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Everything posted by unsider

  1. This is incorrect. $current = insertYourDateFunction $savedtime = insertTimeStamp $timespan = $current - $savedtime; echo $timespan . 'since last savedtime';
  2. haha, my dream is to work for blizzard as well.
  3. It's cool, I'm not saying you should switch, but atleast giving it a look is a MUST, but I 100% agree with: 'stick with what you know'. I personally love PHP syntax, but the repetition can be a pain, and my current organizational method is less than suffecient. Either way, I'm drifting from my point, check it out if you haven't.
  4. That's the problem, I'm not far enough into it yet. I don't know exactly what you can/cannot do PHP/Rails. As much as I know both have their positive/negative, most pretaining to databases, classes, and objects, and shear repetition. I can't fully support my arguement yet, but give me time, I'm still exploring.
  5. Plenty of benefits though: such as ActiveRecord’s ability to dynamically introspect all the fields of a table and have all the functionality needed to create, update, delete, and read any row of data automatically with one line of code ... PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc concept of organization - MVC Less repetition. etc... Just do some reading, if you're not impressed then there is no reason to explore, but to write it off because you think there nothing better than PHP out there is just nieve and foolish.
  6. Example: <?php $array = array('my list', 'of', 'items'); for ($index = 0; $index < count($array); $index++) { echo "$index. $array[$index]"; } // RAILS $array = array('my list', 'of', 'items'); foreach ($array as $index => $item) { echo "$index. $item"; } ?> Saves you hours of development time, and effecient code structure. Plenty of comparisons, google: rails vs. php I'm sure there are things that you can do with one an not the other, vise-versa, but that I do not know at this moment. The biggest pain in the ass would be switching over, and essentially rewriting your code/learning a new language. This switch is where the time truly is a factor, but after you figure it out, true effeciency begins. Although opinion could be a factor here.
  7. HAHA, wtf? /../resend.php
  8. Parking For Dogs. Doh. Now I feel like an idiot.
  9. There is already a page, if you would like to know a little bit about the others on this board... http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,112560.0.html Regardless, hello, it's nice to meet you.
  10. I guess that should be idea to focus on, but I understand, and by no means would I give up the benefits I'm being given, but I've always wondered. Eh, at times, but there is no need to be a grammar nazi.
  11. Haha, I was thinking of that when I was typing this, and I was hoping they would use a creative work around, or mention something that has been done, and use that as their basis. Still, any opinions are welcome.
  12. Ya, I'm confused as to why you would need to do this. Seems like there might be a more effective solution to your problem.
  13. You send them the whole script outside of the forum boards and expect them fix it, and your not sure how you're missing the point. Try to break it down, try to learn. That's the point. They want you to think, and figure it out on your own.
  14. Yup, he wants pagination google it liek stuff sai php mysql pagination
  15. Not too keen on the green gradiant background. I feel it's a little overpowering, considering the page is quite small at the moment. I would possibly tone it down, but as to what color, I'm not sure. Otherwise it looks fine to me.
  16. You could be a little more consuctive about your criticism, regardless of how bad it may be, try to help him make it better. Include things you didn't like, or something you would have done.
  17. I've always felt that it might, but part of me is still scared to do anything on my own, and I feel I would ultimately crawl back to my comfortable shell. But I'm glad it worked out for you.
  18. Sorry for not being in the loop, but may I ask why?
  19. I'm curious what level of math you guys got to by the end of HS. I'm a current sophmore in HS. From the looks of it, I may get to Calculus BC, taking: algebra I - 7 geometry - 8 algebra II - 9 pre-cal - 10 calculus AB/Trig - 11 calculus BC - 12 So...?
  20. Like seq said, this requires some work, something the people here may not be willing to do for you. If you atleast write some code, and ask questions people may be more likely to do it for you. But to expect people to write it for you is both selfish, absurd, and lazy + you won't learn anything.
  21. In the last few weeks I've been observing possible options for making money with PHP as early as high school (currently enrolled as sophmore) producing a steady income before graduation. I currently do not have the skill/money/server-space to create a large scale websites like google, imageshack, facebook, myspace. WHile I realize these sites are commercially run and most likely have teams of programmers creating them. But while these sites may have a lot backing them, they are ultimately successful due to the fact that they are useful, and people find a reason to use them. So obviously I don't want to copy these ideas because there is already a more effective method, and I won't be able to to facebook/youtube, etc..but I'm curious. What is out there that hasn't been done that I could potientally create a large-scale userbase? I have recently observed some of the 'ask a question, have it answered by our users'-esque websites, such a yahoo, etc.. and have considered this as a possiblity. Observing the possible faults, such as, allowing it to become too large, etc..and this seems like a goal I may work towards. I have also talked to other members here about options like collecting clietns and just creating websites, and throwing together a portfolio, and this seems like the most realistic option, and I may ultimately start doing this when I feel I'm profiecient enough. Now that I have written this out, it may be misguided, or completely pointless, even stupid, but it's obvious I'm confused, and I'd like to hear some opinions, thoughts, etc.. to help me sort it out. So excuse me if this seems like unorganized thoughts. I'm also a little sick right now, so my head is stuffy, and I'm not thinking 100% clearly. I will edit this later, and clear my head, in attempts to sort it out, so don't barrage me too much.
  22. when the user clicks to DL the image, route their session username to the 'downloaded_by' table, and have a timestamp or id value so you can properly organize which values should be output, and use the timestamp to output ORDER by DESC, LIMIT 0, 1 look up a little about SQL, ordering, DESC, LIMIT, etc.. From what your asking, that is the most effective method, and it only requires 2 DB tables, and it will never fail you.
  23. Eh, you question is confusing me, so this may not be the answer you want.. I'm assuming you are trying to input the info into a DB? If you have set up a DB table 'downloads' for example. Just have it input the username and no other info. If it's a DB it won't overwrite anything.
  24. integer edit: sorry VERY slow load, didn't show new repsonse... ???
  25. May I add my 2 cents. It very frustrating dealing with a conditions page as it is, make it blatantly obvious there is one, but try not to make it a burden to deal with. I would suggest all on one page, the user gets frustrated with registration, like all of us, if he leaves, he's gone. Make the registration, quick, effecient and simple.
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