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More Web Site Stats

The Little Guy

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I have a web stats web site where a user can track all sorts of information about their web site. The following things that I currently track are as follows:


- Browser Type

- Country Types

- Display Resolution

- Hourly Stats

- Languages Types

- Operating Systems

- Overall Views

- Page Popularity

- Week Day Stats


If you were someone who wanted to use my service, what other stats would you like to see? I would like to add more to the list, but I am not 100% sure what other things to give stats about. Any help would be GREAT!

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i wouldn't mind knowing the number of users who were eating a sandwich while browsing my site.


That could come in handy.


absolutely.  if google ads can't figure it out, then i'd like a stats program that can, so i can offer them their favourite condiments at reduced cost.

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the number of times chuck norris visits the site.


Hey. I found something really funny today!


Go to google.com and type in "Find Chuck Norris" - then click on "I'm feeling lucky."


....  ;D:D;D ...


Make sure that users can change the timezone they are in. It's hard to understand why your webpage would be most popular at 2 a.m when the timezone is different.... I hope that makes sense!

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the number of times chuck norris visits the site.


Hey. I found something really funny today!


Go to google.com and type in "Find Chuck Norris" - then click on "I'm feeling lucky."


....  ;D:D;D ...


Make sure that users can change the timezone they are in. It's hard to understand why your webpage would be most popular at 2 a.m when the timezone is different.... I hope that makes sense!


That is Fcku Funny

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the number of times chuck norris visits the site.


Hey. I found something really funny today!


Go to google.com and type in "Find Chuck Norris" - then click on "I'm feeling lucky."


....  ;D:D;D ...


Make sure that users can change the timezone they are in. It's hard to understand why your webpage would be most popular at 2 a.m when the timezone is different.... I hope that makes sense!


Those were great! but lets stay on topic please...


Someone open a "Chuck Norris" thread, but wait only Chuck Norris can open a Chuck Norris thread

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