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Everything posted by unsider

  1. I'm sure some of you have heard of newgrounds, well they have a cool little hover effect. http://www.newgrounds.com/ Navigate down to Site News, and Featured Movies, and hover over a link to one of the articles. Notice the effect that takes place as you are doing so. How is this done? I'm assuming it just creates an aboslute background box that just changes colors on rollover, but I'm not certain. If you don't feel like explaining, what is it called, and how can I find out more/how to do it? Thanks. Any speculation is appreciated as well.
  2. after you posted that, i looked at my code and saw a method that would work for me, your example was close enough for me to figure it out. Thank you very much.
  3. I'm trying to 'evaluate to' $row_articles['artid']&cid=$row_articles['categoryID'] Retrieve the aid, and catid and create a switch case. Really just implementing this into a switchcase. I'm not sure how to go about doing this, would I use the model you've provided, or was that an obscure example?
  4. Still trying to figure it out, but anyone wanna help me implement this, or atleast nudge me in the right direction?
  5. Can I use a switch case to do this sort of thing. I am really having trouble rationalizing this, because i've only done static switch cases. Take a look at the code, and hopefully it will make sense. index.php?aid=52&cid=1 dynamic switch cases? functions? // code used to determine the articleid + category $row_articles['artid']&cid=$row_articles['categoryID'] if(isset($_GET['aid'])){ $aid=$_GET['aid']; switch($aid) { Case "$row_articles['artid']&cid=$row_articles['categoryID']"; break; Default; break; } }else{ echo 'Whatever'; } Thanks, if you need more code, explanation, I'll do my best to provide, don't be shy in asking.
  6. I'm looking at the black block type layout, and I gotta say, cool idea and all, but it doesn't flow, it feels very segregated, and the black is too overpowering, and it contrasts with the few spots of white/red. I'd suggest if not changing the bubble structure, atleast changing the colors to somehting that flows. I'd suggest looking up some articles on color combos. Looking better though, will be great in the end im sure.
  7. Works pretty well for me, allows me to see how chunky/blocky my site's CSS looks on IE, grr. Long live Safari. EDIT: thank you both of you for these sites.
  8. Looks good to me as well. No other code you wanna run by us?
  9. It's been a while, and I normally wouldn't revive dead topics, but from the looks of it, no one has posted a similar topic. So if you guys don't mind, keep the discussion going.. Besides I'm a strong believer of people who spend hours in front of a computer have been around the block and have some good music. I'm always lookng for new artists. Found a few in the past few months. Noisia Black Sun Empire Portishead Photek Apparat Trentmoller Amon Tobin Bjork Calyx and Teebee Massive Attack All worth atleast checking out.
  10. I'm not sure if this is the right sub-forum for this, or if this has been asked before, but for those of you have used the CAKE framework, how do you like it? Problems? Comparision to RoR? Opinions, Tell me anything you think is important. Note: I'm not asking what it is, etc.. just opinions, I could have google search reviews, yes, and I may do that, but open discussion forum would allow me to consider mutiple view points, so don't get mad if you've seen this before. Given their current updates, etc, maybe something's changed,
  11. unsider

    Diablo 3

    I was a little more excited about Starcraft II, but Diablo does look amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if I bought both. WCIII is holding me over just fine though.
  12. Quote time expired: Just realized this probably should have been placed in the 'comments, suggestions, etc.. forum'. Oops, sorry.
  13. Recently I've been taking a look at some Ruby On Rails e-books, tutorials, etc.. and I have to say I'm more than impressed, and encourage all of you to take a look at it as well. The possibilities presented by this switch are absolutely amazing. I'm hoping my excitement will drag me through the tedious hours of learning the syntax (foreign to me), atleast to the point where I can use it effectively. I suppose the real reason I'm creating this topic is to ask if a forum moderator could possibly add a subforum devoted specifically for RoR. I love this forum. It has much to offer in terms of intellegent kind people and education, but I don't want to leave for such a trivial reason. To those of you questioning "why not use both", I may still use PHP, but hopefully it will no longer be necessary as RoR seems to cover everything I'm looking for in Web Dev + things like time are an issue. Regardless... I realize that is not the objective of this forum, but I think it would be beneficial. It could potientally attract new members, introduce others to something new, etc... so I hope you will atleast consider it. Thanks. I'm willing to hear anyone's opinions or possible alternatives, etc.. so if you feel the need to add your 2 cents, go ahead.
  14. As have I - I think you're just a bit behind the times, unsider. Subscribe to slashdot, I guess. Oo, slashdot is a nice site. Thanks for recommending. And as I was posting this I had a feeling it'd be old news to guys, now I see it is.
  15. The funny part is...? The name? It makes perfectly sense seeing as Windows Vista is using the NT 6.0 kernel. I agree, it makes sense, but.. I'd rather not fully express myself, for fear of... 1. being wrong on some things, allowing you guys to have a feild day with me 2. everyone is entitled to their opinion But, regardless. I recently discovered this. When Vista production was announced I immediately heard of it, within days of the announcement. Was everyone else aware of this? Maybe I was just slow. And for mentioning anything, I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of opposition. So, please don't hurt me.
  16. [quote author=redarrow link=topic=112560.msg859944#msg859944 date=1207656487] to repair computers in the old days i remeber caring a screwdriver and a solder irion and an old dos disc and a tape drive now i am old lol. [/quote] I'm sure everyone will agree with me when I say. That is awesome! And yes that would make you quite old  :D
  17. Eh...? <INPUT type=image src="/images/button.gif" value="whatever" /> Glider...? Part of the hacking community eh? If not, I'd suggest taking it out of your avatar. I'm not and I displayed it for a short period of time, but now that I've taken it down I realize how annoy it is to see 'posers' flaunt it, but if you truely part of that community I apologize.
  18. Windows 7 (formerly known as Blackcomb and Vienna) is the working name for the next major version of Microsoft Windows as the successor of Windows Vista. http://www.news.com/Next-version-of-Windows-Call-it-7/2100-1016_3-6197943.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7 Hmm..haha
  19. I'd say buy/download some e-books, or go to your local bookstore and pick up a book. Tutorials might help, but to truely grasp the syntax, etc.. you are going to need a book.
  20. :D Then you clearly do not have enough css experience. I've been coding hard css for over 9 months and I got such a hang of it that 99% of the time it works perfectly in all browsers. I often don't even open IE to test it until I'm done with the page. Once you know how to code well, it isn't hard. It's actually easier. Trust me, tables are a nightmare. I normally don't 100% agree with anyone on issues pertaining to this, but I support this statement. CSS makes life easier, and look pretty damn good.
  21. It's good so far, looks like you've got a solid basis, but I'd look into incorporating some more CSS. Giving it more of a wow factor. I have a younger sister, and well designed, luscious colored sites attract younger people more-so. For example, small things like your user/pass input text areas. You can spice them up with CSS. HTML: <input type="text" name="user" class="text_box" maxlength="30" value=""> CSS: .text_box { background-color: #000000; border: 1px solid #292929; color: #FFFFFF; width: 145px; } Little things like this go a long way, and learning CSS will pull you way from using tables, and the structure of your site will flow better. I'm sure others will have something to say, but that's the area you need to focus most on ( I think ).
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