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I'm looking for a Javascript Book. I'm getting Mastering Regular Expressions where I found it recommended in the forums (later on I saw some examples pages and liked it)


Well, I'm looking for something that helps me on the longrun.


Any recommendations?


Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig (http://www.amazon.com/Pro-JavaScript-Techniques-John-Resig/dp/1590597273/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_b).

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I'm looking for a Javascript Book. I'm getting Mastering Regular Expressions where I found it recommended in the forums (later on I saw some examples pages and liked it)


Well, I'm looking for something that helps me on the longrun.


Any recommendations?


Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig (http://www.amazon.com/Pro-JavaScript-Techniques-John-Resig/dp/1590597273/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_b).


Thanks! I'm going to wait for a bit while other people recommends too, just want to have a various selection (to choose one of course) then place the order

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  • 1 month later...

When I first set out to learn JavaScript, I had two books with me:


1.)  Learning JavaScript by Shelley Powers

2.)  DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model by Jeremy Keith


I found Learning JavaScript too dense so I put it down for awhile and picked up DOM Scripting, and I'm glad I did.

I thought DOM Scripting was very understandable and it also explains JavaScript best practices, such as unobtrusive JavaScript and graceful degradation.


Later on, I went back to Learning JavaScript which helped me understand some of the more advanced uses of JavaScript, such as AJAX.


So, I would recommend starting with DOM Scripting and then moving onto Learning JavaScript.




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  • 5 weeks later...


I'm looking for a Javascript Book. I'm getting Mastering Regular Expressions where I found it recommended in the forums (later on I saw some examples pages and liked it)


Well, I'm looking for something that helps me on the longrun.


Any recommendations?


Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig (http://www.amazon.com/Pro-JavaScript-Techniques-John-Resig/dp/1590597273/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_b).




The site says that this is a legal download.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I started trying to read Javascript the Good Parts last night.  The guy who wrote it seems to have an incredibly deep understanding of the subject material.  Unfortunately, it is written in a heavily jargonized fashion  and is sparing with examples.  Another thing I didn't like was the author's use of railroad tracks in order to explain legal syntax.  Of course, I'm the least visual person in the world.  If you're an engineer who likes looking at circuit boards, then this book is probably great for you.  If you like lots of concrete examples and to be frequently reminded of stuff...then def not!  There's a copy online here: https://www.hasustorm.com/books/English/OReilly.JavaScript.The.Good.Parts.May.2008.chm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try Javascript the definitive guide from O'Reilly


There are alot of so called 'professionals' writing really bad books about Javascript. Javascript the definitive guide is not one of them. This is one of the best books you can read when starting out with javascript, or just getting more in-depth with it. The author goes into the internals of how exactly javascript works and it is definitely a must for any programmers library.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started trying to read Javascript the Good Parts last night.  The guy who wrote it seems to have an incredibly deep understanding of the subject material.  Unfortunately, it is written in a heavily jargonized fashion  and is sparing with examples.  Another thing I didn't like was the author's use of railroad tracks in order to explain legal syntax.  Of course, I'm the least visual person in the world.  If you're an engineer who likes looking at circuit boards, then this book is probably great for you.  If you like lots of concrete examples and to be frequently reminded of stuff...then def not!  There's a copy online here: https://www.hasustorm.com/books/English/OReilly.JavaScript.The.Good.Parts.May.2008.chm


You got a re-up on that link?



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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...


I started trying to read Javascript the Good Parts last night.  The guy who wrote it seems to have an incredibly deep understanding of the subject material.  Unfortunately, it is written in a heavily jargonized fashion  and is sparing with examples.  Another thing I didn't like was the author's use of railroad tracks in order to explain legal syntax.  Of course, I'm the least visual person in the world.  If you're an engineer who likes looking at circuit boards, then this book is probably great for you.  If you like lots of concrete examples and to be frequently reminded of stuff...then def not!  There's a copy online here: https://www.hasustorm.com/books/English/OReilly.JavaScript.The.Good.Parts.May.2008.chm


You got a re-up on that link?



Was Doug Crockford the author of this book? I watched this video with the title "Javascript the Good Parts" which is presented by Doug crockford. Maybe others will find this video usefull, beware though it's a long one.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I started trying to read Javascript the Good Parts last night.  The guy who wrote it seems to have an incredibly deep understanding of the subject material.  Unfortunately, it is written in a heavily jargonized fashion  and is sparing with examples.  Another thing I didn't like was the author's use of railroad tracks in order to explain legal syntax.  Of course, I'm the least visual person in the world.  If you're an engineer who likes looking at circuit boards, then this book is probably great for you.  If you like lots of concrete examples and to be frequently reminded of stuff...then def not!  There's a copy online here: https://www.hasustorm.com/books/English/OReilly.JavaScript.The.Good.Parts.May.2008.chm



Thanks for this link................. :)

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I read three javascript/ajax books trying to learn it.  I stumbled through them (I'm much more familiar with php, and the client side was new to me.)


Then as I was researching a problem I was having I couldn't avoid the jQuery library, so I got jQuery: Novice to Ninja by Earle Castledine and Craig Sharkie.  Lots of examples (although in a few spots they aren't consistent with class names across scaffolding examples, but I found that it just keeps me on my toes:)  They are corrected on the sitepoint website) and most importantly, it's constructed in a case-study fashion where an imaginary customer wants X done to the site; now they like that idea and want Y done next, and so on.

    In that fashion, they introduce you to the jQuery library and get you thinking in jQuery while building on "real life" examples.


By the time I hit chapter 3 I felt like I had completely wasted my time with the javascript/AJAX books and should've just gone to this one first. 

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  • 3 months later...

I would also recommend jQuery in Action - if you're getting into Javascript - jQuery has a very nice platform for you to work with.  Of course you'll need to know Javascript basics - but jQuery really helps enhance your site with a toolbox of excellent functions.



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