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Everything posted by unsider

  1. Wow, that was informative, although I don't think I'd want to live over 70 unless I'm living like Hugh Hefner (sp?).
  2. I don't consider it selling-out, although it isn't in the treu spirit of coding, but if you don't have time, you don't time, do what's convenient for you.
  3. I suppose your logic is solid, I'd work in a company for 1-3 years if it meant learning enought to pick up on my own. Also teaches you proper buisness ethics? Hmm, either way, good luck.
  4. Sounds like he had an accomplished life, although I don't believe I've been introduced to any of his work. r.i.p
  5. This is worth another post. That's pretty impressive. Make sure to tell us when you update the algorithm.
  6. Looks like your on the right track, the book will most likely be beneficial to you. Just learn as much as you can, and be patient, and come here if you have questions. Good Luck.
  7. Total time logged in: 2 days, 0 minutes. And I'm with 448191, I normally leave the tab open, refresh, and if I see a topic worth answering/bored I reply.
  8. I'm by no means a professional coder, but it gets easier every time. Patience
  9. I''m not a fan of rap, but I like to occasionally get away from the seriousness of the music I normally listen to, but ya, I'll check it out. Thanks.
  10. My car rides has been quite boring lately, so I decided to search for the best/favorite rap songs I could find, and I've almost accomplished my objective, but along the way I heard some TERRIBLE rap. Admittingly there is a lot of bad music out there, but woah, some of what I heard was certainly the worst. And, that's pretty impressive. I had used Fruity Loops previous to Logic, and I'm suprised what sounds you can create with it. Given it's it's a pretty pofessional tool, it has a lot of drawbacks as with everything else too I suppose. Regardless, very nice, you need to pick that up again sometime.
  11. So I'm clear, you are talking about LAMP, etc..web developer, correct? And you are talking about on this board as well? While I agree, it's not necessarily 'smarter', maybe more self-sufficient, but that statement could be loaded with opinion, so I'll drop it, different things work for different people.
  12. And to educate you further, use cookies if you want to store preferences. Assume you give them an option to change the BG color, use a cookie to store that BG color value. But don't store passwords, or any important info, can easily be exploited.
  13. I would invest some time to learn CSS and rewrite that. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Disregard this, figured it out.
  15. Both localhost/server.
  16. Normal school day: Eat light breakfast, mid-sized lunch, come home, code from 5:30-10, with some homework (papers, etc...), and I have loads of snacks. Extremely unhealthy, and I should reduce my intak, because even though im in shape I'm sure I could go without the extra garbage in my system.
  17. Not really going to argue you with the salary, as long as you're happy with it. Congrats.
  18. Wow that is very google-esqu, but I like the clean, simple, especially fast results. I'm curious too.
  19. I don't think that's possible.
  20. haha alright, wanna share something about the music you like though?
  21. I'd say your best solution is google for this one, and I believe JS has a function that allows for a timed execution. (First problem). The second problem could be done with PHP, but as to how, I do not know.
  22. I'm with bob, session_start(), and ob_start() should be placed first in your code, before outputting anything. Any error message, or it just doesn't function properly?
  23. I used to produce experimental electronic stuff. Its pretty old, but worth pointing out. hepburnenthorpe. I really enjoyed your work, most of the time when people claim to produce I expect some trance-esque 4/4 hard kick garbage (not everyone, but in my experience), but you suprised me. I can see how aphex/autech, etc.. have influenced your work. May I ask what DAW you used? Plug-ins, any details you'd want to share?
  24. I did worse on that one, the combination (unusual) of the words slowed me down. Only got 84.
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