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Everything posted by Monkuar

  1. Here's a pseudo random site: http://www.queness.com/code-snippet/6299/bb-code-to-html-parser-with-php You can use this code to help you get started if you want to look at HTML parsing with PHP. Or maybe you know check up on this http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_text-decoration.asp Thanks, have a wonderful day!
  2. Wow, having the sql separated like that makes it so much easier and comprehend. I did the subquery and it works nice. I been struggling for the past 2days now trying to get my current query to work, I obviously need to learn more about sub queries if I don't want to run into this problem again, appreciate your help immensely, thank you. solved
  3. user table just holds the username, user_id and other rows that are not called, it has like 300 rows im just using it so i can grab the username really SELECT u.username as champion, u.star, games.*, highscores.user_id, highscores.game from arcade_games as games INNER JOIN arcade_highscores as highscores on games.name=highscores.game LEFT JOIN users as u on highscores.user_id=u.id group by highscores.score ORDER by games.last_played,highscores.score DESC LIMIT 10 this is working partly, but it still spits rows for each game.... for each highscore, so like if a game has 10 highscores, it will show 10 rows of that game, really annoying
  4. Welcome MaximeGir to PHPF!
  5. Aww Okay, Yeah I tried group by id and name for my column but it's still not working. Man I feel like a idiot posting this but here it is: This is my main table: This is the table I am joining: This is my query: SELECT u.username as champion, u.star, games.*, highscores.game from arcade_games as games INNER JOIN arcade_highscores as highscores on games.name=highscores.game LEFT JOIN users as u on highscores.user_id=u.id group by games.name ORDER by games.last_played DESC LIMIT 10 and I am calling my users table so I can get the username to determine who is the Champion from the "user_id" row in the arcade_highscores table. Okay, see how I am INNER JOINING the arcade_highscores as highscores on games.name=highscores.game? As you can see in my screenshot it's STILL retuning more than 1 ROW for each value when I don't even use the group by games.name? Isn't inner join supposed to only match 1 value of each? Nonetheless the results are not correct, because this is where I am stuck at, I am trying to figure out who has the highest score for each game. (Those results come from arcade_highscores) column = score represents for each game Hope someone can help The problem I believe is the "game" column under arcade_highscores as multiple values of the same name... that's why I thought innerjoin would work, apparently not..
  6. Is that the difference between INNER Join and LEFT JOIN? I am trying to LEFT/INNER join another table on the same column, but the table that I am joining has multiple values on that column.... I only want it to join once for each column possible?
  7. Nice, if you got the skills for those already, php might be a little easier than the average joe, Welcome to PHPF glad you made it!!1
  8. Monkuar


    This is the best place to get help, glad you made it If you use this place efficiently you can become what you never thought you could do. Welcome to PHPF!
  9. Yea, most def. Though, I like Banshee (gnome linux) and does a great job of scrobbling to last.fm for me. Best song by breaking benjamin
  10. my site was down for 2-3hours, (only the dns didn't work, ip did..) no big deal, but im moving away from godaddy, screw them. SOPA is stupid and they are even more stupid for voting for it ! Everyone needs to leave them
  11. I accidentally have: $time = time(); and $time = time(); in the same php file, under no ifs or functions and it looks like sometimes if I call $time once, the unixtimestamp actually adds more time to the original time()? any truth or bug reports related to do this? i know I should only be using 1 right? But I just found this bug on my site and some of my timestamps translate into September 13th? It happens around once a day? (That's an extra 2 days or around that) so was just wondering, I know i'll remove both $variables and make only 1 variable for time, but just to make sure this is the bug, calling 2x time()'s could cause this or what's the probability? literally all I am doing in my script (mysql update) is: last_post='.$time.' (so i know nothing else is effecting it) but just wondering/curious, thanks
  12. Not to be rude and I admit, I am not the smartest or talented user here. But, Is it me or am I completely confused on what you're trying to do? If you need some type of help, you need to give us code and explain it and show us what it's NOT doing that you WANT it to do. you just cannot throw a whole bunch of code and tell us "fix it". Post errors/etc...
  13. Blah, I've been using winamp for random generate songs to be played, I've had VLC for years and didn't know about that feature, why I feel like a dumbut, lol. I will be using vlc now definitely, hate the new winamp versions, they're bloated. @Philip, post up your modern !
  14. Like piano music eh? Ever seen this? User: http://www.youtube.com/user/kemlye1?feature=watch last video was about 6months ago. kid is very talented for soloing... check his stuff u might like it
  15. USING a IN Clause you need to seperate the id's by commas your $label does not do that. echo implode(",", $label); this is what is needed if you want to select stuff in a WHERE IN Clause, or separate them by commas somehow. AFAIK.
  16. Holy my bad. Okay my new suggestion is like a "Top Helpers" Page that will show each guru or user that has been "Thanked" or "Liked" the most! I think that is pretty neat. It could be called like "Top PHP Guru's" or something, would be pretty awesome. Im just throwing this out there though, if u don't like it, it's aight.
  17. I think we need to enable the "Thank this User" or "Like This Post" as in there is plenty of times someone from here helped me and in a professional manner, I would rather "Like" their post or thank their post. Just a thought maybe? Would be pretty cool anyone else think so or nah? I do send PM's to users sometimes like once a every month to personally thank them... but meh.. Then we could have like a "Top Helpers" page, shows all the guru's that have helped people the most! HAHA be epic !
  18. thanks, i used getelementsbyName instead function editall(options){ var boxes = document.getElementsByName('edittime[]'); for (var i = 0, j = boxes.length; i < j; i++) { var an_element = boxes[i]; an_element.value=options; } } so far it works, lol topic solved
  19. <select id="edit" name=edittime[]> <option value=1>1</option> <option value=2>2</option> <option value=3>3</option> <option value=4>4</option> </select> Okay, heres the catch, I have 5 of these on my page. I am using this javascript to change the value of ALL OF THEM. But it only changes the value of the first SELECT? I need it to change the value for all SELECTS with the id=edit. <script type="text/javascript"> function editall(options){ for(index = 0; index < 25; index++){ document.getElementById('edit').value=options; } } </script> editall is called from: <select name="change" style='width:40px' id="change" onchange=editall(this.value)> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="12">12</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="60">60</option> <option value="90">90</option> </select> Any idea guys? It should change the value for ALL selects with the id = 'edit'... but it only changes the first select ? So weird.
  20. What kind of documentaries? Sounds cool, like CSI/Crime scene stuff? Biography/etc?
  21. No Ajax/10 Design is ugly, header is way to big, I feel like a 10year old kid designed this. The font-shadow stuff is ugly with the grey background too.
  22. Everyone will share their favorite music to listen to while coding PHP. If you do not listen to music while coding, leave this topic, Thanks ! I'll go First: Mark Petrie - Convergence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgvr-9WmcH0 Donkey Kong Country 2 - Bramble Blast (remix) ♪ "SIA - Breathe Me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_9sd6kGRuk Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily's Castle Audiomachine Breath and Life Like an Avalanche - Hillsong United Thorpe please dont delete this topic, let everyone please share what they listen to, thank you...
  23. +1 This, cpanel is bloated and a piece of garbage. Uses more resources then a billy goat. Learning Linux commands is #1
  24. I just clicked on a news ticker called: "Hey I am Ryan I am a php developer!" then it wnet to to: http://ryannaddy.com/thing.php which showed: a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj a;dfashdflajhdlkfjhsldkfj Yeah, great news!
  25. Posts: 0 Hello welcome to PHPFREAKS!
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