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anybody heard of it? More importantly, anybody beta testing it right now? Thoughts?


I signed up for the beta test because it looks interesting.  I'm always on the lookout when it comes to computer/internet UI's.  I was just thinking how cool it might be to couple this with a tablet pc or those new all-in-one touchscreen computers...

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I signed up for the beta as well. Although I'm not testing.


It would be a rather interesting UI to mess with, coupled with the speculative "iTouch" (w/e it's called) of course.


Thanks for sharing. Looks really cool. Demo video was pretty cool.

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Here is how I organize my desktop: Put a shitload of files there. When there are too many I'll create an empty folder and put it all in there. Then I'll start over. It's a mess.


You are definitely not alone in that....  But, I only have 1 icon on my desktop when it doesn't have random stuff on it...  And that's a shortcut to what I call my 'FileBase'.

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Here is how I organize my desktop: Put a shitload of files there. When there are too many I'll create an empty folder and put it all in there. Then I'll start over. It's a mess.


Thats my situation as well, but the real question is...do you know where everything is?


If I organized my stuff, I'd be a mess... :P

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Here is how I organize my desktop: Put a shitload of files there. When there are too many I'll create an empty folder and put it all in there. Then I'll start over. It's a mess.


Thats my situation as well, but the real question is...do you know where everything is?


If I organized my stuff, I'd be a mess... :P


Actually, the things I "archive" in those new folders are virtually never used. I could've probably just deleted it instead.

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  • 3 months later...

Eh... even overlooking the many bugs I'm facing (got to love closed beta :P), it's kind of...blah.  It doesn't really offer any more functionality than having icons set to freely drag and drop on a normal desktop.  "Piles" are pretty much the same thing as folders, which makes no sense because you can turn around and "folderize" a pile, which makes it pretty much the same thing as a pile.  I guess it's like...making a folder inside a folder for like, the hell of it. 


You can spread out piles like a deck of cards, or make it like a book that you can use the mouse wheel to flip pages.  You can make sticky notes.


Overall, it was fun to throw stuff around for about 5m but as far as functionality goes...it doesn't really bring anything new to the table, except being able to make your icons larger or smaller.  I'm pretty disappointed :/

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Oh and another thing I don't like about beta testing it is that it's not like a regular program that you can just exit out of into a stable environment, like a game or browser or program or something.  It needs some kind of turn off or exit button or something.  I finally gave up and uninstalled it.  It's pretty easy to install (only like 17mb, fully automated, no restart required, etc...) so I'll probably re-install it on a weekly basis or whenever they report major bug fixes/features or whatever.


oh and p.s.- meant to say in prev post (mostly to Dan) that it does not currently run on linux/mac.

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I have a nasty habit of placing a lot of crap on my desktop. When I've accumulated enough items then I'll create a new folder (on the desktop!) and place those things in it. Then everything repeats.


Haha yeah that's  kind of what I do.  I have things copied, downloaded, unzipped, etc.. all to my desktop and things eventually get thrown into a "stuff" folder.  I don't really have multiple "stuff" folders, just the one. 

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