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  1. Here's what I am trying to do. Users Table user_id, sponsor_id, username, filled_positions, position_1, position_2, position_3, position_4, position_5 1 0 user 1 4 user 2 user 3 user 4 user 5 2 1 user 2 2 user 4 user 5 3 1 user 3 4 2 user 4 5 2 user 5 Above is a "Users" table. Here's what I am trying to do. Insert new users into the table. Say I already have the users table set up with 5 users. I want to add User 6. I want to loop through the users in the table and find the next empty position and update it with the new user id. In this scenario diagram above, the next empty position is Row 1 - position_5. The one after that is Row 2 - position_3 and then Row 2 - position_4...etc. It basically loops through rows and checks each position. So User 6 will be placed under Row 1 - position_5 and User 7 will be placed under Row 2 - position_3. How can one go on about doing that?
  2. Hi Guys, I have a JET SQL query that i need to convert to MYSQL (Appologies too if this is posted in the wrong section.. i never know whether to go PHP or MYSQL!) Im not being lazy.. ive tried for hours but cannot get it to work, it has two depth inner join and a group by with a where (with 1 criteria)... If anyone can help id massively appreciate it and also explain how you got there... SELECT Count(tbl_Items.ItemID) AS CountOfItemID, tbl_LU_Collections.CollectionDesc FROM (tbl_Items LEFT JOIN tbl_LU_Categories ON tbl_Items.ItemCategory = tbl_LU_Categories.ItemCatID) LEFT JOIN tbl_LU_Collections ON tbl_LU_Categories.CollectionID = tbl_LU_Collections.CollectionID WHERE (((tbl_Items.RetailProduct)=-1)) GROUP BY tbl_LU_Collections.CollectionDesc;
  3. firstly, I am not a db programmer. I ply my trade in WordPress stuff, but not in-depth db structuring from scratch. please keep that in mind as I do my best to ask this question? I have made some headway creating two tables that I think will almost, kinda do what I want, which is: Phillips pid1Barnes pid2Moore pid3de Mohrenschildt pid4Oswald pid5 Hunt pid6Sturgis pid7Moore pid3 I've created a (really large) outline in html that simply shows, in effect: Phillips (knows) » Barnes (supervised) » Moore (supervised) » de Mohrenschildt (knows) » Oswald ... AS WELL AS, Phillips (knows) » Hunt (knows) » Sturgis (followed, who also knows) » Moore (same, pid3) ... I put Sturgis followed by Moore specifically to show that these relationships are in no way numerically sequential from the ASSOCS table. There will be 4 or 500 Persons, (and 40 or 50 Organizations, once I get this solved). You can see an example of it here (there's lots of data going on in this outline): http://stemmonsfreeway.com/military-industrial-intelligence-anti-castro-syndicated So, I've come up with these tables: [persons] id, name ----------------- 1 Phillips 2 Barnes 3 Moore 4 de Mohrenschildt 5 Oswald 6 Hunt 7 Sturgis [assocs] p_id, a_id ---------------- 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 1 6 6 7 7 3 And I have this query: SELECT a1.p_id, p1.name AS 'Name', a2.p_id, p2.name AS 'FName1', a3.p_id, p3.name AS 'FName2' FROM assocs a1 JOIN assocs a2 ON a1.p_id = a2.a_id JOIN assocs a3 ON a2.p_id = a3.a_id JOIN persons p1 ON a1.p_id = p1.id JOIN persons p2 ON a2.p_id = p2.id JOIN persons p3 ON a3.p_id = p3.id WHERE p1.id = 1 AND p2.id = 2 AND p3.id = 3;which returns: 1 Phillips 2 Barnes 3 Moore *** The problem I have is where a trail ends, Phillips to Oswald, and starts again, Phillips to Hunt to Moore, for instance. *** What I need is a way to define an end to a string of associations and a start of the next one, perhaps with another field or two in the ASSOCS table, or another table... (I'd also love to be able to denote one of a few types of relationships, i.e. "friend" "foe" "supervised" "worked for" ...) *** I'm hoping some kind soul can help me with a query that can do this, and some advice on how to handle it in the tables I've started with...?
  4. Here's what I am trying to do. Retrieve "title" and "slug title" from all the rows in a table. Update them with new "title", "slug title" and "brand name". Here's my query. It updates the table with the brand names for each row. But for some reason, it removes the title and slug title from all the rows in the table. Is there a reason why it's doing that? function getIt($var) { $pos = strpos($var, ' - '); echo(substr($var, $pos+3)."\n"); } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $get_record = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM items"); $get_record->execute(); $result_record = $get_record->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if(count($result_record) > 0){ foreach($result_record as $row) { $get_item_id = intval($row['item_id']); $get_item_title = trim($row['item_title']); $get_item_title_slug = trim($row['item_title_slug']); $new_title = getIt($get_item_title); $new_title_slug = Output::createSlug($new_title); $brand_name = substr($get_item_title, 0, strpos($get_item_title, ' - ')); $update_record = $db->prepare("UPDATE items SET brand_name = :brand_name, item_title = :item_title, item_title_slug = :item_title_slug WHERE item_id = :item_id"); $update_record->bindParam(':item_id', $get_item_id); $update_record->bindParam(':brand_name', $brand_name); $update_record->bindParam(':item_title', $new_title); $update_record->bindParam(':item_title_slug', $new_title_slug); if(!$update_record->execute()) { $errors[] = 'There was a problem updating the item.'; } } } else { $errors[] = 'No item found.'; } }
  5. I would like to simplify my request... here is my query SELECT emp_id, ROUND(SUM((Invoice.invoiceTotal-NewQuote.total)*.30),2) AS thirtypercent, ROUND(SUM(NewQuote.total*.20),2) AS twentypercent FROM `NewQuote` INNER JOIN Invoice ON Invoice.quoteID=NewQuote.quoteID INNER JOIN schedules ON schedules.quoteId=NewQuote.quoteID WHERE (rem=1 OR rem=2) AND (schedules.redo IS NULL) AND invoiceTotal!=0 AND (DATE_FORMAT(date_start, '%m/%d/%Y') >= '07/01/2016') AND ((DATE_FORMAT(date_start, '%m/%d/%Y')<='07/31/2016')) GROUP BY emp_id What im aiming here is this line "AND invoiceTotal!=0" should only be used in getting the thirtypercent and should not be applied in getting the twentypercent. Can you help me on how i can do this? Thank you
  6. Hello, I am doing my best to learn mysql but I still have a lot to learn when queries involve loops or complex syntax. Here's what I would like to achieve: Table 1 includes games played since the beginning of the season (where homeTeamScore or awayTeamScore > 0): Table 2 includes predictions made by users as to which team will win each game (gameId in T2 = id in T1): The following query lets me know how many games have been played since the beginning of the season: $query = "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM " . SPORTS_BOL_GameDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " WHERE SeasonID = " . $seasonId . " AND (homeTeamScore > 0 OR awayTeamScore > 0) ORDER BY gametime DESC"; $totalGames = $this->dbo->queryForColumn($query); And this one how many predictions each user has registered: $query = "SELECT COUNT(`g`.`id`) FROM " . SPORTS_BOL_GameDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " g INNER JOIN " . SPORTS_BOL_PredictionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " p ON g.id = p.gameId WHERE g.SeasonID = " . $seasonId . " AND (g.homeTeamScore > 0 OR g.awayTeamScore > 0) AND p.userId = " . $point['userId'] . " ORDER BY g.gametime DESC"; $totalPreds = $this->dbo->queryForColumn($query); First question: how could I combine these two queries into one and get the total number of missing predictions for each user? As an example, if 89 games have been played and user has registered 70 predictions, I would like to get "19" out of the query. Second question, more complex (at least to me!): what would the query look like if I wanted to know how many consecutive games has each user missed since their last prediction? As an example, if my last prediction was registered on gameId "460" and 4 more games have been played since then (id 468, 469, 470 and 471), I would like to get "4" out of the query. Hope this makes sense and is easy to understand! Thank you very much for your support!
  7. So i made a login page, but whenever i enter right, wrong, or no password at all, it always displays wrong password. I've been trying to fix it for hours, but I just can't seem to find the error. It's like it's skipping if the password is right statement and goes straight through the else statment. <?php $connection = mysql_connect("com-db-02.student-cit.local","***","***") or die (mysql_error()); if ($connection) echo "Connection successful"; else echo "Connection failed"; $db = mysql_select_db("TEAM20") or die (mysql_error()); ?> <?php $_SESSION['customeremail'] = $_POST['user']; $_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password']; function signIn() { session_start(); if(!empty($_POST['user'])) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customer where customeremail = '$_POST[user]' AND password = '$_POST[password]'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); if(!empty($row['customeremail']) AND !empty($row['password'])) { $_SESSION['customeremail'] = $row['customeremail']; getCustDetails(); echo "Successfully login to user profile page.."; echo "<a href=userlogin.php>Profile</a>"; } else { echo "Sorry... YOU ENTERED WRONG ID AND PASSWORD"; echo "<a href=login.html>Try Again</a>"; } } } function getCustDetails() { $queryId = mysql_query("SELECT customerID, firstname FROM Customer WHERE customeremail = '$_POST[user]'"); while($rowId = mysql_fetch_array($queryId)) { $_SESSION['customerID'] = $rowId['customerID']; $_SESSION['firstname'] = $rowId['firstname']; } echo "Code: ".$_SESSION['customerID']; echo "Name: ".$_SESSION['firstname']; } if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { signIn(); } ?>
  8. Hi Mate, i need help with my mysql query.. SELECT * FROM `schedules` WHERE `clientID`=''; it doesn't select any values having an empty clientID... there are rows on my database that i need to select that has an empty clientID and using this statement does not return any value... but if i use `clientID`!='' it works fine, it returns all the data having clientID. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Neil
  9. I'm currently using a external module from an opencart vendor on my opencart store, however I keep getting a error stating mysql has gone away. Thinking this might be an issue with the mysql wait time setting I contacted my server support team and asked them to investigate, below is there answer. I'm struggling to understand exactly why the query is so badly designed as stated below, any advice on the subject would be greatly appreciated
  10. Hello I have a database with matches for Championship and want to display a list of upcoming matches and average number of goals in matches for each of the teams from last 5 matches that they were involved in. E.g. SELECT ko_time, home, away FROM matches_table WHERE ko_time = TODAY will give me something like this. 15:00 Blackburn Rovers Charlton Athletic 15:00 Brentford Preston North End 15:00 Bristol City Reading 15:00 Huddersfield Town Bolton Wanderers 15:00 Hull City Queens Park Rangers Now, I know how to calculate an average number of goals for one team from their last 5 matches e.g. SELECT AVG(home_score + away_score) FROM matches_table WHERE home = "Brentford" or away = "Brentford" ORDER BY match_date DESC LIMIT 5 This will give me average number of goals from 5 last matches of Brentford. Now, I'm not sure how to combine these two queries and have the averages calculated for all teams and displayed like below: 15:00 Blackburn Rovers Charlton Athletic 2.3 2.4 15:00 Brentford Preston North End 1.4 2.3 15:00 Bristol City Reading 2.6 0.9 15:00 Huddersfield Town Bolton Wanderers 3.6 1 15:00 Hull City Queens Park Rangers 0.8 1.65 The table contains all matches - played and fixtures, which are updated once finished. Has anyone got any ideas? Thank you Attached link to db Database
  11. Good evening, I am working on a query at my office that is joining multiple tables in order to display a User notification (similar to facebook). The notifications are based on user department, access level, and position. I want to display all of the announcements filtered for the user that is in the CWAnnouncement table and the NotificationArchive Table where the NotificationArchive.Active is equal to 1 or if they have not made an entry in the NotificationArchive table. If NotificationArchive.Active is equal to 0 then I do not want it to show up in the query results. So far the user filter works but I am having trouble display the results based on who the user is and whether or not they have an announcement in the NotificationArchive table. I hope this make sense. Help would be greatly appreciated this will be my first major project for this company and I want to do a good job for them. Thanks, SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY StartDate DESC) AS 'Rownumber', dbo."User".USERID, CWNotifications.* FROM dbo."User" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT dbo.CWAnnouncements.AnnouncementID, dbo.CWAnnouncements.Title, dbo.CWAnnouncements.Message, dbo.CWAnnouncements.StartDate, dbo.CWAnnouncements.EndDate, dbo.CWAnnouncements.AllStaff, dbo.CWAnnouncements.MGR, dbo.CWAnnouncements.L504, dbo.CWAnnouncements.AdminSupport, dbo.CWAnnouncements.EXP, dbo.CWAnnouncements.IT, dbo.CWAnnouncements.Legal, dbo.CWAnnouncements.PSA, dbo.CWAnnouncements.SRV, dbo.CWAnnouncements.QC, dbo.CWAnnouncements.Active, dbo.CWAnnouncements.UserID, dbo.CWAnnouncements.LS, dbo.CWAnnouncements.LSA, dbo.CWAnnouncements.FileRoom, dbo.CWAnnouncements.Collateral, NotificationArchive.NotificationID, NotificationArchive.Active AS ActiveNote FROM dbo.CWAnnouncements Left JOIN dbo.NotificationArchive ON dbo.CWAnnouncements.AnnouncementID=dbo.NotificationArchive.AnnouncementID WHERE (dbo.NotificationArchive.UserID='#GetAuthUser()#' AND dbo.CWAnnouncements.Active=1 AND dbo.NotificationArchive.UserID IS NULL) OR dbo.CWAnnouncements.UserID='#GetAuthUser()#' AND dbo.NotificationArchive.UserID='#GetAuthUser()#' AND dbo.CWAnnouncements.Active=1 AND dbo.NotificationArchive.Active = 1 ) CWNotifications ON (dbo."User".MGR>=CWNotifications.MGR AND CWNotifications.MGR >=1 OR dbo."User".QC>=CWNotifications.QC AND CWNotifications.QC >=1 OR dbo."User".IT>=CWNotifications.IT AND CWNotifications.IT >=1 OR Dbo."User".LEG>=CWNotifications.Legal AND CWNotifications.Legal >1 OR (dbo."User".AdminSupport=CWNotifications.AdminSupport AND CWNotifications.AdminSupport = 1 OR dbo."User".Fileroom=CWNotifications.Fileroom AND CWNotifications.Fileroom = 1 OR dbo."User".Collateral=CWNotifications.Collateral AND CWNotifications.Collateral = 1) OR (dbo."User".L504>=CWNotifications.L504 AND CWNotifications.L504 >= 1 or dbo."User".EXP>=CWNotifications.EXP AND CWNotifications.EXP >= 1 or dbo."User".SRV>=CWNotifications.SRV AND CWNotifications.SRV >= 1 or dbo."User".PSA>=CWNotifications.PSA AND CWNotifications.PSA >= 1) AND (dbo."User".LS=CWNotifications.LS AND CWNotifications.LS = 1 OR dbo."User".LSA=CWNotifications.LSA AND CWNotifications.LSA = 1) OR CWNotifications.AllStaff=1) AND CWNotifications.Active=1 WHERE (dbo."user".USERID='#GetAuthUser()#') ORDER BY StartDate DESC
  12. Hi look for some help with querying based on todays date. I'm trying to count all the entries in the database based on username, status, date. The date bit is where I' stuck (see screen shot of database) Based on data in database I should get a count of 3 but get nothing?? The result I get is 0 and should be 3 based on date Any help would be a great help Cheers Chris //date bit $d=strtotime("today"); $wholedate2 = date("Y-m-d", $d); //query $query_rsUser = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM quotes WHERE quotes.quote_user = 'username' AND quotes.quote_complete = '$date2' AND quotes.quote_status = 'Complete'";
  13. I want to be able to check whether values exist in the php array without having to click the submit button to do those checks using jquery/ajax. when users enter an abbreviation in the text field want to be able to show that the brand exists (either vw or tyta) or not (as they type in the input box) and show the results in the carnamestatus div. I was following a tutorial from youtube, however it queried against a mysql database. I was wondering if this is possible using php arrays instead of mysql? I would be grateful if you could pick any faults in the code. The jquery is in the head section. the rest of the code is as follows: <?php $car = array() $car["vw"] = array( "name" => "volkswagen"); $car["tyta"] = array( "name => "toyota"); ?> the html code is as follows: <label for="carname">Car Code:</label> <input type="text" onblur="checkcar()" value="" id="carname" /> <div id="carnamestatus"></div> the checkcar() function checkcar(){ var u = _("carname").value; if(u != ""){ _("carname").innerHTML = 'checking ...'; var B = new XMLHttpRequest(); B.open("POST","check.php",true); / B.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); B.onreadystatechange = function() { if(B.readyState==4 && B.status== 200) { _("carnamestatus").innerHTML = B.responseText; } } var v = "carnamecheck="+u; B.send(v); } } </script>
  14. I have a question about how I would structure a query. I have 2 tables. Store store_id -- primary key zip_code Merchandise item_id -- primary key item_name description cost storeID -- foreign key that references the store_id from the store. I am using InnoDB. I want the user to be able to input 1-5 choices that are 1 word apiece and it would cross reference the decription and tell me the store that has them both. For instance, choice 1 = clock, choice 2 = paper, and choice 3 = food. It would query a result that would give me the stores that have items that match the description of them all. For instance, it would return Wal - Mart based on this query because it would be the only store that had an item to match each description. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
  15. I have users who signed up for an email list and there is a table of them and the join date is in unix timestamp. I do not care about the date, only the time they signed up. I am putting together code to be run on cron to decide who gets emailed. It will be run probably every hour. When it runs the first thing I need it to do is select all users who from the current time through the next hour registered. This way I can then email people around the time they initially joined my site. Here is what I have: //$input is the minutes range (which will be most likely an hour so this variable should be 60) function to_email($input) { require_once('dbconnect.php'); $cur_hours = date('H'); $cur_minutes = date('i'); $cur_seconds = ($cur_minutes + ($cur_hours * 60)) * 60; $end_seconds = $input * 60; $end_seconds = $cur_seconds + $end_seconds; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usertable WHERE " . $cur_seconds . " <= (HOUR(opt_time)*60*60) + (MINUTE(opt_time)*60) + SECOND(opt_time) AND '" . $end_seconds . " > (HOUR(opt_time)*60*60) + (MINUTE(opt_time)*60) + SECOND(opt_time)'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); } The php part works as what I think is needed. But the query does not. I am not very good at MySQL queries so don't judge.
  16. Hi, I have a table with the following data: id name hours annual_leave ================================= 1 Chris 10 0 2 Tony 15 0 3 Mark 9 0 4 John 23 0 5 Lee 8 0 What i want to achieve is: If an employee worked 10 hours or more then reward him/her with 1 day annual leave. By default the value of annual_leave is "0". So i find all eligible employees and store their IDs in a table: $eligible = array ( 0 => 1, 1=>2 , 2=>4); id name hours annual_leave ================================= 1 Chris 10 1 2 Tony 15 1 3 Mark 9 0 4 John 23 1 5 Lee 8 0 What i want to do is to create a single UPDATE query that will find all 3 employees and change the annual_leave value from 0 to 1. I can do this easily within the loop i use to create the $eligible table.. But i have the following questions: a) can i use a single UPDATE query to update multiple rows/columns in a table? b) what is better? a single query to update multiple rows/columns or multiple queries that update a single row/column per time c) can i combine PHP and MYSQL to syntax a query? because in case the $eligible array carries 1000 entries i will need to iterate through it using a FOR or WHILE loop.. Any other comments will be appreciated..
  17. Hi everyone, I'm having troubles with query from database. I want to select all from one table and select sum from second table in the same time. Is this possible? Here is my script: $conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'test'); if (!mysqli_set_charset($conn, "utf8")) { printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", mysqli_error($conn)); } $sql = "SELECT first_id, first_name FROM first"; $sql = "SELECT sum(total) as SumTotal FROM second"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); while ($data = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>'.$data['first_id'].'</th>'; echo '<th>'.$data['first_name'].'</th>'; echo '<th>'.$data['SumTotal'].'</th>'; echo '</tr>'; } mysqli_close($conn); Thanks!
  18. This should all be working but I think I might be overlooking something. Problem 1. I am using ajax to process a form. I don't think the problem is with ajax(works with other queries), but rather with php. Here is my simple query. $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM records WHERE request_by = :request_by, request_to = :request_to AND session = :session"); $stmt->bindParam(':request_by', $byUserid); $stmt->bindParam(':request_to', $toUserid); $stmt->bindValue(':session', 1); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if(count($result) > 0) { $success = 'This was successful.'; } else { $error = 'There was a problem.'; } This above query gives me this error. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' request_to = '7' AND session = '1'' at line 1 Problem 2. Say the main page is "index.php" with submit form and I am using ajax via url: process.php. Well on "index.php" page, I have foreach loop that gets me a "$toUserid" for each record. I would like to use that "$toUserid" in "process.php" page. I tried setting it as a session but still it won't give me that exact userid. It'll give me the same userid as the user I am currently logged in. What exactly I am doing wrong and how I can i fix it?
  19. I have a small database snippet over at SQLFiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/9ff722/55 I need help with writing a query that will allow me to track students in a certain cohort from beginning to graduation. I have two tables: application and stu_acad_cred. The application has the start term and the stu_acad_cred are course registrations. If I want to track students in a fall 2012 (12/FA) cohort, then the query must join the two tables; if the student has a start term of 12/FA *and* has registered for 12/FA courses, the student should be counted. I then want to track those student from year to year or term to term to see if the number of students that started in the 12/FA cohort actually decrease overtime. So, the results should return something similar to below. | # Students (12/FA Cohort) | Year | ------------------------------------- | 2 | 2012 | | 2 | 2013 | | 2 | 2014 | I am not sure if this can be done straight forward or with a stored procedure but any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
  20. I am trying to create a simple voting form. Everything goes well until I submit and then I get a Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given on line 79 error. I am assuming it is not pulling the ID correctly but as I am new to php and mysqli I cannot exactly say if it the way the code is written or if I am calling the parameter incorrectly in the query. Again I am new to to this so please be gentle. Below is my code. It pulls the drop down list correctly and echo's correctly but I believe my post query to be a little out of wack. Could someone point me in the correct direction? It would be very appreciated. <form action="businesstype_update.php" method="post"> <?php if(isset($_POST['voteall'])){ $vote_lg = "update membertest where id={$row_lg['id']} set vote=vote+1"; $run_lg = mysqli_query($con, $vote_lg) or die(mysqli_error()); } $result_lg = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, business FROM membertest WHERE businesstype='large'"); echo "Vote for large business of the year! <SELECT name='business'>\n"; echo "<option>Select a large business</option>"; while($row_lg = $result_lg->fetch_assoc()) { echo "<option value='{$row_lg['id']}'>{$row_lg['business']}</option>\n"; } echo "</select></br></br>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='voteall' value='voteall'>"; $result_lg->close(); $con->close();
  21. HI. I have written a mysql database query to add up invoice totals. It seems to be automatilaly adding .01 to the result when I run a group by. Let me explain more .. When I do a select on the field that I am adding up the result is $132.25 - the query is as follows select ttl_invoice_due from 65_it where st_id = 96011; When I run the following query that uses sum and group by - the $132.25 becomes $132.26 - the sum query is SELECT 65_st.job_compid, 65_client.uid_client, 65_client.comp_name, Sum(65_it.ttl_invoice_due) AS SumOftotal_due, Sum(65_it.ttl_invoice) AS SumOftotal_invoice, Sum(65_it.ttl_invoice_payments) AS SumOftotal_amnt_paid FROM 65_client INNER JOIN (65_st INNER JOIN 65_it ON 65_st.st_id = 65_it.st_id) ON 65_client.uid_client = 65_st.uid_client WHERE 65_st.uid_client = 1905 and 65_st.job_compid = 1 and 65_st.sales_date<=curdate() GROUP BY 65_st.job_compid, 65_client.uid_client HAVING (((Sum(65_it.ttl_invoice_due))<>0)) order by 65_client.comp_name; The 65_it.ttl_invoice_due field is defined in the table as Double(12,2) I dont know why the sum is returing $132.26 where it should be $132.25 as in the simple query ?.
  22. So I have a simple query that adds a text record into a MySQL database table. It works great with exception of one thing. I noticed that if I have "&" symbol in my paragraph, the text after that symbol won't be inserted into the table. The text before that symbol will insert fine. It seems to be doing that only with & symbol; other symbols insert and show up fine. can anyone tell me why this is happening?
  23. I'm going to create a web page with <iframe> tag & want that the src of <iframe> change as value of url in query string changes.i.e. mysite.com/?url=google.com then,src of <iframe> should google.com
  24. Hi I am a student who is fairly new to PHP and MySQL. I have been working on creating a registration page for a website and I'm getting the following warnings when I've tested the page: Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/ed12e2w/public_html/COMM2735/dynamic_website/registration.php on line 74 Warning: mysqli_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/ed12e2w/public_html/COMM2735/dynamic_website/registration.php on line 80 I think that my query has failed but I'm not completely sure on what to change in order to solve this. Here is the section of code I'm having problems with: register.php
  25. Is it possible to do this with one query? Tried with union and join but no luck. <?php $query = 'SELECT cashReward, pointsReward FROM pts WHERE signupsAvailable > 0 AND status = "active" AND id = :id'; $select = $db->prepare($query); $select->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $select->execute(); $rowCount = $select->rowCount(); $queryC = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ignored_pts WHERE user = :username AND ptsId = :id'; $selectC = $db->prepare($queryC); $selectC->bindParam(':username', $userInfo['username'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $selectC->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $selectC->execute(); $count = $selectC->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if($rowCount == 1){// PTS // $row = $select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($count == 0){// IGNORED PTS // // ...................... // // INSERT INTO ignored_pts TABLE $row['cashReward'], $row['pointsReward']// // ...................... // print 'PTS IGNORED'; }else{ print 'You have already ignored this PTS!'; } }else{ print 'An invalid PTS was provided!'; } $db = NULL; ?>
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