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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. oni-kun


    Then go to php.ini and add (or edit the existing) line: memory_limit = 12M That should suffice. Any more needed can be added.
  2. I do not see you running the system-config scripts in console. Try running it in console and see what errors STDOUT has to display other than a stupid GTK popup or whatever.
  3. AhhhHHH. I think I got your original problem. At the beginning you check if the login is set (aka they used the form) if ($_POST['login']) { ... if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { echo Welcome; } How does that code run? If they're logged in, the POST data from the form will not be there! And therefor that code will NEVER run. Move the session check out of the parent IF statement.
  4. CheckInput() CheckVars() CheckCheck() Just gets old to me. Underscores are great for pseudo-catagorization check_input_length() check_input_parameters() session_set() session_remove() display_integer() dispay_formatted()
  5. Chemical Bliss, My snipped was the same as yours, what are you on about? Did you get the database thing sorted out OP? Yes, "isset" and the ternary boolean are essentially the same thing.
  6. And why are we double posting?
  7. There. According to the $_SESSION array it is not being set. Why not run some debugging code? else if ($check==TRUE) { $_SESSION['username']=$username; die('session set, Lets check:' . $_SESSION['username']); } Does it ever reach the DIE statement, and show the session?
  8. His code is correct up to this final thing. Why do something he does not want to do? It's like mentioning to buy a jacket when you're almost done threading one you made, but have to finish a few more stitches you did incorrectly..
  9. Does not answer his question, But OK. You don't learn by copying and pasting code.
  10. Yes.. Where you are posting the IF statement regarding if they are logged in or not. Tell us the results of this code (place it above or below it, but not in the IF statement) echo '<pre>'; echo print_r($_SESSION); echo '<br/>'; echo print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>'; That should tell us your session and POST variables, if the form was actually sent, and the session if it wasn't sent.
  11. Yes, aware of that. I have tested both cordless & non-cordless telephone. The problem occurs also when no phone is connected to the microfilter, just the router itself. It isnt the wifi that drops, it is the DSL. Did you just say you were connecting the router to the microfilter? ........ :
  12. session_start() is not on top of that example. Place it before any HTML or content is outputted.
  13. Something like so: Example file contents, foo.txt: MyContent = foobar Thiscontent = so and so My other content = this $filecontents = file_get_contents('foo.txt'); $array = explode("\n", $filecontents); foreach ($array as $lines) { echo $lines . "<br/>\n"; //Display all lines } //Or.. $third_entry = explode(' = ', $array[2]); //2 = 3'rd line, aka "My Other Content" echo "The third entry title is: "$third_entry[0] . " and contains the line: " . $third_entry[1] ; Should be more what you're wanting to do, don't know if the code works 100% but it's an example.
  14. He's talking about wired ethernet, not wifi. But good advice nonetheless.
  15. You can use GD's various features to resize images. http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/image-resizing-php Although i'm not sure about the DPI, do you mean resolution?
  16. Sorry. Then yeah, it may be infinite issues at this point. Are you sure the physical wiring to your house (telephone cable) is not damaged? Even one exposed (intercable) could cause the broadband to drop due to undervoltage if there is a call etc.. I don't think there's anything to help by speculation though.
  17. You can list the files of both folders, and compare from there.. Something like this: <?php //Folder 1 foreach (glob("/folder1/*.jpg") as $filename) { echo "$filename size " . filesize($filename) . "<br/>\n"; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image); echo "Dimensions: $width x $height"; } //Folder 2 foreach (glob("/folder2/*.jpg") as $filename) { echo "$filename size " . filesize($filename) . "<br/>\n"; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image); echo "Dimensions: $width x $height"; } ?> I'm not 100% certain this code works, but should. Look up the glob function for more info.
  18. Damned hate for curly quotes and elipses. Use the following code, it should work on them: $search = array(chr(145), chr(146), chr(147), chr(148)); $replace = array("'", "'", '"', '"'); $string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
  19. Actually, just on a hunch.. Set your DNS as those servers, and it should speed things up..
  20. oni-kun


  21. http://www.bandwidthplace.com/ Record your upload/download bandwidth. Note they are in bits, so Result / 8 = KB/s. Compare them and are they roughly ~15% within what speed you purchased? Ping your ISP's DNS server: (BT Internet:) - primary and - secondary If the results are over 20ms (I'm from Canada and I get 16) Then it may be an issue of quality of connection. If the speed is not so much the same, such as half of what is bought then that may point to a fault on their end too (that they just may not be able to fix in that area)
  22. http://content.websitegear.com/article/load_balance_dns.htm DNS load balancing.
  23. You have not told us why you are wanting to forward port 5550 into Apache. Are you wanting it so when they enter the port through the game, it connects there, and if they view for web browser it goes to the apache instead?
  24. There should be a network switch. An example using the MX port.. But it gives you the idea of how Google uses load balancing servers etc. ns1.domain.com. IN A ns2.domain.com. IN A ns3.domain.com. IN A ns4.domain.com. IN A DNS would resolve to another client. Which is what you're wanting to do.
  25. Then if you are connecting through the external IP with port 5550, It will query the NAT to resolve both clients, as your game server obviously can't accept the HTTP protocol, it will either throw an error (or in your router's lucky case) resolve to the other client. Why do you want this set up that way?
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