking. The sites worked, but the code was very difficult to maintain. Ken Haha, that happens to me everytime I start a new project, but I guess that means I'm correcting my poor coding practices.
  13. LOL @ "I used to be an honest person; but now I don't have to be. It's just so much easier this way. I've gained a lot of productivity by not having to think about doing the 'right' thing." Todd J., Investment Banker
  14. Nope, I haven't, I'll have to check it out.
  15. I may be a little misguided here, but from the little I've used and read about them. I think they're a little out-dated/better methods avaliable, therefore resulting in ineffeciency. Hmm, now that I look back I could have used a better word to describe them...I guess there are just better, more effecient methods, and in this case mySQL.
  16. Ya, the color scheme needs some work. Maybe some muted colors like grey/black/white, mixed with semi-tones Go read an article on color appeal, and a new logo wouldn't hurt.
  17. MySQL *quick, easy, pretty reliable flat files *pain in the arse
  18. unsider


    If I my ask, how well is that paying the bills? Yearly income? Seems like it might be pretty good.
  19. It would take a lot of work to verify that someone is the true writer of that tutorial, plenty of emails, and a lot of trouble, but it's possible. Go search around on google and find a few good tutorials, or someone who claims to know a lot, and email them, pick their brain and see what you get. I support the book idea, I prefer them anyway. I don't know of any, rarely read the author
  20. Ya it's down. WoW, or WCIIITFT?
  21. I think so, don't hold me on that, but using AJAX is soo much easier and more effective.
  22. Found in your profile...? http://www.jednanoc.cz
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