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  1. Hello every one... I'm developing a project for my friend and i've some queries... How to control facebook like page system.. Means the user will not able to login into his account after registration untill and unless he likes our facebook page... How to aheive this... How can I know whether he liked the page or not... Any help will be greatly appreciated..
  2. I have a notifications system and after many late nighters and dr peppers I finally have it working. My only issue is that the notifications "bell" has the number of new notifications in the middle of it. When I click the button it will show me my unread notifications and when I close it the number of unread notifications stays the same. I'm using a sql statement to get the number of unread posts on load but when I click the button to reveal the notifications I'd like it to update the number of unread posts as well. Here's some code I have: //GETS THE NOTIFICATIONS function toggleDiv(divId) { $("#"+divId).show(); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myContent").load("getnotes.php"); }); } //BUTTON TO PRESS TO SHOW THE NOTIFICATIONS PANEL <a data-ajax="false" href="#myContent" onclick="toggleDiv('myContent');" data-role="button" data-iconpos="notext" class="icon-bell-alt icon-2x" style="background: none; margin-right: 20px;"></a> //SHOWS THE NUMBER OF UNREAD POSTS <div id='notes_number'><? if ($number == "0") { echo $number; } else { echo "<a style='color: #FF0000;'>$number</a>"; }?></div> What can I do to update the number?
  3. I am trying to pull data from SQL where the ID and activation code match the record by using the URL to request the info. The form pulls up the first record but I cannot get it to return the correct id and code. URL example: www.domain.com/activate.php?id=7&ActivateCode=xajkdfjeklhwekjfhergh Not sure how to write this in the php, what I have tried does not seem to pull anything other than the first record in the system. <?php require('edb.php'); $id=$_REQUEST['id']; $ActivateCode=$_REQUEST['ActivateCode']; $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `eusers` WHERE id = '$id' & ActivateCode = '$ActivateCode'"); $test=mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$result) { die("Error: Data not found.."); } $FirstName=$test['FirstName']; $LastName=$test['LastName']; $State=$test['State']; $Username=$test['Username']; $Password=$test['Password']; $Email=$test['Email']; $Active=$test['Active']; $SecurityCode=$test['SecurityCode']; $AdviserCode=$test['AdviserCode']; $UserType=$test['UserType']; $ActivateCode=$test['ActivateCode']; if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $Password_save=sha1($_POST['Password']); $Email_save=$_POST['Email']; $Active_save=$_POST['Active']; $SecurityCode_save=$_POST['SecurityCode']; $ActivateCode_save=$_POST['ActivateCode']; mysql_query("UPDATE `eusers` SET Password ='$Password_save', Email ='$Email_save', Active ='$Active_save', SecurityCode ='$SecurityCode_save', ActivateCode ='$ActivateCode_save' WHERE id ='$id'") or die(mysql_error("Did not Save")); echo "Saved!"; header("Location: index.php"); } ?>
  4. I have been trying to figure this out for days but no luck so far. I have two tables which I want to pull info from and from what I read a join query is the way to go. I need to pull the info from the bank table based on the login id in the users table. I keep getting a black page result or a Data not Found result. Because this is the first time I have tried a join query I don't really know what I am doing. Is anyone able to give me some advice? <?php //if the login session does not exist therefore meaning the user is not logged in if(strcmp($_SESSION['uid'],"") == 0){ //display and error message header('Location: ../index.php'); }else{ //otherwise continue the page //this is out update script which should be used in each page to update the users online time $time = date('U')+50; $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `e-users` SET `Online` = '".$time."' WHERE `id` = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); ?> <?php //make sure you close the check if their online } ?> <?php require("../edb.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT AcctName, BSB1, BSB2, AccNumber, Adviser, Bank FROM a-bank JOIN e-users ON a-bank.Adviser = e-users.id; WHERE e-users.id = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); if (!$result) { die("Error: Data not found.."); } $AcctName=$test['AcctName']; ?>
  5. Registration and login work fine. Update also updates the information to the database. However if 2 people with the same first name register on the database it automatically defaults both those accounts to the last person who has the same first name that registered on the database instead of updating and showing the information for that particular user. So if Joe - joe@xxx.co.za registers and then another Joe - joe@sss.co.za then when Joe (sss) logins in he can see all Joe(xxx) information and when he updates his details it updates Joe (xxx) account instead of showing and updating Joe (sss) account. I think there is a problem with the session "id" and the update "id" that's causing this problem but I just can't see where it is.... can anyone assist with this? It's not using the email address as the "id" but is using the "name"..... Here's the code: The start session coding: <?php session_start(); $toplinks = ""; if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { // Put stored session variables into local php variable $userid = $_SESSION['id']; $email = $_SESSION['email']; $toplinks = '<a href="member_account.php?id=' . $userid . '">Enter CV step-by-step</a> | <a href="view_personal_details.php?id=' . $userid . '">View Personal Details</a> | <a href="view_your_cv.php?id=' . $userid . '">View CV</a> | <a href="edit_your_cv.php?id=' . $userid . '">Edit CV</a> | <a href="change_password.php?id=' . $userid . '">Change Password</a> | <a href="logout.php">Log Out</a>'; } else { echo 'Please <a href="login.php">log in</a> to access your account'; exit(); } ?> And the update coding is: <?php include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; echo print_r($_POST); $id = $_SESSION['id']; if (isset($_POST['email'])){ $update=''; if(isset($_POST['title']) and trim($_POST['title']) <> '') $update .= "title = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['name']) and trim($_POST['name']) <> '') $update .= "name = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['surname']) and trim($_POST['surname']) <> '') $update .= "surname = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['surname']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['identityno']) and trim($_POST['identityno']) <> '') $update .= "identityno = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['identityno']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['gender']) and trim($_POST['gender']) <> '') $update .= "gender = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['gender']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['birthdate']) and trim($_POST['birthdate']) <> '') $update .= "birthdate = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['birthdate']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['ethnicity']) and trim($_POST['ethnicity']) <> '') $update .= "ethnicity = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ethnicity']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['nationality']) and trim($_POST['nationality']) <> '') $update .= "nationality = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nationality']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['email']) and trim($_POST['email']) <> '') $update .= "email = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['homeaddress']) and trim($_POST['homeaddress']) <> '') $update .= "homeaddress = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['homeaddress']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['province']) and trim($_POST['province']) <> '') $update .= "province = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['province']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['suburb']) and trim($_POST['suburb']) <> '') $update .= "suburb = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['suburb']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['hometele']) and trim($_POST['hometele']) <> '') $update .= "hometele = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hometele']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['celltele']) and trim($_POST['celltele']) <> '') $update .= "celltele = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['celltele']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['creditclear']) and trim($_POST['creditclear']) <> '') $update .= "creditclear = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['creditclear']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['criminalrecord']) and trim($_POST['criminalrecord']) <> '') $update .= "criminalrecord = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['criminalrecord']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['driverslicense']) and trim($_POST['driverslicense']) <> '') $update .= "driverslicense = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['driverslicense']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['owntransport']) and trim($_POST['owntransport']) <> '') $update .= "owntransport = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['owntransport']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['medicalconditions']) and trim($_POST['medicalconditions']) <> '') $update .= "medicalconditions = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['medicalconditions']) . "',"; $update=substr($update,0,-1); $sql = "UPDATE cic_candidates set $update WHERE id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . "'"; mysql_query($sql); echo $sql; echo '<center>'; echo '<strong><font color=black family=tahoma size=5><br /><br /><br /><br />Successful!<br /><br /><br /> Your account info has been updated...<br /><br /><br /> To view your updated information at <font color=blue>View Personal Details</font> - <a href="view_personal_details.php?id=' . $userid . '">click here<br /></a><br /><br />To return to your <font color=blue>Edit Personal Details</font> page - <a href="edit_personal_details.php?id=' . $userid . '">click here</a><br /><br /></font></strong>'; mysql_close(); exit(); } ?>
  6. I have searched over 1500 posts over the last 2 weeks and have not found the solution to make my code work. My registration and login forms work correctly but when the user logins to add or edit information the sql database does not update with the users input and the error/updated message does not echo. My users register with name, surname, email and password but once they login they need to add to their personal information and later be able to edit the personal information. But nothing I've tried has worked... my code is as follows: <?php include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; $id = $_SESSION['id']; if ($_POST['username']) { $title = $row["title"]; $username = $row["username"]; $surname = $row["surname"]; $identityno = $row["identityno"]; $gender = $row["gender"]; $birthdate = strftime("%d %b %Y", strtotime($row["birthdate"])); $ethnicity = $row["ethnicity"]; $nationality = $row["nationality"]; $homeaddress = $row["homeaddress"]; $province = $row["province"]; $suburb = $row["suburb"]; $hometele = $row["hometele"]; $celltele = $row["celltele"]; $creditclear = $row["creditclear"]; $criminalrecord = $row["criminalrecord"]; $driverslicense = $row["driverslicense"]; $owntransport = $row["owntransport"]; $medicalconditions = $row["medicalconditions"]; $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE cic_candidates SET title='$title', username='$username', surname='$surname', identityno='$identityno', gender='$gender', birthdate='$birthdate', ethnicity='$ethnicity', nationality='$nationality', homeaddress='$homeaddress', province='$province', suburb='$suburb', hometele='$hometele', celltele='$celltele', creditclear='$creditclear', criminalrecord='$criminalrecord', driverslicense='$driverslicense', owntransport='$owntransport', medicalconditions='$medicalconditions' WHERE id='$id'"); echo 'Your account info has been updated, you will now see the new info.<br /><br /> To return to your profile edit area, <a href="edit_personal_details.php">click here</a>'; exit(); } ?>
  7. I have a created a "state" dropdown box on a form which enters into the SQL, when I php echo it shows the state ok as text but when I try to get it to populate on the edit screen within the dropdown box it does not show. I am trying to get the dropdown box to automatically select the state from the data in SQL. Where am I going wrong with this. Any help would be appreciated. <select name="State" id="State" selected="<?php echo $State ?>"> <option value="--">--</option> <option value="ACT">ACT</option> <option value="NSW">NSW</option> <option value="NT">NT</option> <option value="QLD">QLD</option> <option value="SA">SA</option> <option value="TAS">TAS</option> <option value="VIC">VIC</option> <option value="WA">WA</option> </select>
  8. Query: SELECT UMTS_napetude_cell.parent, UMTS_napetude_nodeb.idnap FROM UMTS_napetude_cell LEFT JOIN UMTS_napetude_nodeb ON UMTS_napetude_cell.parent IS NOT LIKE CONCAT('%',UMTS_napetude_nodeb.idnap,'%') WHERE UMTS_napetude_cell.parent IS NOT NULL Error: Thanks in advanced.
  9. I have been tasked to find the problem with this site's database connection. The site is a PHP, MySQL, Smarty site. Currently, I am getting the following when www.mysite.com is called. The index.php is located at www.mysite.com/index.php The current locations of the following files are: includes/ru_config.com includes/ru_connection.com All the replaced passwords, usernames, and site specific information worked previously so the problem is not there. One problem there might be, is in ru_connection where the paths for ru_4pear and DB.php might be wrong. There locations are: includes/ru_4pear.com libs/pear/DB.php ru_config.php index.php ru_connection.php DB.php ru_4pear.php
  10. I would like to solve this query. Query: $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT *, c.ci as c_i FROM `GSM_cellule` c '. 'LEFT JOIN '.$table_freq.' f ON(c.nidtint=f.nidtint) '. 'WHERE c.NAP_'.$site->ur().' =\'1\' '. $this->_in.' and '.$this->_inetatbdespec.' and '.$this->_inindus.' GROUP BY c.nidtint ORDER BY c.nidtint '; Error: Thanks in advanced.
  11. Hey all. First I want to say that I'm very amateur when it comes to coding. Most of what I know has been self-taught so I don't have any formal education. My coding vocabulary is awful, but generally when I build code I understand what it's doing in laymen terms (ex. it's pulling data from the "users" row in a table and is displaying that data). Anyway...that's my disclaimer to ask you to be easy on me. So now to my actual issue. I've built a page where logged in users can share photos with their friends. I successfully built this without any issues. Now I want friends to be able to add comments to the photos. Not so easy. Problem is I have two tables built. One for the sharing of the photos the other for the comments. Here are how the tables are built out: Photo Table id | username | initiator | file | gallery | date_time Comment Table id | comment | user | file | date_time Initially I had two queries. Both use a "fetch" array in order to grab and then display specific info in a specific order only for specific users. This was almost working but whichever query came first would only display one result. The query that came after would display all the appropriate results which is what I wanted out of both queries. On another forum I was told that I needed to "join" or "union" the two queries together. Problem is that when I attempt to do that I get a single dead image, no comments other than the default stuff that is already entered in the PHP code and the error: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given... Here is the actual query and code: //WHERE I GATHER COMMENT & PHOTO DATA $sql = "SELECT comment, user, file, date_time FROM comment UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT initiator, file, gallery FROM photo WHERE username='$log_username' OR initiator='$log_username' ORDER BY date_time DESC"; $query = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $c = $row["comment"]; $us = $row["user"]; $pf = $row["file"]; $time = $row["date_time"]; $u = $row["initiator"]; $file = $row["file"]; $gallery = $row["gallery"]; $image = 'user/'.$u.'/'.$file; } //WHERE I DISPLAY THE PHOTO DATA $imagelist .= ' <img height="200" onclick="this.height=500;" ondblclick="this.height=200;" src="'.$image.'" alt="'.$u.'" /><br /> Added to <a href="user.php?u='.$u.'"><b>'.$u.''s</b></a> '.$gallery.' gallery<br /><br /> <form action="php_parsers/photocomments_system.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <input type="text" name="comment"> <input type="hidden" name="photo_file" value="'.$file.'"> <input type="submit" class="submit" value=" Submit Comment " /> </form><br /><p style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #A0A0A0;"></p>'; //WHERE I DISPLAY THE PHOTO COMMENTS AND DICTATE WHAT COMMENT SHOWS WITH WHAT PHOTO if ($pf == $file) { $imagelist .='<p style="background-color:#E0E0E0;"> <b>'.$us.'</b>: '.$c.' | '.$time.'</p> <br /><br /><hr/>'; } For the HTML portion this is where it actually gets displayed: <div id="page Middle"><?php echo $imagelist; ?></div> Anyway, I'm assuming there is something wrong with my query and that's why I'm getting the error. Problem is I'm not sure what is wrong with the query. If there is any easier way to do this and I was doing something wrong with the two separate queries that could easily be resolved I can show you how I built that as well. I would continue on the other forum with the guy that was helping me but he was a little bit too technical for me to understand his suggestions. Anyway, any help you could give would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!
  12. This query is not working. I need urgent help. Thanks a lot in adv. ROWS affected: 0 I have cross checked the data in the table for the given condition. $sql = 'UPDATE LTE_noria_cellule cel_bk_up SET cel.NAP_'.$site->ur().' = \'1\' '. 'WHERE cel.nidt IN ( select gn from LTE_noria_candidat_bk_up can INNER JOIN LTE_noria_site_bk_up site ON (site.codesite = can.codesite) WHERE '.$site->get_param('zone_bde').')'; I believe problem is because of WHITESPACE. When i search "codesite" in the table with "LIKE". I can't find it. But when i did "LIKE%" , it's working. I tried this also but not working $sql = 'UPDATE LTE_noria_cellule cel_bk_up SET cel.NAP_'.$site->ur().' = \'1\' '. 'WHERE cel.nidt IN ( select gn from LTE_noria_candidat_bk_up can INNER JOIN LTE_noria_site_bk_up site ON trim(site.codesite) LIKE CONCAT('%',trim(can.codesite),'%') WHERE '.$site->get_param('zone_bde').')';
  13. When trying to upload a picture file it goes error:Failed to upload file. Contact Site admin to fix the problem What am I doing wrong ======================= <?php include 'db.php'; $id=@$_GET['id']; $ya=mysql_query("select * from `registeronline` where user_id='$id'"); $yb=mysql_fetch_array($data); $val= '$id'+2400241106; if (!isset($_POST["Submit"])) { echo ""; }else{ $file=@$_POST['pix']; if (isset($HTTP_POST_FILES["pix"])){ $upload_type =$HTTP_POST_FILES["pix"]["type"]; $upload_name=$HTTP_POST_FILES["pix"]["name"]; $upload_size=$HTTP_POST_FILES["pix"]["size"]; $upload_tmp_name=$HTTP_POST_FILES["pix"]["tmp_name"]; } else { echo "" ; } if ($userfile_size >250000){$msg=$msg."Your uploaded file size is more than 250KB so please reduce the file size and then upload. Visit the help page to know how to reduce the file size.<BR>"; $file_upload="false";} if (!($userfile_type =="image/pjpeg" OR $userfile_type=="image/gif")){$msg=$msg."Your uploaded file must be of JPG or GIF. Other file types are not allowed<BR>"; $file_upload="false";} $add="upload/$userfile_name"; // the path with the file name where the file will be stored, upload is the directory name. if(move_uploaded_file ($userfile, $add)){ // Your Picture has been uploaded successfully. }else{echo "Failed to upload file. Contact Site admin to fix the problem";} $z=mysql_query("update `registeronline` set pix='$file' where `user_id`='$id' "); if (!$z ) { echo "<script>alert('Update Not Successful')</script>"; }else{ } }
  14. Hey, so to display an image from a database I was using $id = addslashes($_REQUEST['id']); $image = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM store_image WHERE id=$id"); $image = mysql_fetch_assoc($image); $image = $image['image']; header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); echo $image; That worked fine to return an image via matching the id. But I want to get ALL images from the table.. I tried this: $image = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM store_image"); while($image = mysql_fetch_array($image)){ $image = $image['image']; header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); echo $image; } But did not work.. what am I doing wrong?
  15. Hello guys, I posted this Question in MYSQL thread accidentally, so I'll try to ask the same here since I use Oracle RDBMS. Need help regarding SQL and aggregate function. I would like to do max function (or some join or something else), to get max value of column, and other column with it also. Here's the code: SQL> select department_id, sum(salary) place_total from employees where department_id is not null group by department_id; Previous query outputs this: DEPARTMENT_ID PLACE_TOTAL ------------- ----------- 90 58000 20 19000 110 20300 50 17500 80 30100 60 19200 10 4400 Now, how to edit previous sql statement so it can output department_id, and max(place_total), so the output result is: DEPARTMENT_ID PLACE_TOTAL ------------- ----------- 90 58000 Anyone have an idea, how to do this ? Thanks !
  16. I have found some code that I am trying to work with to import some data from a CSV file into a table of my database. It works and imports the data, but always inserts a NULL row for each column. Here is the code: <?php $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if (!isset($_GET['success'])) { $get_success = ""; } else { $get_success = $_GET['success']; } if (!empty($_FILES)) { /* Format the errors and die */ function get_last_error() { $retErrors = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL); $errorMessage = 'No errors found'; if ($retErrors != null) { $errorMessage = ''; foreach ($retErrors as $arrError) { $errorMessage .= "SQLState: ".$arrError['SQLSTATE']."<br>\n"; $errorMessage .= "Error Code: ".$arrError['code']."<br>\n"; $errorMessage .= "Message: ".$arrError['message']."<br>\n"; } } die ($errorMessage); } /* connect */ function connect() { if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_num_rows')) { // Insure sqlsrv_1.1 is loaded. die ('sqlsrv_1.1 is not available'); } /* Log all Errors */ sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", TRUE); // BE SURE TO NOT ERROR ON A WARNING sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL); sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL); $conn = sqlsrv_connect('cslogs', array ( 'UID' => 'mailreport', 'PWD' => '123456', 'Database' => 'Mail', 'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8', 'MultipleActiveResultSets' => true, 'ConnectionPooling' => true, 'ReturnDatesAsStrings' => true, )); if ($conn === FALSE) { get_last_error(); } return $conn; } function query($conn, $query) { $result = sqlsrv_query($conn, $query); if ($result === FALSE) { get_last_error(); } return $result; } /* Prepare a reusable query (prepare/execute) */ function prepare ( $conn, $query, $params ) { $result = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $query, $params); if ($result === FALSE) { get_last_error(); } return $result; } /* do the deed. once prepared, execute can be called multiple times getting different values from the variable references. */ function execute ( $stmt ) { $result = sqlsrv_execute($stmt); if ($result === FALSE) { get_last_error(); } return $result; } function fetch_array($query) { $result = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC); if ($result === FALSE) { get_last_error(); } return $result; } $conn = connect(); /* prepare the statement */ $query = "INSERT Records values ( ? , ? , ? )"; $param1 = null; // this will hold col1 from the CSV $param2 = null; // this will hold col2 from the CSV $param3 = null; // this will hold col3 from the CSV $params = array( $param1, $param2, $param3 ); $prep = prepare ( $conn, $query, $params ); $result = execute ( $prep ); //get the csv file $file = $_FILES["csv"]["tmp_name"]; /* Here is where you read in and parse your CSV file into an array. That may get too large, so you would have to read smaller chunks of rows. */ $csv_array = file($file); foreach ($csv_array as $row_num => $row) { $row = trim ($row); $column = explode ( ',' , $row ); $param1 = $column[0]; $param2 = $column[1]; $param3 = $column[2]; // insert the row $result = execute ( $prep ); } /* Free statement and connection resources. */ sqlsrv_close($conn); header( "Location: test.php?success=1" ); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Import a CSV File with PHP & MS SQL Server</title> </head> <body> <?php if (!empty($get_success)) { echo "<b>Your file has been imported.</b><br><br>"; } //generic success notice ?> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> Choose your file: <br /> <input name="csv" type="file" id="csv" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </body> </html> Now I know it is at this part wiht the $param1, $param2 and $param 3 that it is inserting the NULL values for each column: /* prepare the statement */ $query = "INSERT Records values ( ? , ? , ? )"; $param1 = null; // this will hold col1 from the CSV $param2 = null; // this will hold col2 from the CSV $param3 = null; // this will hold col3 from the CSV $params = array( $param1, $param2, $param3 ); $prep = prepare ( $conn, $query, $params ); $result = execute ( $prep ); But if I take that out them three out, the php errors out then doesn't import the data. Is there a way with what I have to ignore the first row to import? Or am I going about this all wrong?
  17. Update is not working.. UPDATE Customers SET ContactName='Alfred Schmidt', City='Hamburg' WHERE CustomerFirstName='Alfreds' AND CustomerLastName='Futterkiste' Thanks in advanced.
  18. I am having trouble getting a simple form to submit data to a database. I have followed an example in a PHP/MySQL book (Welling and Thomson) and created a simple form to update a DVD collection. Right now I just have a form started and am just trying to get it to INSERT records into my database. It is making a connection to the database, but it returns my Error stating that the record could not be added. While all of my code is very basic,I am just trying to get an understanding as to how it is working... I have looked in MySQL through command prompt and the database exists, but records are not being added. I can add records to the table through CMD prompt. I will post my code for the database and my two php files for inserting records. Database: create database movie_info; use movie_info; create table movies (movieid int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, title char(50) not null, movieyear char(4) not null, genre char(25) not null, subgenre char(25), director char(30), actor1 char(30), actor2 char(30), actor3 char(30), discs char(2), season char(2), comments char(200) ); Form: function input_form(){ ?> <form method="post" action="insert_movie.php"> <table bgcolor="#cccccc"> <tr> <td colspan="2">Enter a new DVD:</td> <tr> <td>Title:</td> <td><input type="text" name="title"/></td></tr> <tr> <td>Year:</td> <td><input type="text" name="year"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Genre:</td> <td><input type="text" name="genre"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Sub-Genre:</td> <td><input type="text" name="subgenre"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Director:</td> <td><input type="text" name="director"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Actor:</td> <td><input type="text" name="actor1"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Actor:</td> <td><input type="text" name="actor2"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Actor:</td> <td><input type="text" name="actor3"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Number of discs:</td> <td><input type="text" name="discs"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Season:</td> <td><input type="text" name="season"/></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td>Comments:</td> <td><input type="text" name="comments"/></td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/></td></tr> <tr> </table></form> <?php } and the INSERT code: <?php require_once('movie_functions.php'); //require_once('db_functions.php'); do_html_header('Moviebase'); @$title = $_POST['title']; @$year = $_POST['year']; @$genre = $_POST['genre']; @$subgenre = $_POST['subgenre']; @$director = $_POST['director']; @$actor1 = $_POST['actor1']; @$actor2 = $_POST['actor2']; @$actor3 = $_POST['actor3']; @$discs = $_POST['discs']; @$season = $_POST['season']; @$comments = $_POST['comments']; if (!$title || !$year || !$genre) { echo "You have not entered all of the required details. <br />" ."Please go back and try again.<br /><br />" ."<a href='movies.php'>Go Back</a>"; exit; } @$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '********', 'movie_info'); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Error: Could not connect to database. Please try again later."; exit; } $query = "INSERT INTO movies VALUES (NULL, '".$title."', '".$year."', '".$genre."', '".$subgenre."', '".$director."', '".$actor1."', '".$actor2."', '".$actor3."', '".$discs."', '".$season."', '".$comments."')"; $result = $db->query($query); if ($result) { echo $db->affected_rows." has been inserted into the database."; //input_form(); } else { echo "An error has occurred. The item was not added."; //for testing echo "<br />Result: ".$result; echo "<br />".$title; echo "<br />".$year; echo "<br />".$genre; echo "<br />".$subgenre; echo "<br />".$director; echo "<br />".$actor1; echo "<br />".$actor2; echo "<br />".$actor3; echo "<br />".$discs; echo "<br />".$season; echo "<br />".$comments; //input_form(); } $db->close(); footer(); ?> This all will return all variable values (except $result), so it seems like $result is empty. Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
  19. I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm creating an application in PHP and am using a SQL server database on my local computer to develop the application. The only problem is I cannot connect to the database. My code looks like <?php $serverName = "LIAMJAY-PC\SQLEXPRESS"; //serverName\instanceName $connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"ONEDB"); $conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo); if( $conn ) { echo "Connection established.<br />"; }else{ echo "Connection could not be established.<br />"; die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } ?> to connect to the database. However, everytime I run the code I keep getting a 18456 error code. Does anybody know what my problem is and if so, what is the solution???
  20. Hi guys, I'm kinda new to PHP, and I started with developing a site. Now I've a piece of code (check below), it is suppost to edit a page in the database, but the output is "Error updating database1: Unknown column 'title' in 'field list'". But, the column exist! All variables are set, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I hope you guys can help me. Code: $query_update = "UPDATE `pagina` SET `title` = '".addslashes($title)."', `korting`='".$korting."', `volg`='".$volg."', `product` = '".$product."',`product_id`='".$product_id."', `visible` = '".$visible."', `metadescription` = '".addslashes($metadescription)."', `url` = '".$url."', `content` = '".addslashes($content)."', `headerpicture`='".addslashes($headerpicture)."',`picture`='".addslashes($picture)."', form_id = '".$form_id."',`related`='".$related_string."', `datum` = NOW() WHERE `id` = '".$id."'"; mysql_query($query_update)or die('Error updating database1: '.mysql_error()); Column: Greetzz iRoot121.
  21. I have an SQL query that inserts data into my database. I'm trying to use the mysql function STDDEV_SAMP(), and it doesn't appear to work. Here it is: $query = "INSERT INTO table (percent, deviation) VALUES ($percent, STDDEV_SAMP(percent))"; I've searched around to see if anyone has used Aggregate functions in an INSERT INTO query, but I haven't found anything that has helped me yet. Note that this is sample code that I'm using to display my problem.
  22. My table 'guess': id (int) | user_id (int) | logo_id (int) | guess (varchar) | guess_count (int) | guessed (int) id is unique, unique relation between user_id & logo_id When a user visits the site, a user is made in a 'users' table (so there's a new user_id). The user can then play with this user_id. When the user logs in, the current scores/guesses/... should be transferred to the user_id of the logged in-account. How do I get this done? To clarify: there are two user_id's in play - the user_id from the registered (logged in) user, and the user_id from the session (not logged in). I will refer to these as user_id_login and user_id_session. So, if a row of user_id_login has a guessed = 1 (this int is 0/1. 1 means guessed, 0 means not guessed) for certain logo_id, a row with that logo_id and the user_id_session should be completely ignored. If a row of user_id_login = 0 for certain logo_id exists, the values 'guess_count', 'guessed' and 'guess' of the row with the same logo_id and with user_id_session should be added (for guess_count) or stored (guessed & guess). If a row with user_id_session for certain logo_id exists and hasn't been checked in one of the previous, the user_id of this should be changed from user_id_session to user_id_login. Now how I currently would think about doing this, is check the table for the user_id_login where guessed = 1. For each result, then do a query to check if there is a user_id_session with that logo_id and remove them. Next, check the table for the user_id_login with guessed = 0. For each result, then check if there is a user_id_session with the same logo_id and add those values, then delete that row. And at last, a query to check all the leftover user_id_session and change the id to user_id_login. As you can see, this is dozens of query's, so there must be a better way
  23. SELECT verifierId, email, notes, docId, CASE WHEN tot0 = totdocs THEN 'Pending' WHEN tot1 = totdocs THEN 'Approved' WHEN tot2 = totdocs THEN 'Declined' WHEN tot3 = totdocs THEN 'Incomplete' ELSE 'Ongoing' END as status FROM ( SELECT v.verifierId, v.email , v.notes, d.docId, SUM(IF(f.fileStatus=2,1,2)) as tot2, SUM(IF(f.fileStatus=0,1,0)) as tot0, SUM(IF(f.fileStatus=1,1,0)) as tot1, SUM(IF(f.fileStatus=0,2,1)) as tot3, COUNT(f.fileId) as totdocs FROM verifier as v JOIN docs as d ON v.verifierId = d.verifierId JOIN docfiles as f ON d.docId=f.docId GROUP BY v.verifierId, d.docId ORDER BY v.date DESC ) as tots -----[by the help OF BARAND]---- this is query and its working fine, when I add WHERE totdocs = tot2 .... or WHERE totodocs = tot1 its fine and I still get what I need, BUT when it comes to this: WHERE totdocs = tot3 it shows all the record, all I want is the "INCOMPLETE" record only. . By the way, using tot3 and the CASE WHEN it is fine to show the "INCOMPLETE" record, it is when I make a "WHERE totdocs = tot3" statement I got a problem. . Anyone can explain to me why?
  24. Hi all, Today I switched servers. I got a Hostgator Basic Dedicated server, and their migration team moved everything over for my website - including the MySQL database - from their congested shared servers to my new one. I went to my registrar and changed the DNS entries to point to the new private nameservers. Accessed the CPanel, saw the files, was able to modify them and see the changes at the url level. All looked good. Now, here's what's weird: SOME of the pages of my site run the MySQL queries just fine. Some do not. For example, I have a page called "kids rugs" that shows a few hundred rugs pulled straight from my database. Each shows the photo, the name, and the price. But when you click on an individual rug, and it takes you to the detail page? NO data of any kind is showed (no photo, no description, no price, etc...) The second page is running the same type of query as the first. It's a SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE category = 'rugs'. The table is the same, the database is the same, and the connection script is the same. But one page shows results from the inquiry where the other does not. There are lots of other pages on my site that refuse to run MySQL inquires as well. These were all inquiries that worked flawlessly on the old shared server, but don't work on the new dedicated one (both servers are Linux). My question is this: Do you think this has anything to do with DNS, non-propagation, etc? I'm tempted to say "oh, this will resolve itself in 24-48 hours", but then again, it doesn't make much sense that a MySQL query would connect and work correctly on one page, and not show any results on others. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for the help!
  25. Hi all, Im trying to populate a drop down list from a php table but for some reason im getting stuck. The table structure is: Table name: Par1AddPatients_dynlist_items Columns: ID, listid, name, value I am trying to populate the list with names and corresponding values from the table, where the list id is ā€˜1ā€™. <select name="ward_list"> <?php $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","username ","password "); if (!$connect) { die("MySQL could not connect!"); } $DB = mysql_select_db('jasperss_par1pats'); if(!$DB) { die("MySQL could not select Database!"); } $ward_list = mysql_query("SELECT name AND value FROM Par1AddPatients_dynlist_items WHERE listid = '1'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($ward_list)){ echo '<option value="'. $row['value'] .'">'. $row['name'] .'</option>'; } ?> </select> At the moment Iā€™m just getting an empty drop-down box. Any ideas where i'm going wrong? Thanks in advance for any help with this, Matt
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